
Mass effect: A collection of chronicles

A collection of stories with various main characters, stories will be updated when I have the time, currently, there are plans for three stories. 'The Warlord' 'The Admiral' and 'the Matriarch'

AFallenNoble · ゲーム
3 Chs

Rewinding the clock.

London, once a thriving city at the heart of a thriving country, part of a massive coalition of governments that lead the Human race to the stars. Now, London is in ruins, those who have died are lucky, they have escaped the nightmare, the time is close, the final push is near, this is do or die.

"Are you ready?"

My mission, my suicide is all but confirmed, I'm a part of the first wave to push against the reaper forces, to buy time for Shepard and her team to get everything into position.

"Admiral, are you ready?"

My assistant asks, not responding, my hand darts to my left, feeling my 'Lucky pistol still there I smile, and with a deep breath, I walk out of the building, grabbing an experimental bomb, although small in size it should be equivalent to a few hundred nuclear bombs, that's what the tech heads said anyway. Not too sure myself, never was.

I should be doing what I'm good at, leading the Alliance Navy but needs be and all that.


"Mauraders are-"

Silence rings through the building, and my assistant is gunned down by the said Mauraders, Samantha, a good woman, a little naggy but she helped me keep my head on straight. My biotics flare uncontrollably as I see her lifeless corpse be dragged away.

I feel the world bend around me as I slam into the Maurader dragging her, slamming it into the floor, for once I'm glad to have overbearing strength, lifting the machine to intercept the incoming fire, I duck behind cover.

That was stupid, should have let them take her, carried on the mission, ah well, a blaze of glory it is.

Time appears to slow for me as I mentally plot out the positions for the Marauder squad, my biotics flare once more as they are thrown into the air, with practiced ease, a single bullet for each as they slam back into the floor.

Returning to the bomb, placing it into its protective case, I stalk towards my awaited death zone, around me the screams of my fellow humans are like a choir welcoming me to hell itself. The chaos should provide me with enough of a...


This is the end.

A shrill metallic screech is all I hear as the earth in front of me is torn apart, my thoughts in my final seconds. Nothing, I embrace the end.

<An unknown amount of time later>

'Welcome to the next day of the rest of your life!'

Pain, all I can feel is unrestrained pain, I go to speak but all that escapes my mouth is gargled grunts.

'Please do not attempt to physically communicate with me, you have been selected, and your permission isn't required.'

What do you mean?

'You are one of three potential saviors for the Universe 32348926, the first failed miserably, and you are the second up to bat. You will be given a 'System' of sorts to assist you, you will not age however you can still die, enjoy your second attempt at life, and you will not get another so do not let me down, you will not enjoy it if you do.'

<An unknown amount of time later>

I wake to the shrill beeping of an old alarm,

'Please select your perk and apply status points.'


'You have been reborn, apply your status points to increase your skills in your new life. Your perk will grant you a bonus as well. You may also choose a trait, this trait will give you a bonus but will come with a negative attached to it. First Attributes:

Coordination (2/10): Coordination is your physical condition, self-control, and health. Take care of your body and it will take care of you.

Luck (2/10): Luck is your guardian angel. Whether you're lining up that decisive attack, dodging incoming fire, or down to your bottom dollar, sometimes, the winds of fortune blow your way.

Awareness (2/10): Awareness is your sense of your surroundings. A good Gamer knows that often it's your eyes and ears that keep you alive.

Strength (2/10): Strength is your raw physical power and ability to shrug off harm. It lets you hit harder, throw farther, and also serves as a requirement for the biggest, baddest, heavy weapons and armor.

Speed (2/10): Speed is your physical quickness and reaction time. Strike first, strike true, then get out of there.

Intelligence (2/10): Intelligence is your ability to make mental connections and do tactical thinking.

Charisma (2/10): Charisma represents your force of will when influencing others and engaging in combat.

Available points: 9

Note points can be lowered to one for each stat but can't go lower than that, you will gain one attribute point every three levels going forwards.'

A smile dons my face, this is all based on a very old game that I had the pleasure of playing in my downtime before the shit hit the fan, makes my choices easy. I was never the best at fighting so instead, I'm going to leave that to others, and make myself the support with the ability to kick ass if needed.

'Confirm the below.

Coordination (2/10)

Luck (1/10)

Awareness (1/10)

Strength (4/10)

Speed (1/10)

Intelligence (6/10)

Charisma (8/10)'


'Next please choose your trait.'


'Bookworm gives the player 5% extra exp, please confirm this trait'


'Please choose a trait or select no trait if you do not wish to have one.'


'Pointdexter grants 1 Bonus Skill Point every 2 Level-ups and costs the penalty of -8 CON

and -3 Con per Level, confirm.'


'Now onto skills, you have 9 base skill points, with 7 extra points, 6 from your intelligence score, and one from Pointdexter.'

'Weird Science (6/10): Increases the damage you deal with unconventional types of weapons, and serves as a requirement for exotic, high-tech equipment.

Leadership (7/10): Inspires your nearby allies, and grants you abilities to command the battlefield.

Hard Ass: (3/10) Allows you to intimidate others to do what you want and throw them off, guard. Confirm'


'Mission One: Repel the invaders of Shanxi. The planet is under siege by a medium-sized Alien fleet, you have access to a small patrol fleet. Win the battle at any cost, rewards vary.'

Walking along the small early Human vessel, I note that this is a small destroyer class ship, this will be harder than I initially thought, entering the bridge, I'm greeted by my second in command.

"Admiral, we are in position, they haven't noticed our arrival, what should we do?"

A small smile crossed my face, here we go again...

Updates will vary with time, hope you enjoy.

AFallenNoblecreators' thoughts