
Mass effect: A collection of chronicles

A collection of stories with various main characters, stories will be updated when I have the time, currently, there are plans for three stories. 'The Warlord' 'The Admiral' and 'the Matriarch'

AFallenNoble · Video Games
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3 Chs

Saving Shanxi

'Assigning Class Admiral to the player. Class Skills unlocked, please select one for the following:

No retreat: Gives the ships under the Admiral a 30% increase in ship fire rate, in exchange the ships can't retreat from battle.

Rapid response: Ships move 20% faster in systems, and emergency FTL activates sooner.'

No retreat, confirm it.


"Move the corvettes, hide them as close to the Alein fleet as possible, their sensor range should be around 200 meters in every direction. |Destroyer two follow us, we are to engage them head-on and aim for their cruiser, as soon as the first volley is fired, Corvettes, you need to power up and flank them as quickly as possible. our shields should survive two volleys at most."

I glance down at my arm, and a small gold glow covers me, slowly it covers my entire body before spreading across the entire ship, then onto the next in a repeating loop. The boosts from Leadership are taking effect, a 10% boost to attack and defense as well as evasion chance.

My eyes glaze over as I feel my consciousness leave my body, giving me a top-down view of the incoming battle, my 5 corvettes are on the left-hand side of the besieging fleet, each is 'Overwatching' an area, a feature of the game my skills are based on. If an enemy entered their range, they get a free attack on the said enemy.

Activate No retreat.


"Destroyer two open fire."

I can feel the force of our small Mac cannons flaring into life as the shells collide with the enemy Cruiser, my current view shows we have done just under half the required damage to the ship needed to destroy it.

It's craazy how the cold war between the Humans and Turians will cause both to design infinitely better ships than the ones both sides are currently using, if I have my way, the Alliance won't bow to the council again. they FUCKED us with the Reaper war, if they had just acknowledged the giant death robots sooner

All those lives lost while they twiddle their thumbs, need to snap out of this, regrets a best relived with a drink or two.

"Destroyer two follow us, retreat towards the edge of the system, we need to lure them into a volley from the corvettes, hold on the torpedos, wait for my signal.

Our shields are still holding, and the boost to evasion is really carrying us here as well as the poor accuracy from the Turian ships, must have an inexperienced commander. the bait works as 3 destroyers and 4 corvettes come straight for us, ignoring the 'cloaked' ships on their flank.


A volley of torpedos tears through the pursuing ships, rendering them inoperable, now to kill the crew and destroy the ships or size them for myself? You know a counter charge through the relay into Turian space might be enough to make peace quicker, give me more time to prepare for the psycho robots. Seize it is.

"Leave the disabled ships. scatter and focus fire on those small ships that are still able to return fire, Destroyer two split and flank, continue focusing fire on the Cruiser."

My senses return to my body briefly as I look at my pilot,

"Son, are you ready to make a name for yourself?"

The boy no older than 18 nods his head,

"Drive towards the center, we are going straight for the cruiser, make them focus fire on us."

The pilot freezes for a second, as does the rest of my crew, a look of confusion flashes across my Second's face, "Are you sure Amiriral?"

"Trust me, the universe will know your name, all you have to do is drive forwards, Gunnery Sargent, on my command fire."

My vision returns to encompass the entire battlefield, as it stands, I have 2 destroyers to their three remaining and 5 corvettes each, but they have a cruiser, a troop transport which is lucky for Me I guess, small guns, and next to no fighter escort. Speaking of the gun a few shells smash into our shields, disabling it, just hull left as we get closer and closer.


A direct blow to the hull shakes the room I'm standing in, "Put the fires out, keep holding."

Destroyer two manages to land a blow, not enough to disable the ship but close enough, on the other side of the battlefield, they have lost a further two destroyers and three corvettes but we are done to just three as well. It is going to be a close call for whether we win or lose this.


Another shell impacts us, taking out the shield systems completely, one more hit and we are out for the count, "Now, aim for their gun."

Our guns are faster due to the strike rate boost, allowing the ship to catch their munition in the gun, blowing the gun clean off the cruiser, 'disabling' it, I take a deep breath and recompose myself.

"Destroyer two help the remaining corvettes, we need to get shields back online, we will join you shortly. All available trained troops prepare for the boarding of all disabled enemy ships, we are to capture the enemies and use their ships against them. Prepare for heavy resistance."

The cleanup of the remaining Turian ships is easy enough, but the boarding was hard, and we lost a good portion of the foot troops we had with us doing it but as I expected.

'Mission complete, Rewards: All disabled ships are added to the player's fleet, and crews will be assigned for the player. All crews will be loyal to the player (Based on leadership Skills). All ships used in the battle will be fully repaired. Biotics have been unlocked, Fire bending has been unlocked, you have leveled up twice, please assign skill points.'

Pain assaults my body as soon as the message ends, I feel my nerves be engulfed in flames, my mind flashes back to my death, and all I see is a red laser engulfing me as I pass out.

Chapter 2, 'Warlord' will be out Tuesday...

AFallenNoblecreators' thoughts