
Master of Element and Rules, Conquerer of Worlds

Learning soon his parents will disappear, Ryker Amirex is given a choice, to be the strongest person in the world in a short time but he will never get to take the next step of cultivation again, or choose a harder path, where he needed to suffer first before he could even take the first step in cultivating, but he can suppress others in the world. Choosing the later, Ryker must undergoes deadly trials and faces powerful enemies, as he grow strong enough to learn the secret his parents keep. For the sake of his younger siblings and his loved one, he will face every hardship. But, Rohuka is not the only world out there. - "Why do you try to set me up with another women??!!" "It's for the sake of our bloodline," "They really like you, big brother," "Besides, someone like can never have enough women, or wives for that matter," "The more lovers you have, the more nephews and nieces we would have too," "Yes/ Yeah/ Agree/ True/ Totally/ That would be great/ Only the best for big bro/ Absolutely." "I want more big sister." "Et tu?"

Keeper_of_Time · ファンタジー
473 Chs

Tashirn Becoming a Spirit Giant Tiger

 As Ryker kept watch on them, while playing with Brea's body, the slave moaning erotically, he stopped, as he felt the trio already reached their limit.

 He stopped playing with the slave's body before throwing her clothes back at her, Brea reluctantly wearing them. After the slave wore the clothes, he opened the portal and made Brea enter it.

 But not before he spanked her again, with a look telling her that she would get more in the night.

 As of now, he needs to make sure the trio of Mashia, Eris, and Myna will breakthrough with almost no problem.

 He sensed their Inner Realm. He spotted no problem with their Inner Realm as of yet but one could never be too sure.

 As Ryker kept his watch, he soon saw the changes happening, the sigh the trio was about to breakthrough. Watching it with a hint of nervousness, he hopes it will go well.

 A few minutes later, the trio soon breakthrough, through their Genesis Foundation and transformed into Core, the sign of a successful breakthrough. As the trio woke up from their cultivation, Ryker smiled at them.

 "Stabilized your cultivation first. After that, enter the Hidden Ancient Mansion," he ordered. Feeling slightly confused, nevertheless, they listened to it. After all, there must be reason for it.


 As the trio entered the Hidden Ancient Mansion, he proceeded to pay attention to the remaining two, Hylla and Tashirn. 

 With Hylla breaking through the Genesis Lake and Tashirn evolving into a Spirit Beast, the two will be the ones in most danger during their breakthrough, Tashirn especially.

 Watching his lover, he could feel the sign of the Source becoming a Spring. He used his Soul Sense to determine if there is enough energy to help them breakthrough.

 After being satisfied with the energy reserve remaining, he sat at a nearby boulder, watching with trepidation at the two and the other beings outside the cover he provided them.

 While they are scared of silhouettes, it seems they could tell it could not last much longer, the reason why they remained in the area.

 He hoped their breakthrough, Tashirn especially, would be successful.


 Another 5 hours passed. Ryker glanced at the silhouette with worry. He could tell that it could only hold on for 6 more hours, maybe even less.

 However, with the two in the most vital part of their breakthrough, moving them will be fatal. He keeps an eye on them. In the worst-case scenario, he could always take another one of the Remnant Power he has, though it would be a waste to use one more at the moment.

 As he thought about it, he sensed Hylla breaking through. He watched with great excitement as the last of his lovers was about to breakthrough and joined in the rank of high-tier Genesis Grand realm expert.

 He observed the gray-haired woman as her Source transformed into a Spring, the Qi Spring inside her refining and storing the qi she formed.

 As Hylla opened her eyes, Ryker ordered her immediately, "Stabilize your cultivation and then enter the Hidden Ancient Mansion," he didn't know how many times he had repeated the sentence by now but it was a must so she realized the urgency of the situation.

 Thankfully, she realized it from the tone he used and proceeded to stabilize her cultivation. Only then did he allow her to enter the Hidden Ancient Mansion. After all, he did not want her to suffer just because he was being impatient.

 Now, that leaves the last one, Tashirn.


 As he waited for the Giant Tiger to ascend and become a Spirit Beast, he started to become restless. After all, there was only one hour left before the Remnant Power dissipated, and he did not want to think what the beings outside would do if they realized the treasure trove beside him.

 'What taking her so long?' he could not help but complain besides knowing himself that cultivation, especially during a breakthrough is a long and delicate process, especially during the later stage.

 One mistake could lead to either crippling or death. And he did not want such fate for Tashirn despite how short the time he had spent with the Giant Tiger.

 He pondered on whether he should use the Remnant Power he had taken out or not, one that he took after sending Hylla into the Hidden Ancient Mansion. He played with the crystal while hoping he would not have to use it.

 After all, it is reserved for emergencies, and he has only 4 left, the one in his hand included. As he watched the Giant Tiger, he soon felt the area around Tashirn beaming with energy.

 He watched with delight as the Giant Tiger roared, its skin seemed to undergo a transformation. He kept a close eye, not only to make sure nothing went wrong but to observe a beast transformation from the Genesis Beast to Spirit Beast.

 He observed as Tashirn's skin seemed to expand before exploding, the fur replaced with white and black fur, the aura it let out seemingly alive.

 The Giant Tiger also began to grow larger and larger, the beast almost doubled its previous size. As it grew to a certain level, it stopped, as its fur burned in white fire.

 Soon, the beast curled in itself once more before she opened her eyes and roared, making the area tremble.

 Ryker could feel the changes as the might Tashirn let out is far superior to before, something a True Spirit Beast could do.

 "Looks like you breakthrough, Tashirn," Ryker said while observing the changes the beast for through.

 Aside from the difference in size, the color of the fur also changed, from orange and black to white and black, almost similar to the White Tiger in legends that he had read about.

 The fur also seemed to light up with white fire, though it did not emit heat. At least for now. He knew that the fire could be dangerous but how, he will find out when Tashirn fights.

 However, with her just breaking through, it will take some time to stabilize her cultivation, and he doesn't think they have that much time. Instead, he decided to utilize the Remnant Power.

 Manipulating the Remnant Power, he ordered the remaining energy to be infused inside Tashirn. While it normally be dangerous for her, with the energy of the Remnant Power being exhausted, the only damage it could do would be to make her exhausted after using the Remnant Energy.

In fact, if she used it for a brief moment, the remnant energy would help her cultivation improve as long as she rested and absorbed it after a while.

 With the sudden power up, Tashirn roared as Ryker sat on her back. The Spirit Giant Tiger charged toward the gathering beasts and cultivators, prompting them to scatter like birds being chased by cats.

 Not caring for the pests, Tashirn ran towards the deeper part of the Agarsi Forest.