
Where am I?

In a communal room at SHIELD, Phil Coulson and Melinda May, agents of SHIELD, Lady Sif, an Asgardian warrior, and Vin-Tak, an emissary of the Kree Empire, are having a conversation.

"Skye saw but not much." said Coulson.

"Were you there? What did you see?" asked Sif.

"I didn't see—I didn't see anything," said Skye, visibly frightened.

"Were there others with you? The changes may not be on the surface but buried deep inside. You have to understand, these creatures are weapons, aberrations, even if they don't know it." explained Coulson.

Suddenly, the room began to shake, and everyone looked at each other, not understanding what was happening.

"What's happening?" asked Sif.

As the others looked around the room trying to understand, Melinda May looked at Skye and understood what was happening.

"Skye? Do you want to talk to us?" May said as calmly as possible, trying to calm the situation.

Suddenly, everyone understood what was happening, and that Skye had something to do with it.

Coulson approached Skye.

"Skye, what is doing this?" said Coulson, sounding like a disappointed father whose daughter has done something against his moral code.

"It's me." said Skye, fear evident in her voice, like a child who has just realized the consequences of doing something wrong.

Lady Sif tried to hold Skye, but Skye reacted, not wanting to hurt anyone, and pulled away from Lady Sif's grasp.

"No!" Skye shouted and tried to contain the tremors, but failed, and the windows of the room shattered.

"Hand her over now; I'll take her to Asgard, and it will be safer for everyone." said Sif.

"We are not doing that." said Coulson, positioning himself between Skye and Sif.

"The weapon has been activated; she needs to be eliminated before she hurts someone." said Vin-Tak.

"Skye is not a weapon!" Coulson shouted, and clearly the tension in the room was escalating.

"Coulson, no one is saying that Skye chose this, but she is dangerous." said Sif.

"I don't want to be dangerous." said Skye, trying to defend herself.

"Imagine what could happen if her power grows; it can go beyond the broken glass, it can bring down entire buildings and split continents apart." continued Sif.

"I can learn to control it." said Skye.

"You were not designed for this; you were designed to destroy, and that's why you need to be sacrificed." explained Vin-Tak.

Then Leopold Fitz, who had come running to where Skye was when he felt the tremors and had arrived in the room in time to understand what was happening, said:

"This sounds a lot like murder."

Suddenly, a crack of white light appeared in the middle of the room and emitted a light that covered the entire floor, and when the light dissipated, a man in a black suit with a black hood and silver armor and mask with engravings and parts with white lights was lying on the floor.

The light was so strong that drawn the rest of agents in the building towards the room.

The tension in the room still hadn't diminished, but everyone was focused on this person who appeared out of nowhere and could be a threat. Coulson and May aimed their guns at the person who had just appeared.

"Skye, was this you?" asked Coulson.

"No... at least I don't think so." said Skye, still confused about whether this is part of her powers or not.

"Oh, fuck! I didn't join the response team to get involved with this kind of shit, and yet, this happened, damn it, why did it have to be a beyonder? Fifteen years of service and I had never heard of the appearance of one." said the man in the black suit, clearly dejected.

"Where did that Beyonder throw me?" The man in the black suit said, struggling to stand up and looking around, starting with the Kree and then fixing his gaze on May and Coulson, who were beside him.

"Hey! Pointing a weapon at a Protector is a violation of Article Fourteen, Point Four of the Earth Federation Protection Law, you know that, right?" said the man in the black suit.

Everyone was confused, even the Kree and the Asgardian, who had never seen anything like it.

He looked around and when he saw Lady Sif.

"Lady Sif, it's a pleasure to meet you. Did I interrupt something? Am I in New Asgard by any chance? It doesn't look like it; the architecture of this place is grotesque." said the man in the black suit.

"What is New Asgard?" Sif asked.

"The leader of the Valkyries doesn't know? Oh, excuse me, I didn't notice the clothes, are you in disguise by any chance?" said the man in the black suit.

Sif and the rest of the people continued to be puzzled.

"Do you know who he is?" Coulson asked.

"No." replied Sif.

"Damn, that was it, wasn't it? Perfect! Finding a Beyonder and causing a diplomatic incident by interfering with an operation of New Asgard, I'm definitely getting fired now. That's all I needed on this day." said the man in the black suit, hanging his head.

Since the man recognized Sif, she took it upon herself to try to understand what was happening.

"Identify yourself." commanded Sif.

The man in the black suit didn't hesitate before changing position; he stood at attention with his right arm straight in front of his chest.

"Protector third class Logan Weber." Logan said in a clear tone like a soldier.

Seeing that the situation seemed to be unfolding without violence, Skye, who had already calmed down to the point of no longer making the room tremble since the flash occurred, stepped out from behind Coulson, and when Logan saw her, he immediately knelt with his left knee and fist on the ground and his right arm on his chest.

"Your Highness, I apologize for intervening; you may punish me as you see fit." said Logan seriously.

Everyone looked at Skye and saw that she was as surprised as anyone.

The excited Kree was no longer surprised but angry, thinking he had been made a fool to protect the aberration.

"So this is your doing, I knew I should have killed you as soon as we found out you're an aberration." he said.

Coulson and May recognized the Kree as a threat again, and at this moment agents Lance Hunter, Alphonso Mackenzie, Jemma Simmons, and Barbara Morse arrived on the scene and stood ready in case the newcomer turned hostile.

"I have nothing to do with this." said Skye.

"Enough!" the Kree shouted, charging at Skye.

However, before he could move, Logan was already by his side, holding his arm.

"Threatening a royalty of the neohumans is grounds for arrest." said Logan.

Vin-Tak tried to break free but couldn't and was clearly amazed at Logan's strength.

Seeing that the man who had threatened Skye tried to resist, Logan put more force on his arm and twisted it, causing the Kree's body to bend as if he were going to break his right arm being held.

"Resistance to arrest by a Protector, Article Fourteen, Point Fifteen of the Earth Federation Protection Law, any sentence applied will be doubled." said Logan.

At that moment, everyone around backed away from the Kree and Logan to see how the situation would unfold, but the Kree didn't stay quiet. He attempted to use his free arm to attack Coulson and retrieve his weapon, realizing the magnitude of the mistake he had made.

Coulson was moving away while protecting Skye, so Skye was right by his side. From Logan's perspective, the person who had just threatened a member of the royal neohuman family and tried to attack her.

As Vin-Tak's attempt to reclaim his weapon failed, he didn't even have time to react before hearing the sound of something breaking and feeling his strength draining away, unable to stand anymore.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" The Kree screamed in pain only then did he look at himself and saw that his legs and the arm Logan was holding were broken.

Logan, who had kicked the man's legs while breaking his arm, moved in front of him and grabbed him by the neck.

"Attempted murder of a member of the neohuman royal family without justified cause according to Article Three of the Earth Federation Protection Law, any attempt at homicide against a member of the leadership of any of the races is punishable by death, which can be carried out by anyone who witnesses the act or by a selected member of the judiciary after being declared guilty in a trial." said Logan.

Most of the people around didn't even see what happened and were horrified, except for Lady Sif, with her heightened Asgardian senses from years of battles for Asgard.

Logan then looked at Skye as if waiting for permission to complete the act.

"Your Majesty, should I execute the sentence, or do you wish me to interrogate him to find out if he has accomplices first?" Logan looked at Skye, awaiting her response.

"No need to kill him, he-he-he's no longer a threat." said Skye.

"Understood." said Logan, releasing Vin-Tak's neck, who finally fell to the ground, too weak even to scream from the pain he felt.

"He's still conscious, which is surprising. Most would have passed out by now, is it because of this?" Logan, noticing the device on the Kree's chest, grabbed the equipment and squeezed it, causing it to break, and the Kree's skin returned to its blue hue.

"A Kree, now it makes sense. Captain Marvel should have destroyed your empire when you tried to invade Earth. Now, every year, we have to arrest a few of you for causing trouble. And I bet you don't even have a pass. You know that not having a pass is a crime according to Article Two of the Earth Federation Protection Law, and yet I doubt you have one." said Logan.

Logan then turned to Skye, seeing the astonishment on everyone's faces around him, finally taking the time to try to assess the situation he found himself in.

"Could any of you inform me where am I?" asked Logan.