
Marvel: The Journey to being overpowered

John Couch was always a funny guy. He was the type of guy who wouldn't give a damn about what you do unless something went against his principles. Yet, in this night, as a pool of crimson blood forms around the lied down body of John, it marked his journey in the world to an end. Although not for all, after every end, there is a beginning. Watch how John starts and journeys through his new beginning, ( I own nothing except my oc, the cover is also not mine. Found it in my meme files and decided to use it. ***English is not my main language!!!*** Please feel free to give reviews and give suggestions as to how this newbie shall proceed with his work!!))

Idiotic_Slave · 映画
3 Chs

1- Meeting the Big G

John was your typical chill guy. You could hang out with him and he'd just act like a friend. Excluding the random outbursts the guy has, he's fine. Well, everyone has some sort of PTSD, can't blame him for the now, can you? Anyways, back to the current situation.

John C. POV


So this is how it ends huh? I'm not even angry, how could I be. I don't have any  attachment to this world. Probably the coolest way to go out huh? 

General POV


John looked at the scenery around him. Crimson blood splattered all around him. Various men of different ages trying to help him. Many took out their devices and started recording the whole scene. Few screams here and there could be heard. John, the man in question, had  various gaping holes in his chest. While trying to save his colleagues from a group of crazed gunmen, he got shot. But before he died, with his precise aim, he killed the 5 villains, although he had been with shot a few hundred bullets. Although his colleagues were saved, he wasn't. He tried to protect others, whilst he couldn't protect himself. And now... the time was ticking, the hands clocks were moving. Every second seemed like eternity as John's life flashed before his very life. He felt helpless... so as much that he couldn't he anything. But he already resigned to his gruesome fate. His body went numb and he was struggling to keep his consciousness. And with a sigh, he closed his eyes. As his journey ended in the world.

John C. POV


'Ugh it hurts- wait it doesn't hurt anymore? Where the fuck am I right now? Goddammit!'

I lifted up my body and saw that I was at my peak, completely healed. I was puzzled, beyond everything. Now that I look at this place, it's weird...very weird. The place was existing and not existing at the same time. The rectangular shaped barrier that detached the place from the darkness outside. And here I was, in its middle. But before I could do anything, blinding light flashed and I had to cover my eyes. I grunted and cursed due to the pain and burn the light had caused, after a second or two, I opened my eyes. And there He was. My sugar daddy.

General POV


As the figure showed himself before John, he felt weird... MORGAN FREEMAN?!?!?! John was puzzled, once again! Before he could utter a word, the man spoke, " Nice to meet you, John Couch. I'm God," He spoke with no arrogance, rather a warm and friendly voice and smile which people would love. 

" So, how would you rate your life John? From a rate of 1 to 10?" The man spoke with a warm smile, curious to listen to John's answer.

As puzzled as he was, John regained his mental stability and answered, "I- uh would rate it as a... 4.5? Maybe, yeah definitely." He spoke with a tinge of fear.

The man noticed this and just ignored it, " Is that so, young John? Well, I have a deal for you, would you be willing to listen?" He spoke softly.

Thinking a bit on his questions, John though about the possibilities the man could grant him, after all...who wouldn't want a deal from Big G himself? "Of course, I would be extremely willing!" John spoke with a bit of excitement

The man chuckled a bit at my behavior and spoke after a second, " Alright then, Would you be willing... to become my apostle?" He spoke with a sly grin.

John C. POV


The words hit me like a bullet train. Out of all the things I expected, I EVEN EXPECTED TO BE TRANSMIGRATED BUT WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! My face was pale, lost in thoughts of my own,

" W-what?" My baffled voice that voiced my thoughts came into contrast as the scenery changed from a rectangular domain to an altar looking place. The white marbled floor and the ivory colored pillars with the image of the statue of a  praying nun. The color taste was weird, but it was catchy nonetheless. Although the scenery changed way too fast for me to adapt.

"Don't be afraid young one, everything happens in a matter of time." The man spoke as he appeared to my left and put a hand on my shoulder. "Now let me explain what I meant by asking you to become my apostle." He walked forward and then turned back, facing me with his white suit, pants, shoes whatever you name it.

Before I could speak a word, he cut me off speaking, "I would like to mention that apart from me, there are various other Gods out there. Each being extremely powerful in their own right. Each standing for their own concepts etc. What I would like to mention is that, we are omniversal beings, and we get bored sometimes. Therefore, we have decided to have a contest." He smirked before dropping the bomb. " A contest between Apostles."



He looked at me expecting a reaction. Without spending much time I responded, " A contest?"

"Yes indeed, a contest. A contest to determine, which God can make the greatest entertainment project. Before you ask me I would say that We, Gods, in general are very bored most of the time. Power comes at a cost they say." He chuckles a bit before continuing, " For sextillions of years, we have been bored, however one of us came up with an original new idea. A contest between whose apostle could entertain them the most. You see, every life is like a book. Ups and downs.  Tragedy and happiness, but most of the time it's generic and boring. We Gods also don't have the best of creativity. So, we decided that, instead of being original, we would send people, apostles in this regard to various other planes of existences to see whose story would be the greatest" He spoke with a slight grin.

I was baffled once again, then I realized these people were the ones who were at the top of the Food Chain, so things probably get boring since there was so little to do. I realized, this could be a turning point in my lif- no existence. I truly could do whatever I wished for. I could bring my dreams to reality. I wouldn't be pathetic anymore. But before all that, there was a question that was lingering in my mind.

" Am I a chosen one or just random?" UI asked the man in front of me with clear resolution in my eyes. He heard my question and chuckled a bit before answering, " No, sorry to disappoint however you were chosen random. But you did have a bit of purity in your soul, so increased the chances by a large margin." 

(A/N: The God chuckles quite the lot, don't ask me why)

" So this is my last question to you, are you willing to become my apostle John Couch? Morgan spoke with seriousness, his eyes piercing mu soul. After a deep moment of thinking. I gave an answer.

"Yes... I would be willing to become your apostle."

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