
Chapter 74

074. I Have Been Waiting For You For A Long Time.

Until now, Wu Fengji still hasn't reacted.

But she understood.

It took a long time until Luo Bing finished integrating his power temporarily.

Wu Fengji seemed to have finally come to her senses and spoke slowly: "Actually, I am just an Asgardian from the Phoenix fragments. When the Jade Emperor found me, he said that this power is enough to destroy the world. If it is integrated by someone with evil intentions, It will bring destruction to the earth."

"So I was trained to become a Phoenix host to guard this power zone.

"I gained a lot of power and finally integrated the Phoenix force. After so many years of constant practice, I finally evolved into the White Phoenix King."

"Actually, I had a premonition that I couldn't bear this power anymore. I tried to resist fate, so I returned to Kunlun and waited for you. I want to know why you can take away my Phoenix force "Five Three Three", I think I understand now."

"Luo Bing, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Wu Fengji said.

Luo Bing was stunned.

After all, he really didn't know this.

No wonder the old monk brought him here as soon as he came here.

It turned out to be because Wu Fengji had been waiting for him.

Definitely, it doesn't matter.

Because Luo Bing is going to the next place to continue looking for Phoenix force.

He can feel it.

Not even close.

With just a little bit of power, he can evolve into the White Phoenix King.

So he had to find other powers as soon as possible before the gods arrived.

Just as he was about to leave, Wu Fengji suddenly followed him.

Luo Bing frowned and asked in a deep voice: "What? If you are not convinced, you still want to fight?"

"No." Wu Fengji shook her head.

"Then what else do you want to do?!" Luo Bing asked.

"I want to follow you." Wu Fengji said firmly.


"When the Jade Emperor found me, he asked me to guard the Phoenix force. Now my Phoenix force has been taken away by you. So I have to guard you. This is my mission. You can kill me, or let me follow you. ." Wu Fengji spoke slowly.

Luo Bing understood this.

Wu Fengji means.

The mission given to her by the Jade Emperor is to keep guarding the Phoenix force fragment.

Whoever takes it away will be guarded by her.

Now that Luo Bing has taken it away, she has to follow.

Although she had an affair with Luo Bing before.

But after all, it was Luo Bing who wanted to steal her power first, and it was not necessary to kill her.

Follow him.

"I don't need anyone to follow me, not to mention that you can't defend me with your current strength." Luo Bing spoke.

He refused Wu Fengji's request to follow.

Wu Fengji said, "I can bring you back the complete Phoenix force."

Luo Bing frowned and asked: "You mean, do you know where all the Phoenix force hosts are?!"

"I have obtained the Phoenix force for so long. I have traveled through various time and space and witnessed some Phoenix hosts. I know where the main Phoenix force fragments are. If you collect those and become the White Phoenix King, you can drive them All the Phoenix fragments are gone, there is no need to collect them all. Wu Fengji said.

Luo Bing's heart moved.

In fact, it is really good to have someone to lead the way.

After all, Luo Bing is completely relying on goddess luck to guide him these days.

But as for where the important fragments are, Luo Bing really doesn't know.

Although Luo Bing understands the plot.

But the origin of the Phoenix force is too old, and many descriptions are not particularly clear.

Wu Fengji has been in the Phoenix force for so long, so she must have a better understanding of the Phoenix force.

However, Luo Bing thought for a while and said: "In fact, it is not difficult to find the complete Phoenix force. You just need to go to the place where the Phoenix force originated. You don't need to lead the way, right?

Wu Fengji shook her head and said: "You can't do this, and you won't do it. You should know that the complete Phoenix force strength is something else than the Almighty Universe Level."

"And the complete Phoenix force has autonomous consciousness. If you go to a place where the Phoenix force has not been broken… no one can control its power, let alone devour it.

What Wu Fengji said makes sense.

If you really want to get the complete Phoenix force quickly, just go to the place where the Phoenix was born to find it.

But the Phoenix force at that time was at another level of strength, Almighty Universe Level.

And billions of years ago…

This is a huge span of strength that cannot be swallowed at all.

Therefore, it is the safest way to collect fragments and continuously upgrade to become the White Phoenix King, and then control the Phoenix fragments of the entire multi-universe.

"Okay, you convinced me. Come with me." Luo Bing said.

"I will protect you…I mean, protect the Phoenix force in your body. If someone wants to take it away, I will protect you with my life." Wu Fengji said.

Although the dragon force and Phoenix force are gone.

But after practicing for so long, Wu Fengji's ability is still not weak.

It's just that Luo Bing doesn't understand, or even understand.

"Weren't you unwilling to give me the Phoenix force at first? Why are you planning to protect me now?!" Luo Bing asked.

"Because you are White Phoenix." Wu Fengji gave the answer.

The white phoenix represents the ability to control the Phoenix force and will not let the Phoenix force destroy the earth or even the entire multi-universe.

This is why Wu Fengji wants to guard Luo Bing.

"Then what if I evolve into Dark Phoenix today?!" Lu Shuihe.

"I will use my life to destroy the power in you." Wu Fengji said without any concealment.

Luo Bing frowned and asked: "You say that, are you really not afraid that I will kill you?"

"My whole life may be to protect 1.6 Phoenix force. So I have never been afraid of death. With your current ability, you can kill me anytime, anywhere.

Wu Fengji said, but her tone was unusually firm.

Wu Fengji is an upright person.

At least she had nothing to hide from Luo Bing.

Luo Bing can see through her mind, and she can give up her life to protect the Phoenix force.

Luo Bing has some compassion.

In other words, he has some respect for this sincere Phoenix Asgardian.

In this case, Luo Bing is also willing to leave a place for her in Kamar-Taj.

"Okay, just kidding. Where to go next?" Luo Bing asked.

Find the next White Phoenix. She is in the parallel universe Earth-92124. "Wu Fengji spoke.

Luo Bing didn't say anything and started the time and space teleportation. .