
Marvel: The Spot

[DISCLAIMER] Read the tags. ---- Ethan was once a brilliant scientist, working alongside others to unlock the secrets of the multiverse. But when a critical experiment goes awry, he is betrayed and blamed for the failure. Fired and left with nothing, Ethan seeks revenge, hacking the collider and setting in motion an event that will change everything. In a fateful moment, the collider malfunctions, ripping a hole in space and time, pulling Ethan into the very void of existence. Reborn in a strange new form with white skin covered in swirling black circles, Ethan gains the ability to manipulate these voids, warping reality itself. Now, as "The Spot," Ethan finds himself caught between dimensions, discovering powers far beyond his imagination. But with great power comes great instability, and his thirst for chaos may threaten the entire multiverse. ---- No: Romance, Yaoi, Yuri, Smut, dumb mc. Yes: Villain with an agenda, action, genius mc, marvel multiverse, chaos. AU Novel The updates depends from you.

Concept_Author · 映画
25 Chs

Chapter 12: Meeting

You threw me more than 25 stones, so I'm forced to concede the bonus chapter, don't throw more!

(Please do. Next objective: 50 stones!)


Meanwhile, with S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the heart of Manhattan, the dust still hadn't fully settled. The Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives moved like shadows through the wreckage, assessing the damage and gathering evidence. Captain Marvel, having just returned from a high-speed search across the surrounding areas, landed softly near a group of agents, her face a mask of frustration.

"Nothing," she said to Nick Fury, her voice edged with annoyance. "I've checked everywhere within a hundred-mile radius. He's completely vanished."

Fury, ever the stoic leader, nodded, his face unreadable beneath his ever-present eyepatch. "He's slippery," he said, his voice low and rough. "But he can't hide forever. Not from us."

Meanwhile, in one of the temporary labs set up near the battle site, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner worked feverishly to develop a way to track Ethan's movements. Tony's fingers flew across his wrist-mounted interface, while Bruce analyzed the data streaming in from the energy readings collected during the fight.

"We're dealing with something new here," Bruce muttered, his brow furrowed. "The Spot' portals don't leave behind the usual radiation signatures we're used to. But... there's something on the quantum level."

Tony glanced at him, his mind already processing a dozen possible solutions. "JARVIS and I picked up on the same thing. His portals leave behind this weird... spatial residue. It's faint, but it's there. If we can fine-tune our sensors to detect those quantum disruptions, we might be able to track him, even predict where he's going next."

Bruce nodded, already tweaking the settings on one of the scanners. "We'll need to attune it perfectly, but if we can get it right, we'll have a way to follow his trail no matter where he goes."

"Exactly," Tony said, his eyes gleaming with the excitement of a new challenge. "The Spot might be unpredictable, but he's not invisible. We'll find him."

Nick Fury, who had been listening quietly, stepped forward, his voice cutting through the focused atmosphere. "How long until this thing is ready?"

Tony shot a glance at Bruce before turning back to Fury. "Give us 24 hours. We'll have a prototype up and running."


Two days later

The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city as the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. gathered in a secure facility just outside Manhattan. The rubble from Ethan's last attack still littered the streets, but the heroes were focused on the task at hand.

Tony Stark stood in front of the group, holding a sleek, metallic device in his hands. Its surface shimmered with faint blue lights, and the soft hum of power radiated from within. He raised it slightly, making sure everyone could see it.

"This," Tony began, his voice carrying across the room, "is how we're going to find The Spot."

He held the device up for everyone to see, the glowing blue panels reflecting the light. "This tracker is designed to detect the residual quantum disturbances left behind every time he uses one of those portals. It's like leaving an interdimensional footprint. All we have to do is follow the trail."

Bruce Banner, standing beside him, added, "It's not a perfect system yet, but with each trace we gather, we can refine it. The more data we collect, the more accurately we'll be able to predict his movements in real-time."

Captain Marvel, arms folded across her chest, raised an eyebrow. "So, we find him, and then what? He's already proven that he can handle multiple Avengers at once."

Nick Fury, ever the realist, stepped forward. "That's why we're coordinating with global teams. This isn't just about New York anymore. We're preparing for something bigger."

Just as Fury finished speaking, the air in the room shifted. There was a distinct change in the atmosphere, a subtle drop in temperature. All eyes turned toward the far end of the room as the soft hum of telepathic energy filled the air.

From the shadows, Professor Charles Xavier appeared, flanked by several key members of the X-Men. Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Black Panther stepped forward, their presence commanding immediate attention.

Tony's eyes flickered with surprise as he recognized the group. "Well, well. If it isn't the X-Men."

Xavier gave a polite nod, his voice calm but resolute. "This fight is not just yours, Stark. The Spot represents a danger that goes beyond the Avengers' scope. His powers could unravel the fabric of reality itself. We are here to help."

Cyclops stood tall, his expression hardened by years of battle experience. "We're not here to take over, but don't think for a second that this guy can run free. He's too dangerous."

Steve Rogers, ever the diplomat, stepped forward. "Why the sudden interest?"

Xavier's voice was steady as he replied, "The Spot's abilities are beyond the scope of normal combat. His powers affect space-time itself, and mutants like us are more attuned to those disruptions. If left unchecked, his abilities could destabilize the very nature of our world."

Tony, skeptical as always, glanced at Fury for confirmation before turning back to Xavier. "All right, Professor. Let's see what you've got."

As the teams began strategizing, the tension in the room was palpable. The Spot was out there, somewhere, and with every portal he opened, the risk grew. This wasn't just about stopping a villain anymore. It was about preserving the fabric of reality itself.

The battle against chaos was only beginning.


Meanwhile, Ethan sat in the bathtub, his entire body covered in bubbles, his black-and-white circles shifting lazily as he played with a collection of mini figurines. His bathtub wasn't just any ordinary tub today. No, it was a battlefield.

He grabbed a tiny Iron Man figurine made of soap and lifted it high above the water. "Look at me! I'm Tony Stark, and I think I'm sooo smart!" Ethan mimicked in a silly voice, waving the figurine around. "But oh no! My tech can't save me now, because… bubbles!"

With a mischievous grin, he dunked the soap Iron Man under the water. Glug glug glug! Down it went, disappearing into the soapy abyss.

Next, he grabbed a sponge shaped like Captain America's shield. "I'm Captain America, and I stand for justice!" Ethan proclaimed, wiggling the shield. "But can I survive the ultimate enemy?" He paused dramatically, then burst into laughter. "NOPE!" He pushed the sponge shield under the water with a splash, sending bubbles flying.

And then came Spider-Man, his favorite. A tiny, stretchy Spider-Man action figure that floated near the faucet. Ethan picked him up, giving him a goofy voice. "I'm Spidey, I can swing from buildings and, AHHH! Soap! My one weakness!" He giggled as he dunked Spider-Man, letting him drift away dramatically.

With all the figurines now under the bubbly surface, Ethan raised his arms in victory. "And the mighty Spot wins again!" he cheered, splashing the water triumphantly.

And there he sat, the great and powerful villain, ruler of the bathtub, laughing at the defeated Avengers… who were now, quite literally, washed away by soap and bubbles.


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