
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · 映画
793 Chs

Chapter 343: What a disobedience! (Edited)

The next morning, Harry got out of bed.

Reaching for the alarm clock at the foot of his bed, he looked...and saw that it was just before six o'clock, he was up a little early today.

Harry wasn't in a very good mood at the moment, as he had been debating whether or not to go see Fish last night to ask about Professor Lupin.

After tossing and turning in bed for a long time, Harry couldn't come to a conclusion and fell asleep in a daze.

A glance out the window at the gloomy sky and the rain crackling on the glass, and the sound of thunder rolling overhead, the wind crashing against the castle walls, and the distant sound of branches snapping in the Forbidden Forest, made Harry's mood even worse ...

Today they had a match against Slytherin.

Turning his head to look at Fish's bed, the little cat had returned to his dormitory and was sleeping soundly in his bed, pillows and bedding in disarray.


Harry sighed, deciding not to ask Fish about Lupin about it.

He'd realized that he wouldn't get an answer if he asked Fish directly, and that the cat was very quiet sometimes, so it was best to wait and see when he slipped up.

Also, he was a little resistant to an answer, because Harry really didn't want to hear that Professor Lupin was really a bad man, so he was unconsciously avoiding him.

It was still early, but with the thunder off and the sound of wind and rain outside, it wasn't realistic to try to go back to sleep, so Harry simply rolled over and crawled out of bed.

Changing his clothes as gently as possible and putting on his shoes, Harry then planned to hang out in the common room for a while.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw a pair of big green eyes staring back at him.


Startled, Harry exclaimed, taking half a step back.

But he quickly reacted and said with a bitter smile, "It's you, Fish, did I wake you up by accident?"

"Where do you want to go so early in the morning?"


The cat, sitting cross-legged on his bed, did not answer his question, but asked it in turn with a serious face.

With all the time he had spent under his protection, Fish understood a little of what Professor McGonagall was thinking when he got into trouble all over the place.

But there was a difference between him and Harry, because Fish was so strong that even if he ran into a bad guy, he wouldn't be in any danger, whereas the scar-head in front of him, who was so weak and in the crosshairs of the bad guys, still liked to run endlessly....

Harry Potter is so disobedient!

"I didn't want to go anywhere..." continued Harry Potter bitterly, "I just wanted to go sit in the common room, I have a match against Slytherin later."

"Then Fish will go with you nya."

The kitten jumped off the bed decisively and followed Harry.

Harry smiled and headed out of the dormitory, it was certainly better to have Fish with him, he had no reason to refuse.

The two made their way to the fireplace in the common room, where Fish, transformed into a tabby cat, jumped onto the velvet cushion on one of the chairs and stomped on it with his paws to fluff it up a bit before lying on his side and licking his fur lazily.

Harry opened his mouth to ask his about Professor Lupin, but eventually abandoned the idea with a long sigh and stared at the fire in front of him in a daze.

After licking the fur, Fish shifted to a comfortable sleeping position and went back to sleep.

It wasn't until close to breakfast time that other Gryffindor students came out of the dormitory that woke the cat.

"Fish, Harry? what are you doing here?"

Percy was the first to arrive in the common room, and saw Fish and Harry sitting by the fireplace.



The cat yawned profusely, and raised its hind legs to scratch its chin.

Harry got up and replied, "I woke up early and couldn't sleep because of the noise outside, so I stayed here, and as for Fish..."

He smiled bitterly, and Percy, who had also been following Harry around these days, understood.

"Time for breakfast nya! Fish is hungry."


Fish, who had changed to his cat-man form, interrupted the banter between the two, urging them to move quickly.

It was still early and no one else was in the Great Dining Hall, and it was the first time Fish had been in the Great Dining Hall this early for breakfast over the weekend when everyone else was asleep.

It wasn't until halfway through breakfast when others appeared in the Great Dining Hall, and they were surprised to see a kitten up so early.

Especially Professor McGonagall, thinking Fish had gotten into some trouble again, grabbed him especially and questioned him.

"Fish didn't get in trouble nya!"


The cat was furious at being wronged.

"It was Harry who got up in the wee hours of the morning to sneak out, and Fish found out!"

"I'm sorry," said Professor McGonagall as she quickly calmed Fish down, giving him a kiss on the head before admitting her mistake, "I misunderstood Fish."

"Hmph! Fish has been very good lately."


"Yes, yes, our Fish is the best."

Professor McGonagall rolled her eyes, then congratulated the cat, and in no time she had the kitten smiling and forgetting about her accusations.

"Are you also going to the quidditch match with the others afterwards?"

After calming the cat, Professor McGonagall asked again.

"Fish doesn't want to watch a boring match like that nya."


The kitten shook its head in disgust, making Quidditch-loving Professor McGonagall want to put the kitten on her lap and spank it right now.

Then she heard Fish continue, "Fish is going to protect Harry nya."

"Dumbledore and I are here, along with a few other professors, there's no way Black is going to attack Harry on the pitch."

As dissatisfied as he was with his own cat not agreeing with his pastime, Professor McGonagall still reminded him.

In addition to not wanting Fish to go out in the rain, she was also worried that the little guy would get into some trouble....

The first and only time Fish had ever watched a match, he had made a mess of two Golden Snitches, and God only knew what he was going to do this time on the quidditch pitch.



The kitten frowned and replied seriously, "Last year, Harry's arm was broken by that elf named Dobby on the nya pitch."

Professor McGonagall was speechless.

But it was a reminder to her that she had to check the game balls.

After breakfast, Professor McGonagall stopped the kitten who wanted to follow Harry.

"Stay with me."

Professor McGonagall didn't want to discourage Fish, but she was worried that the kitten would cause trouble, so she felt more comfortable keeping him with her.


Of course, Fish could guess why Professor McGonagall was doing this, and he got a little angry.

Damn it, how dare you not trust Fish!

A rebellious thought popped into the kitten's head....

Why don't I wait and make a real problem?