
Marvel : The Summoning System

Grant Alexander Hunter, a focused 22-year-old student fueled by a love for sketching, embarks on an exploration of ancient Harappan ruins during his semester break. Unaware of the profound impact, a simple switch within these ruins triggers a cosmic anomaly, thrusting him from his familiar world into the vast expanse of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In this uncharted reality, a mysterious holographic summoning system greets him. Undeterred, Hunter seizes the opportunity to establish an organization, rivaling the capabilities of S.H.I.E.L.D., poised to confront the myriad dangers that lurk in this fantastical realm. What unfolds is a gripping tale of adventure, as Hunter endeavors to navigate the unknown and leave an indelible mark on the fabric of the Marvel Universe. MC will not be OP from start and will get gradually powerful. System would not be spamming characters.

Red_DragonEmperor · 映画
22 Chs

Chapter 3: Eyes in the Sky

The summoning sequence began, and the air crackled with energy as Hunter, accompanied by Jiraiya, summoned the Microscopic Surveillance Drones. In an instant, a swarm of tiny drones materialized before them, their miniature cameras gleaming with potential.

Hunter examined the drones and accessed their status:

[Summoned Item: Microscopic Surveillance Drones] X 10

·  Tiny drones equipped with high-resolution cameras.

·  Designed for discreet and efficient surveillance.

·  Provides valuable intel without raising suspicions.

·  Limited flight range and battery life; requires periodic recharging.

System went on cooldown again.

Jiraiya, with his eyes reflecting curiosity, examined the drones. "Modern tech, huh? These little things will be your eyes in places you can't reach."

Hunter nodded, intrigued by the possibilities. "In a world of superheroes and unpredictable events, having discreet surveillance could be a game-changer. We can gather information without drawing unwanted attention."

Jiraiya grinned, "Smart move, Hunter. But remember, information is a double-edged kunai. How you use it determines whether it's a tool for good or a weapon for harm."

"Yeah, but fear of falling did not stop a man from flying."

"Hahahaha… now you have learned to talk, kid. By the way, lend me those drones for some time."

"Why?" Hunter asked but handed the drones eventually.

After sealing the drones in a scroll, Jiraiya replied, "There is some research I need to do for intel gathering which would be quite necessary for our future."

Hearing this, Hunter had a deadpanned face.

In these past few days, Jiraiya learned about the drones and explored all the potential uses of it and returned them to Hunter. As the drones hovered around, Hunter also realized the potential applications. From scouting potential threats to gathering information on emerging figures in the Marvel Universe, the tiny cameras could provide crucial insights.

Over the following days, Hunter familiarized himself with the operation of the Microscopic Surveillance Drones. He learned to control their movements and access the footage they captured. The drones became an extension of his senses, allowing him to see beyond the immediate surroundings.

Jiraiya, with his wisdom, guided Hunter on ethical considerations. "Remember, Hunter, knowledge is power, but it should be wielded responsibly. Respect privacy, and use the information you gather for the greater good."

Jiraiya, in the last year, also learned to use modern weapons like guns, tanks, etc. from the military training camp. Everything is easy when you have genjutsu and transformation techniques with you. He also taught the same to Hiroshi who was working in the city.

Jiraiya said, "Hunter, let's go to the city and see how much you have learned. Let's see how much these drones help to gather intelligence."

As Hunter honed his skills in drone operation, the trio—Hunter, Jiraiya, and Hiroshi—embarked on a journey through the city. The drones silently zipped through the urban landscape, capturing images and videos that could be analysed later.

The next day in a rental apartment of Hiroshi, as they reviewed the footage, an anomaly caught Hunter's attention. A series of symbols and markings appeared intermittently in different locations, forming a mysterious pattern.

Hunter: "Jiraiya, Hiroshi, take a look at this. These symbols... they seem intentional, like a message."

Jiraiya squinted at the images, his toad sage instincts kicking in. "This isn't ordinary graffiti. It's a language, a code. Someone is trying to communicate something."

Hiroshi, with his pragmatic approach, suggested, "We should decipher it, figure out what message is being conveyed."

Hunter, intrigued by the challenge, nodded in agreement. "Let's use our combined skills. Jiraiya, your experience with codes and symbols could be invaluable. Hiroshi, your analytical mind can help us make sense of it."

As the trio delved into decoding the mysterious symbols, the Microscopic Surveillance Drones continued their surveillance, capturing more images and information from the city.

The process became a collaborative effort, each member bringing their unique skills to the table. Jiraiya's knowledge of ancient symbols, Hiroshi's organizational skills, and Hunter's fresh perspective created a dynamic team.

Days turned into weeks as they deciphered the symbols, uncovering a hidden network operating within the city. The symbols led them to secret meeting places, concealed entrances, and a web of covert activities.

Jiraiya: "Looks like our little surveillance operation has uncovered more than we expected. This city is hiding secrets, and we're just scratching the surface."

Hunter, feeling the weight of responsibility, realized that their actions could have far-reaching consequences. The information they possessed could tip the balance in the ongoing struggles within the Marvel Universe.

As the decoded message pointed towards an upcoming event of significance, the trio prepared for what lay ahead. The Microscopic Surveillance Drones, now an integral part of their strategy, continued to gather intel, ensuring that they were one step ahead in the game of shadows.

Little did they know that the secrets they were unravelling would lead them deeper into the complexities of the Marvel Universe, where alliances were fragile, and every piece of information could be a key to survival.

Jiraiya and Hunter opted to stay in the city. Money was not a problem for a ninja such as Jiraiya. Aside from royalty, he collected from the last year, he also went in and robbed some of the gangsters and thugs. Though the amount wasn't large enough to support an organization, it was enough to keep three people alive. Food was never a problem as one is a trained shinobi, the other is a salaryman, and the last one is a student. Luxury is something optional to them.

The decoded symbols and markings led Hunter, Jiraiya, and Hiroshi on a trail that hinted its way to Madripoor, a city notorious for its shadowy dealings and clandestine activities. As they followed the clues, the trio found themselves drawn into a web of intrigue that reached far beyond their initial expectations.

The graffiti, once a mere enigma, now bore a connection to Madripoor's underworld. Jiraiya, with his knowledge of the criminal underworld, gave his input.

Jiraiya: "Madripoor, a den of shadows and secrets. We're stepping into the lion's den, my friends. Even when we are so far away from Madripoor, the city has operatives here as well."

Hunter, determined to unravel the mystery, said, "If Madripoor is involved, there's more to this than meets the eye. We need to tread carefully and gather as much information as we can."

Hiroshi, pragmatic as ever, added, "Our Microscopic Surveillance Drones can be our eyes in the sky. Let's use them to scout the area discreetly. If anyone has left the message here, then there must be someone receiving it as well. Let's take a high point for surveillance."

The trio, with the tiny drones hovering above, waited on a seven-storied building.

As they waited, Jiraiya shared insights about Madripoor's history and its connections to various criminal organizations. The city, known for its lack of strict regulations, was a haven for those seeking to operate in the shadows.

In the evening, as the trio observed from the rooftop, Hunter noticed a figure in the shadows, glancing at the graffiti for a few seconds and moving out. The figure entered a hotel located two blocks away and met with a person. The individual, dressed in attire that screamed Madripoor's underground, spoke with a mixture of caution and curiosity.

Figure: (speaking in a hushed tone) "I've confirmed it. The message is received. They took the bait."

Madripoor Operative: (nods, maintaining a composed demeanor) "Good. Our client will be pleased. The payment better be substantial for us to dance in this dangerous game."

Figure: "Obiah was clear about the stakes. The plan is just to divert attention from any external forces, make it seem like a routine hit. But we both know Tony Stark is anything but routine. The man's a magnet for trouble."

Madripoor Operative: (smirks) "Trouble that pays well. So, what's our role in this play? We're not the only players, are we?"

Figure: "No, we're just the opening act. Obiah's got other pawns in the game. The Ten Rings, they're the headliners. We just keep the surroundings in check, heavy lifting will all be done by the Ten Rings. Their leader has plans, big plans. This is just the beginning."

Madripoor Operative: (raising an eyebrow) "The Ten Rings? They're a formidable bunch. You sure Obiah isn't biting off more than he can chew?"

Figure: "Obiah's got his own interests. The chaos Stark's abduction will cause, it's just a stepping stone. He's playing a long game, and we're here to ensure his pieces are in place. But just to be sure, bring in the heavy machines, we cannot risk it. The local military will be quite a problem if they intervene."

Madripoor Operative: (leans in, intrigued) "Hmm… and what about us? What do we gain from dancing to Obiah's tune?"

Figure: "Power, influence, and a share of whatever the Ten Rings are cooking, along with the blueprints of the missile which Obiah promised us. Think of it as an investment in a future where we're not just shadows in Madripoor's corners. We become players, not pawns."

Madripoor Operative: (smirking) "I like the sound of that. So, when does the show begin?"

Figure: "The abduction will happen during Stark's high-profile event probably a year, maybe less, few months, but be ready. We play our part, vanish into the shadows, and let the Ten Rings take the spotlight. It's a performance that'll echo in the underworld."

Madripoor Operative: "Significant planning will be required on this contract. Send me the details, and I will get in contact with the base."

On the rooftop, Jiraiya, with his sharp instincts, narrowed his eyes. "Tony Stark? This goes deeper than we thought. We need to gather more intel."

Hunter: (frowning as they watch the exchange below) "This is bigger than we assumed. Obiah, the Ten Rings, and now this shadowy dance in Madripoor. We're in over our heads. Madripoor was never involved in Tony's abduction, or was it?"

Jiraiya: (leaning against the rooftop edge) "The world beyond the borders of our worlds is a complex one. Power struggles, clandestine dealings, and shadows that stretch across continents."

Hiroshi: (adjusting the settings on the drones) "It's a chessboard, and we're just figuring out the rules. But what do we do about Stark? We can't just let him be taken."

Hunter: (rubbing his chin in contemplation) "Jiraiya, you can handle this, right? I mean, you've faced powerful foes before."

Jiraiya: (smirking) "Kid, I've danced with the deadliest. But this isn't just about power; it's about modern weaponry, tactics we're not accustomed to. Even I can't predict every move."

Hiroshi: (looking at Hunter) "What are you thinking, Hunter?"

Hunter: "I'm thinking we stay put. Jiraiya might survive this, but we're not equipped for it. I haven't even started my weapon training, and Hiroshi, no offense, you're a salaryman, not a ninja."

Hiroshi: (nodding understandingly) "No offense taken. I've been in enough corporate battles, but this is a different kind of war."

Jiraiya: "The kid's right. It's not just about wanting to help; it's about knowing when you can. We don't have the cards for this round."

Hunter: (looking at the bustling city below) "Stark's a genius; he'll get out of it. Our focus should be on gathering intel, understanding the players, and preparing for when we can make a move."

Hiroshi: "So, we play the waiting game."

Hunter: "We gather information, strengthen ourselves, and plan our moves. We might not be able to save Stark this time, but we can ensure that next time, we're not mere spectators."

Jiraiya: (patting Hunter on the back) "Smart move, kid. It takes more than just power to be a leader. It takes strategy and knowing your limits."

Hiroshi: "And when the time comes, we'll be ready. We'll make our move when the pieces are in our favor."

[Conditions met for character 'Hiroshi Nohara']

[User can learn skills of summoned character 'Hiroshi Nohara' if the summoned character 'Hiroshi Nohara' finds the user worthy and teaches him.]

[Note: User has to take efforts himself and learn the skill]

[Name: Hiroshi Nohara

Origin: Crayon Shin-chan Universe

Title: Salaryman


·  Exceptional organizational and administrative skills

·  Pragmatic approach to problem-solving

Personality: Initially confused but adaptable and pragmatic

Preferences: Enjoys a good work-life balance, often daydreams about adventures.


Organizational Expert: Due to his background as a salaryman, Hiroshi excels in organization and administration, making him invaluable for managing logistics and planning. (NEW)*

Adaptable: Despite the initial confusion, Hiroshi quickly adapts to new situations and proves to be pragmatic in problem-solving. (NEW)*

Work-Life Balance: Maintains a healthy balance between work and personal life, offering a unique perspective in the team. (NEW)* Unique Traits:

Office Wisdom: Can provide insights based on his experience in the corporate world, helping in decision-making and strategic planning. (NEW)*

Daydreamer's Insight: Possesses a creative and imaginative side that occasionally offers unconventional solutions to challenges. (NEW)*]

[More information will be revealed if the user wins the trust of the summoned character.]

Hiroshi looked at Hunter and smirked as he felt a connection form. The trio watches the unfolding events in the city, knowing that sometimes the best move is not the one played immediately. They settle into a mode of observation and preparation, recognizing that their time to act will come, and when it does, they'll be ready to navigate the intricate web of power and shadow.

The night in the city unfolded like a dark tapestry, weaving tales of power, intrigue, and shadows. Hunter, Jiraiya, and Hiroshi, perched high above the city, watched as the events below continued to play out. The distant sounds of the bustling nightlife mixed with the echoes of their conversation.

Jiraiya: "This city never sleeps, and neither do its secrets. We'll play the waiting game for now."

Hunter: (gazing into the city lights) "Stark can handle himself. We need to be patient and choose our battles wisely."

Hiroshi: (monitoring the drones) "Our surveillance drones will keep tabs on the movements. We will not miss any details. Don't overthink Grant."

As the trio settled into their vigil, a distant siren echoed through the streets, a sombre reminder of the battles fought in the shadows. The night held its secrets close, and the city pulsated with a rhythm that seemed to synchronize with the trio's heartbeat.

Jiraiya: "Sometimes, a leader's journey involves more than just facing the enemy head-on. It's about understanding the currents of power and waiting for the right wave to ride."

Hunter: "We'll be strategic about this. Stark's safety is a priority, but so is our preparation."

Hiroshi: (looking at the city lights) "In this city of shadows, we'll find our own light. We play the long game. Besides, Stark can take care of himself. And Hunter nothing is going to be achieved by overthinking."

'This habit is going to take a long time to discard *sighs*'

As the night wore on, the trio continued their observation, knowing that every passing moment brought them closer to a confrontation they couldn't avoid. The skyline of the city, with its glittering lights and concealed dangers, became the backdrop to their evolving story.

The trio decides to return to the apartment when a sudden disturbance ripples through the air. The trio, perched high above the city, exchanges glances as the subtle shift in atmosphere catches their attention.

Hunter: "Something's happening down there. This doesn't feel like a normal night."

Jiraiya: (alert) "The winds of change are blowing. Stay sharp, both of you."

Suddenly, the surveillance drones transmitted an unusual pattern of movement below. Figures in the shadows converged, and a clandestine meeting unfolded.

Hiroshi: (analyzing the data) "This isn't just about Stark. There's a larger game at play. Look at the coordination; it's a setup."

The distant echoes of a conversation reached their ears as the drones closed in, but the words remained elusive.

Hiroshi: "We are at maximum range. Any further, and we will lose the connection with drones."

Hunter: "We need to get closer, understand what's at stake. Our answers might be in that conversation."

Jiraiya: (eyes narrowing) "This could be the tipping point. Whatever happens next will define our path. Let's move."

As the trio prepared to descend into the heart of the city's secrets, a sudden surge of power echoed through the night. The sky crackled with an otherworldly energy, and the trio found themselves at the edge of a revelation.

Jiraiya: "This city's surprised me. An insignificant city like this has so many secrets! You can never let your guard down."

Hunter: (whispering) "Hold on tight; this is just the beginning."


Like it ? Add to library!Also if you want you can suggest some characters of items to summon not just from anime but from movies as well. Don't want them overpowered like goku, shanks, whitebeard, etc. If I like anyone/ anything I will add it to my fanfic.

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