
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · 映画
793 Chs

Chapter 588: Has the Patronus evolved? (Edited)

After breakfast amidst a lot of noise, Fish and Hermione left the castle and headed for the Forbidden Forest.

"Is Minerva really not going to be that happy nya?".


Fish asked along the way, still unsure.

Hermione laughed bitterly and explained to Fish, "Of course Minerva will be happy when you give her a present, but even if Minerva is happy, it won't be as obvious as in Ron's case... When have you ever seen her dance and scream?"

"That's true... Minerva only screams when she has a tantrum, and I've never seen dancing..."

Fish lowered his head for a moment, and nodded his head at the statement, nodding his head to stop spinning it.

As they talked, they wandered into the forbidden forest.

In order not to make too much noise, Hermione suggested going a little further into the Forbidden Forest, and preferably finding a more open area. So Fish led her to a clearing where unicorns used to rest in the Forbidden Forest.

At that time of year the unicorns were usually wandering and foraging, so they didn't encounter any unicorns, but a pair of Augurey's who happened to be resting nearby and, after waving to Fish, perched in a tree not far away, preening their feathers.

Fish pulled out his wand and pointed to the clearing in front of him, "Expecto Patronum nya!"


A large amount of silvery-white mist shot out from the tip of Fish's wand and quickly converged in the clearing in the shape of a large tree, even larger than the trees next to it, which were hundreds of years old.

The shape was rather crude.

It had no leaves or anything, and even the branches had only six or seven forks, and it would have been impossible to distinguish which end was the branch and which the root if the fork at the top had not been much longer than the one at the bottom.

In short, the tree that Fish conjured up looked like a childish doodle, and could hardly be distinguished as a tree.



Fish cocked his head to one side, looking intently at his Patronus, and after a moment, turned his head back to Hermione.

"What did Fish's Patronus look like before...?".

Although Fish had a good memory, she hadn't tried to remember how many branches and roots her Patronus had, nor its exact height and width, and Fish hadn't paid much attention to it, only that it looked like a tree.

Hermione twisted the corners of her mouth and looked at Fish, who was asking her seriously without words.

"If you don't remember, how would I know?!". Hermione replied with a grimace.

She had only encountered Fish's Patronus once, and had been too shocked to realize what it looked like.

"Then we'll just have to ask Albus and Minerva.... Or see if I dream about the tree again tonight."


Fish scratched the back of his neck, slightly distressed.

She knew Professor McGonagall had been busy lately, so she really didn't want to disturb her, and Fish hadn't even been to see Professor McGonagall for a few days to hear a story.

But Dumbledore was nowhere to be found, and the quickest way to find him was to contact him through Professor McGonagall....



Fish suddenly came to his senses.

It didn't have to be Professor McGonagall, other members of the Order could contact Dumbledore.

Another trip to Severus?

After eliminating Professor McGonagall, Fish's first thought was of Professor Snape.

But he quickly dismissed the idea, Professor Snape was busy, he had to work undercover for Voldemort and teach Malfoy Occlumency on top of his teaching job... so it was best not to bother him.

As for the other professors, none of them had been to Sirius' house, so Fish wasn't sure if they were members of the Order of the Phoenix or not.... Wait! Sirius?

Fish knew who to go to, if there was one person in the Order who had the most time on his hands, it was Sirius!

But now there's no need to go see Sirius, let's see if I have another dream tonight. Besides, next time I see Dumbledore, I'll be sure to ask him how to contact him directly.

Fish, who had noticed, was no longer in a hurry, put away the Patronus that he didn't know if he had gotten any better and then took Hermione out to play in the Forbidden Forest.

"After lunch at the Centaurs', you'll have to get back to your homework." he was suddenly reminded by Hermione, who was strolling through the Forbidden Forest with Fish on her arm.

"Hermione... Why are you looking less and less cute nya?".


Fish turned his head to look at her in dismay, only to be greeted by Hermione's smirk.

Fish was silent for a moment, and then lowered his head to Hermione's mouth and kissed her....

Fish decided to play kissing games to combat Hermione's arrogance.

And Fish's plan went very well, it was a resounding victory!

Hermione ended up blushing and falling into Fish's arms.

Sure enough, by the end of the afternoon, Fish had followed Hermione back to the castle, and had taken to doing her homework with a grimace.....

Rita's enchanted pen is notoriously bad; if he doesn't get it right, his work will be full of "ahem" words, making it look disjointed, and Hermione will have to force him to correct it at the end....

After finally "reading" his homework, Fish didn't bother to go play in the Forbidden Forest anymore, he lay on Hermione's lap, snoring softly, listening to her tell him stories, while the two of them were surrounded by a circle of girls.

There weren't many boys in the common room at the moment. As Ron was getting used to his new broom, he practiced Quidditch with Harry and the others not only in the morning, but also in the afternoon on the pitch, where most of the Gryffindor boys had gone to watch the fun.

After dinner, however, the common room was another story....

It was full of students catching up on their homework, with a higher proportion of boys, for no apparent reason.

The girls, on the other hand, do their homework in the afternoon, when they gather to pet Fish, and even if they don't finish it, the situation is not as tense as the boys.

Those who were in a hurry when it was late flipped through their textbooks and wrote on parchment.

"Look, if I hadn't been pushing you to do your homework for the last two days, you'd be just as exhausted as they are, and you wouldn't have time to go out later in the evening."

Hermione said to Fish, pointing to Harry Ron as an example to the contrary.



Fish thanked Hermione by gently rubbing his head against her arm.

Of course, if Hermione didn't keep pushing Fish the next weekend, he would continue like Harry and the others, catching up on homework at the last minute.

Fish knew it was wrong, but he wouldn't change.