
Marvel/Xmen:Yuta Okkotsu

Transmigrated as a mutant with a variant Yuta Okkotsu’s abilities.

Ash_D_Born · 映画
7 Chs

Chapter 1

[ You have died. You have been given the opportunity by a supreme being to live again in a new world in exchange for doing one task for him. Do you accept?]


The fuck. I'm dead. When did that happen. It feels like I'm muted or my emotions are. Regardless I'll grab this chance with all I have.

I accept

[Accepted. Randomly choosing world for transmigration… Marvel universe 621.]

[ Host is a mutant ]

[Choose mutant ability (will be translated into a x-gene]

1. Martian Manhunter

2. The Avatar: master all 4 elements

3. Invincible

4. Yuta Okkotsu

Brooo. All of them are good. Invincible will make me strong right of the bat same as the others but I want something versatile afterall with those other abilities I can atmost be planetary except maybe invincible.

But with Yuta its a whole different power system that will be created for just me. The versatility of jujutsu is crazy too. Yes I choose Yuta. He starts weak but he can grow to be a monster.

[Yuta Okkotsu chosen]

[Translating ability to marvel universe… A curse dimension has been created… Cursed spirits of different levels from the Jujutsu world have been created… Cursed Dimension is inhabited by Jujutsu sorcerors that have been made into cursed spirits and original cursed spirits… Your X-gene links you to this dimension making you an avatar. When you are strong enough you can become the Dimension Lord. ]

[Create Character]

I spent a few minutes going through what is essentially my starter pack.I was allowed to have two additional curse techniques to start with along with Yuta's original.After minutes of adjusting I finally finished.

Name: Yuta Okkotsu


Omega Level Mutant

Height: 6'1

Strength: Enhanced Human

Cursed Technique: Copy, Cleave and Dismantle, Boogie Woogie

Cursed Energy reserves: Immense (original amount of Okkotsu)

Perk: Genius Blacksmith, Genius Intellect, Telepathy Resistance.

Background: Lost his parents young. Went and finished college. Moved to Russia to work when his x-gene kicked in for the first time.

[Customization completed… Supreme being gifts Yuta a basic system to keep track of his progress and answer some questions on your abilities. Information on how to use your abilities will be added(like domain expansions, how to make barrier techniques and cursed tools)… Inserting Yuta into the world of marvel… Excelsior!]

Yuta POV

Fuck. The system did not tell me it would give me 20 years worth of memories at once. My sensibilities and experience merged with the one of this Yuta. Fusing us into one new being under the name of Yuta Okkotsu. I'm still me… uncaring, ambitious and aloof at the same time I am might go out of my way to help someone once in a while after the merger.

After going through the memories this reality is a mix of the movies and comic book. Spiderman has been on the streets for five years now. Mutants are well known but nothing too significant have happened except for the initial battles based on Xmen first class.

It seems Darwin survived because he's a known mutant that stays in the Xmansion. The Fantastic Four are here. The Avengers aren't a thing yet but all the members are already active. It seems Loki's invasion hasn't arrived.

All of a sudden I felt my body heating. I fall to my knees in pain. I keep writhing on the ground until finally it stops. I hear a ding in my mind when I finally relax. Information floods into my mind that my system has arrived and my x-gene has awakened.

Name : Yuta Okkotsu

Mutant: Connection to the Cursed Dimension

Fusion: None

Innate Cursed Technique:

Copy: ability to copy cursed techniques by ingest any part of them. Can copy mutant abilities too by the same method but cannot copy more than the body can handle.

Cleave and Dismantle: Invisible slashes that can cut organic and inanimate objects. Can cut anything including concepts that can be understood. Binding Vows can increase power and range.

Boogie Woogie : by clapping you can swap places with anything within your range.

Domain Expansion: None

Barrier: None

Techniques: Cursed Energy Reinforcement, Psychic Resistance.

Strength: Enhanced Human

Information package: Basic Barrier techniques, Basic cursed energy manipulation information, Basic domain information.

After going through all the information I sat back on my couch and started making plans. By now Xavier would have picked up on my energy outburst and is coming to get the next omega mutant.

I'll join them and get all the use I can out of them before leaving. I'll tell them my xgene connects me to a different dimension which I gained some abilities from.

I must be careful with these telepaths. Especially Mr discount Dumbledore. I will have to copy their power and train it to their level. But not Xavier's. I will copy Jean's telepathy and telekinesis which are omega level even without the phoneix.

I can feel it. My body can only copy one more omega level xgene right now. That's why I'm going for gene. It's a two for one special.

I get up and leave my home to the backyard to test out my techniques. After testing them for about thirty minutes I've come to a conclusion.

Boogie woogie does not necessarily need claps. Just sound. The range is about 1km but the farther I switch the more energy is wasted.

Cleave and dismantle are simple but deadly. They are really strong and fast but not as fast as Sukuna. Maybe a binding vow or increased experience with it.

I started hearing a jet come down. This must be the Blackbird. The jet the Xmen use. As it landed on my lawn. Four people came out. A man I identified as Wolverine. Short but yellow costume. Jean Grey was really beautiful with red hair, Cyclops and Iceman.

In a split second I decided to fight them. I would hardly get another chance to beat up and get Jean Grey's blood than now without consequence. I don't know who they are so it's obvious I will be resistant. I'll fight them after copying her ability I'll surrender.

I'm not trained so I'll be using my ability to do most of this.

'Who the fuck are you guys? Some government agency trying to take me away. I'm not having it.' I said cyclops tried to diffuse the situation but I immediately attacked with a cleave aimed at Logan's legs.

It cut through his skin like butter but was resisted by the adamantium so his legs didn't fall off. In fact they are already healing.

The brief shock passed and Cyclops fired a concussive beam at me. I switched places with Jean Grey putting her in the path of the blast while appearing next to Scott and punching him hard in the face.

Ice man shot a blast of ice at me while creating a platform to have higher ground. I dodged it while keeping an eye out for Wolverine who was rushing towards me.

I clap and switch with Jean before Logan could impale me. He stopped in his tracks and slammed into Jean. Jean reached out using telekinesis and slammed me into the ground. Cyclops shot a beam that hit me and sent me flying into my house.

With that they calmed down. Probably thinking I can only switch with humans. That was the conclusion I've been leading them to. As they wait for another assault while outside. On the inside I grab a kitchen knife then swap Jean Grey for a spoon.

She was confused but before she could get over it I slashed her across the chest. Drawing blood. Finally! As she fell I quickly ingested the blood off the knife.

[Gained Omega level Telepathy and Telekinesis (basic level)]

Immediately Logan barged into my home with Iceman and Scott shouting Jean Grey's name. I was shot out of my home by Cyclops again but this time I just stayed down so it seems I am tired.

Some minutes passed and all four of them walked in to find me sprawled on tge ground still. Jean apologized for dropping in without my consent. Told me I'm a mutant (y'er a mutant, Harry) and how they can help me control my power in the Xmansion.

After listening I finally joined them on the Blackbird back to Xavier. With the time till we get there I'll try to increase my mental defenses till we get there.


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