
Marvel : We Are

Richard Mason find himself in a version of the MCU with a system.

Arikamori · 映画
13 Chs

Chapter 2: Unlucky Guy

[Side Mission from the Main Mission 'Dreykov fall' unlocked. Prison Break (1) : escape from Cambodia's Prison and rejoin your base.]

Seeing the content of the mission, Rick didn't think about it and just accept it. The mission was to escape from here, and it's what he was doing, how could he not accept?

While rushing to the hole created by Black Widow, the prison start to ring the alarm. This prompt Natasha to just grab Rick's arm and start to fly up directly.

Because Rick's cell was quite high, the moment his feet stop touching the earth and his eyes saw the 100 meters that separate him from the ground he panicked a little. So he forced himself to look at the Widow and was surprised to see that contrary to what he first thought, she wasn't flying with some device, because she wasn't flying at all. Instead he saw her attached to a grappling hook that quickly took them to the roof.

Once on the edges of the roof Natasha didn't have to say anything, Rick climb the rest on his own just to be surprised again when he stand up. In front of him stood a young man looking like a modern and spy agent version of Robin Hood.

Rick didn't have to guess hard to know that that man was Clint Barton alias Hawkeye. A super spy from the super spy organization : The S.H.I.E.L.D. An organization with the goal of protecting the citizen from the most dangerous menaces.

But with the appearance of Hawkeye, the fact that it was now 2008, the mission notice plus the fact that Natasha's suit didn't have the SHIELD insignia, Rick could guess without thinking that he found himself during the moment Barton convince Romanoff to defect.

'Wait, if that's the case, then why are they in Cambodia? If I remember correctly, Furry asked Barton to kill Natasha but then he convinced her to change and then they decide to kill Dreykov as proof. So logically speaking, no matter how you look at it, they shouldn't come to me at all!'

While Rick had his doubts, he didn't voice them, but another did.

"Are you 'the Agent' ? I thought you would be much older, but you're just a kid. Besides weren't you in prison? Didn't Natasha took you out directly from your cell? Or is it the treatment inmates receive in this prison? If so I don't mind getting caught at all."

The constant chatting from Hawkeye directly broke the view Rick had from him. In his memories overly chatting and Hawkeye didn't match together. But what did he saw tonight? A Hawkeye curious to hell over everything! Which made Rick puzzled. Did he came to the wrong universe?

What Rick forget was that the Hawkeye from his memories was already in his late 40s, he was already thinking about retiring, had two children and was waiting for another one. Meaning, he was already an old man who saw too much. Which was way different from this still energetic Hawkeye.

"Hawkeye, let's drop the questioning for now. If we don't want to stay here, we have to go, now!"

Understanding their situation, Hawkeye stopped joking and suddenly became more serious.

While Rick was watching from the side, he was wondering how they would escape. Because the prison was situate in the middle of the forest, surrounded by mountain and far from the nearest city Koh Kong. Which means that as long as they reach the forest they could lost the guards and be free because the renforcements would take a long time to come.

But there was another problem in Rick mind. Right now their positions was on the highest tower of the prison. So except if the duo came with parachutes, he didn't see how they could escape safely. But fortunately Clint gave him the answer quickly.

With his his high-tech bow, he shoot an arrow with a thick cable on its tail toward the forest. Because he was shooting downward, the arrow quickly reach the ground, and with Hawkeye fixing the otherwise of the cable to the roof, the cable straighten and became a zip line.

Then without waiting for anyone, he use it and quick disappeared in the moonless night.

Then Black Widow took an object similar to the one Hawkeye used for the zipline and hand it to Rick.

"This is yours. You go first."

But then Rick surprised her, because he refused it, while still walking to the zipline.

"No need, I have my own." he replied coolly.

Then without waiting for Natasha's reply he let himself drop from the roof and then at the same time place right wrist next to the cable.

Fortunately he didn't fall to death, but use the special gear from Jacob's glove to fix himself to cable and let himself take the zipline safely.

As for why he had such a gadget on his glove? Because his glove was equipped with a grappling hook that could become a zipline too.

But while Rick found it cool to ride a zipline with only one arm, he quickly regret it because the pulling with the gravity, took too much tools on his arm. Fortunately The descent was short.

When his foot touch the ground again, he started to appreciate his freedom again.

But he didn't have the time to enjoy it for too long, because not even 5 second later, Natasha finally arrived. Then without hesitation she cut the cable with some special knife before turning her head to the men.

"Let's go."

"Where to?" Ask Rick while following Romanoff's lead.

"North. There's a boat waiting for us there. From here to there it will take four hours while Koh Kong is at only two hours. So most of the guards will be searching for us toward the south. And with this dense forest and night they won't be able to to found us as long as we're not stupid. And by the time the found our traces we'll be long gone." Explain Hawkeye to Rick.

While nodding, the latter was actually happy, because his secret house was also in the north, so it was actually very convenient for him.

And so like that, the three of them, start to walk in silence for more than two hours with Black Widow on the front adjusting their courses from time to time with the help of a compass, until Hawkeye who judge that the situation safe, start talking.

"So, Agent. First question, why are you dressed like that? Not that it doesn't suit you, but where did you get those?"

Being already prepared for Hawkeye question, Rick easily answer.

"Those are mine. To tell you the truth, I was already planning to escape tonight but with less explosions and more stealth. By the way, I thought that Black Widows were only women, so who are you?"

Hearing the latter question, Barton paused for a while before answering.

"You can call me Hawkeye. I work for the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Logistics Division-"

"That's a mouthful name. You should reduce it to SHIELD."

"Haha. Your not the first to tell us that. But well, just remember that it's some kind of super spy organization that protect the world from different kind of dangers."

While Rick already knew who the SHIELD was, he still had to pretend to not any suspicions, because at that time SHIELD wasn't know from the public.

"No offense, but how did someone from an organization that protect the mankind found himself from an organization that wants Chaos on earth?"

This time, it was Natasha who replied.

"It would be better for you not to know this answer. Even, it would be better for you not to be involved too much with us."

'Then why did you come me?' thought Rick sarcastically. Besides...

"Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to because the one who put me to prison was a woman from your organization. And before being put in jail, she wanted the exact same thing you want, but I kept my mouth shut. That, plus your appearance, I can easily see that too many people want that name. And now that I escaped it's a certain thing that I will chase down. So if we're going to team up for a while, I need to know what the f*ck is going on!"

Unconsciously, Rick spoke of the true thoughts of the old Rick. After all being chase down for months and then put in jail and tortured for no reason, if he didn't hold a grudge over it, it would be a lie.

And Black Widow and Hawkeye both understood that very well. So they both exchange a look, before Natasha answer.

"It all started with an old Widow that defect from the Red Room. Because she wanted to be able to get away from the Red Room cleanly, she gather some ledger as a safety. Unfortunately, she didn't expect that Dreykov didn't care. He ordered... A Widow to kill her... And that Widow did it perfectly. Like always."

While he didn't have proof, Rick had the feeling that Natasha was the one who killed that old Widow.

"But while that Black Widow succeed, she discovered that the old widow already gave those ledgers to another person and that those proofs were far more detrimental to Dreykov and the Red Room than they thoughts at first. And so the Red Room start to track that person, but fail. The only link we have is you, because she's apparently one of your old clients and you were also the last person she contact before disappearing."

With her explanation, Rick finally understood why he was so sought after.

'Oksana, why did you do this to me? What did I ever do to you?'

Even though Rick was complaining internally, be it him or the old Rick they were extremely loyal to their friends. And because both souls fusion together, for the new Rick, Oksana was also considered as his friend too so he won't betray her.

"So if I understand correctly, all of you need her name to track her and obtain that blackmail material right? But then, while I understand why the Red Room, want that thing, why are you Hawkeye partnering with a the Black Widow? Aren't you supposed to be a good guy?"

Honestly after asking that question, Rick was a little tired to pretend not to know anything. Nonetheless he still waited to see how Natasha will reply. But this time she replied straightforwardly which surprised Rick a little.

"Because I'm no longer part of the Red Room organization."

While knowing the answer, Rick couldn't help but complain.

"Are they underpaying the Widows in the Red Room? Otherwise why are there so many deserters?"

At that, Natasha laugh a little.

"Well, we're indeed not paid enough. So this may be the reason."

"Sad thing. But then, what are your plans? Find those evidences and use it to put Dreykov in jail? Because if so, I don't think that It will be enough."

"We don't want to put Dreykov in jail." Retort Hawkeye coldly.

"I'm going to kill him." Finish Black Widow with a tone even colder.

The assassin's vibes Rick got from both these super assassins scared him a little. But he still decide to help them, because in his opinion more than just the mission from Athena, doing a favor to two of the future Avengers was worth the risk.

"In that case, even though I'm not too happy with all those killing stuff I decided to help you. But I have to say it now, I won't tell you the name of my client."

"Then how are you going to help us. We need to meet that woman." state Black Widow frowning at Rick.

"Don't worry if I says that I can help you, it's means that I can indeed do it. While I you all speculate that my client have those evidence and it should be true. She has at most the digital evidence, or just a part of it. Because when we last saw each other, she was in a great hurry, and wanted to exchange her luxury car with a shabby one to disappear. And I in that luxury car they were many suspicious files, filling almost the entire car. But while I said to that Widow that threw up that car to the Ocean with everything inside, I lied. I still have that car, and I suspect that those files, are what you are looking for."

That news shocked both of the spy deeply. While at the same time they felt lucky.

They obviously just wanted to freed a random smuggler so he can deliver the clue to their goals, but instead he tell them that there's no need to look for it because he had it! What kind of luck was that?

But then, Natasha thought of the most crucial question.

"Where is this car?"


"Sh*t. And it's Budapest." cursed Natasha, while trying to correct Rick's pronunciation.

"Budapest? And why are you reacting like that? Is there a problem with Budapest."

This time Rick wasn't faking it, he was genuinely curious. What could get such a big reaction from her.

"You still pronounce it wrong. As for the problem, there are many. Leaving aside how to get out from this country undetected, Budapest is the home of the biggest Red Room's stronghold.

I now understand why your friend was in such hurry to throw away her car. Because otherwise it is almost certain that she wouldn't have been able to run away.

As for you and me, it's worse. Because not only the Red Room are searching for us, but they know what we look like, which is different with your friend where they don't even know her basic name.

So for us, let's not talk about how we will get out from Budapest when we'll get our objective. Even getting in Budapest will be complicated."

To say that Rick was depressed by that news would be an understatement.

'No wonder Dreykov was' killed' in Budapest and that duo had to hide for days after their attempts. Because that's the enemy's home!'

Rick was now regretting offering his help to those troublemakers. But there was no use for regret now. Because even if he didn't want to help them he'll still be targeted by the Red Room. If that's the case, then Rick was going to help them with all his strength.

"Budapest is still far away for us. But why is it a problem for us to leave Cambodia? I understand that we can't take public planes for obvious reasons, but as an international spy organization, you shouldn't have any problem in calling the SHIELD for a plane right?"

"Yeah I can do that. But if I do that, our friend there will be arrested on the spot or killed on sight. We don't do this mission just because it's the right thing to do, but also so that she can be free." Explained Hawkeye. Which prompt Black Widow to goes silent. But it didn't bother Rick because he knew that at this time, not saying anything to her would be the best thing to do.

"In that case, let's go to my hidden place. There's jet that can take us out of here."

At those words both Hawkeye and Black Widow look at him strangely.

"Why do you have a jet. In Cambodia?"

Ask Barton puzzled.

"I actually have many planes, helicopters and jets in differents regions of Cambodia. As for the reason, it's because I'm smuggler. So obviously I can't take the public transport when I'm transporting illegal stuff. And Cambodia is one the most important transit point for those kind of things."

What Rick told them was actually a true thing. At least in the MCU Cambodia was really a transit point for many kind of illegal activities, to the point where many evil organizations like the Hand and Hydra use it frequently. So it was a normal thing for Rick to have many base in this country.

So after Rick explanation, the two spies had a new understanding of Cambodia. It's not that they didn't really know about what's going on in this place, or else it would mean that their respective organization was really bad in collecting intelligence. But it wasn't until now that they understood the true importance of this country for the black market.

While nothing illegal will be sell here, every illegal things will stay here for a while.

Which the reason why famous characters like Electra appeared there.

And so, the trio continue their walk while Rick was introducing them the country more in detail until they reached the Peam river. From here, they took the motor boat prepared in advance and went north until Rick told them to stop.

Because Rick's base was just between the Peam river and the Chas river, they didn't drive the boat very far. But they took some time to hide it.

After that, with the help of Athena's map Rick lead them directly to his hidden base after another hour of walk. By the time they arrived, the sun was already rising.

When they arrived, even though he saw it in his memories, Rick almost couldn't hide his surprise.

To say that that his base was a hidden one, Rick would be the first to disagree. To say that it was a base for Rick he thought that it would be more appropriate to say that it was a mansion! A house, with 4 floors and as long as a football field, if it's not a mansion or a castle at least it wasn't a hidden base at all.

If it wasn't for the dense forest and mountains in the surrounding, Rick would have no doubt that this place would have been found a long time ago. And Natasha didn't miss the occasion to tease him about it.

"That's really 'hidden' what we have here. I honestly afraid that it would be too big and not well hidden."

"Well at least you won't have any problem at founding a room to sleep in." Retort Rick a bit embarrassed.

But at that, Hawkeye interject. "We can't stay here for too long if can Cambodia is a small country and it wouldn't take them long to find our approximate position. So let's just rest for an hour, while Rick you go to see if your jet is in good condition to fly, if it is it would be best if we can go away today."

While tired from all the walking, Rick nodded and went in the direction of the huge garage, but he still took the time to tell them where were the weapon and such, because he along the way that Natasha wasn't armed at all! Which shock him greatly.

But Rick speculate that the reason was to show Barton that she was harmless. Because even though they didn't show it, Rick could see that they didn't trust each other completely. Always on guard that one of them would do something to the other.

But he thought that it was quite normal. Before a few days ago they were enemies that wanted the life of the other. If they could suddenly became best friend after a few days like that, Rick wouldn't believe it at all.

And that's the reason Clint ask Rick to look at the jet and not Natasha. Because he wanted to be sure that she wouldn't do something while she was of his sight. So he didn't go there himself for the same reason. Which is why Rick was the only one present inside the garage looking at his almost crumbling Challenger 600.

At a glance he could see that they couldn't fly in this thing. And if he wanted to be stubborn, the door of the plane which was now lying on the floor and the broken windows at the front completely dispelled this idea from his head.

But while Rick was thinking on how to salvage the situation, Athena suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

[Congratulation Rick you have complete the Side Mission : Prison Break (1). You've been rewarded with:

Experience points

100 GC

Mystery Box.]

'Oh I almost forgot about that. Athena open the mystery box.'

Without wasting time she did as order.

[Congratulation, you've won :

Felix's Hammer.]

With a flash a golden hammer appear in Rick's hand while obtaining its informations. But after obtaining the knowledge of the golden hammer Rick's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"That's awfully convenient."

Why is that? Because that golden hammer is Felix hammer from the game Felix Fix Jr. A game created from the movie wreck it Ralph were all characters are from differents video games. As for Felix, the only thing special about him is his golden hammer that can fix any objects just by hitting it. And right now, Rick indeed need to fix his jet. Which is why he began to suspect that Athena open the back door fir him, but he had no evidence.

'But well, as long as it's serve me well, why should I care? Let's fix this jet!'

It was over after only 3 hammer blows. The jet look like it was just assemble!

[Side Mission from the Main Mission 'Dreykov fall' unlocked. Prison Break (2/2): Escape from the Kingdom of Cambodia and rejoin your base in Budapest.]

Just after repairing the jet, Rick receive this new mission. But honestly while the first part of the mission was easy, the second part from what Black Widow said to Rick would be life-threatening and he wasn't ready at all.

While thinking about how to break the game, Rick suddenly had an idea while looking at the brand new jet : the upgrade skill.

The Upgrade skill could upgrade an object to become something more advanced than it current state. For example if he upgrade an iPhone 4 it could become an iPhoneX or 12 and that in just one upgrade!

So if he Upgrade his jet enough times, could it transform into a quinjet? Can it have the camouflage function?

With that thought in his head, Rick decided to try it.