
Marvelous Grandmaster

Young man struck by lightning woke up with memories from the Star Wars universe during the old republic era. After several decades of battle alongside his friends and companions, he made the ultimate sacrifice to stop Vitiate’s final act of desperation. But his story did not end there like he expected. “I’m alive? Hold up this is earth. HAHA I’M BACK!” “Tony Stark is scheduled to give a weapons test in-“ “Wait...What?” “Well...Fuck.” {This fanfiction will also be posted onto Royalroad under the same name, HuntingFate.}

HuntingFate · 映画
41 Chs

Chapter 1- Earth?

Sparks and flashes of light flooded the hallways accompanied by the sounds of blaster fire and screams. A lone figure sprinted through the hallways as his violet lightsaber danced in front of him deflecting blaster bolts with practiced precision. His armored boots announcing his pretense to the remaining guards on Nathema as they continued to rush forward to face him with blasters and sabers. He moved swiftly, gracefully as he deflected shots, ducking and deflecting oncoming saber strikes before retaliating with his own attacks. Bodies fell with each swing of his saber.

"Mikael you're coming up on that signal." A voice rang out to him from the communicator on his wrist.

"Revan, I'm entering the last chamber now." He replied as he dispatched the final guard in his path.

He turned to face the larger bulkhead barring his entrance and reached out with his hand and with a violent tug the left half of the was forced open. He carefully stepped into the now open room ducking beneath the now broken bulkhead. As he looked over the room his brown eyes locked onto four hooded figures within the center of the room circling a small pulsating sphere of darkness that seemed to be growing every second.

His eyes widened, memories from his past life quickly rushed by his mind as the pieces fell into place forming two words that shocked him to his core.

'Thought Bomb'

"Mikael, what is it? What did you find?" Another voice spoke out over his communicator.

"IT'S A TRAP!" He shouted back as he rushed further into the room hoping he wasn't too late to disrupt the ritual before it got too far.

"I'm rerouting forces to your location."

"No, Shatele get everyone out of the system now!"

"We are one. We are the dark side. The dark side is us. Feel the power of the dark side. Surrender to it. Surrender to the unified whole. Let us become one." The figures in the room chanted in unison as the pulsing mass of darkness began to grow and vibrate before one of the figures raised his head towards the mass and clapped his hands.

"Oh by the force!" Mikael whispered as the mass erupted outwards instantly reducing the hooded figures to skeletons before quickly erasing them altogether. He quickly threw forth his hands in an attempt to stop the explosion. The impact of the explosion against his ward pushed him back 40 feet as his boots carved grooves in the metal floor. But for this moment it seemed he managed a stalemate.

"Mikael! What happened!?"

"Shatele, please just... get everyone out... of the system... I can't hold... forever." Mikael responded through gritted teeth. The floor beneath him began to crack as his boots began to make even deeper grooves into the metal panels as he began to slowly slide back.

"We're entering hyperspace now, what's going on down there!?"

"It's a bomb... A dark side bomb... I don't think... I'm going... to make it out this time." Mikael whispered back. He could feel his strength failing as the struggle forced him to his knees. Blood began to trickle from his nose and ears, he could barely make out a muffled voice over his communicator but it was drowned out by unending whispers and the countless waves of emotions that was washing over him.

"I don't know... if you can hear me... but it's been an honor... you've been like... a sister to me... Take care of yourself... and tell your son... how you feel... Oh... and tell Revan... it's been... a blast." Mikael managed to whisper as a smirk formed on his face now covered in cracks and blood. He closedhis eyes just as the mass of energy burst out once more washing over him.


'By the force can't a man die in peace?' He thought to himself as he snapped open his eyes. His eyebrows immediately furrowed as he looked around. Cold, institutional tile floors, a bed covered with white sheets and a blue blanket, an IV hooked into his arm, a monitor that is chronically beeping, window looking out on a busy street filled with people and cars and across from him is a TV set to a random news channel.

"This is... Earth. I'm back. HOLY SHIT I'M BACK!" He shouts and almost immediately the door to his room slams open as two familiar figures bolt into his room. A middle aged man with dark brown hair graying at the sides with a scruffy beard and slightly younger woman of oriental descent with black hair.

"Mom, Dad." Mikael whispered barely audible as his parents Thomas and Sarah Argent rushed and wrapped him in a hug. Tears began to well in his eyes as he remembered the last time he saw them. He was on his way home after for winter break during his junior year when we was struck by a random freak lightning bolt. Then he woke up in the forests of Brentaal where he was found and trained by the Jedi alongside Satele Shan before being drawn into the war with the sith empire and since then he has been fighting for nearly six decades without any guarantee that he could ever return home.

"Oh Mikael, we're so glad you're awake. We were so worried you wouldn't wake up." His mother said.

"I'm okay mom, how long was I out?"

"Today marks two weeks son." His father answered releasing from the group hug. "You gave us the scare of a lifetime."

'Two weeks? But it felt so much longer. Was it a dream? No it couldn't be, it felt all too real.' Mikael thought to himself.

"Honey? Are you okay?" His mother asked as she noticed his silence.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I just feel a little tired. It just felt so much longer than two weeks." He answered.

"We understand, you get some rest and we'll see if we can get you some real food other than the crap the offer here." His father responded with a slight smile before ushering his wife out with him.

'Well as long as I'm home I guess it's alright. Besides what else could go wrong?' Mikael thought to himself with a smile as he picked up a remote to turn on the tv. "Wonder what's on tv right now?"

"In other news, billionaire playboy Tony Stark is scheduled to head to Afghanistan this coming February to test his latest weapon for the United States Air Force." In a split second upon hearing that news report Mikael's smile instantly disappeared.


{A/N: I have a good idea of what Mikael will look like at his current age and the foreseeable future as well as what he would wear to conceal his identity for his heroic endeavors. I'll post his current appearance in the comments section and his future supersuit later when it becomes relevant.}

Still deciding on what his parents look like. Gimme some ideas. His father is ex military and current active duty detective if that helps. I'm still deciding on his mother's profession, if she even has one.

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