
Marvel: The Ghost

Alexander, an average human, died in our modern world, as he floated in nothingness, he met an unknown being who sent him to the MCU as a Kryptonian without his consent. Join Alexander on his extraordinary journey, being the only Kryptonian in the universe as he unravels the secrets and wonders of this vast universe, navigating its intricate tapestry of heroes, villains, and cosmic forces. Prepare to be captivated as the mystery of the universe unfolds before your eyes, immersing you in a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Get your advanced chapters on: patreon.com/hairypotah

HairyPotah · 映画
37 Chs

Chapter 32: Nuke

Returning his focus to the team, Alex let out a sigh, fully aware of the daunting tasks that lay ahead. "We've got a lot on our plate now."

Looking at Natasha, who wore a grave expression, Alex requested, "Nat, can you get in touch with Fury?"

Curiosity flickered in Natasha's eyes as she retrieved a communication device from her pocket. "Yes, I can. Why do you need to speak with him?"

"It's important," Alex emphasized, his tone carrying a sense of urgency. "Can you patch me through?"

Natasha nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. With a swift motion, she activated the device, its beeping sound signaling its attempt to establish a connection with the headquarters.

Observing Natasha spring into action, Alex couldn't help but smile, appreciating her efficiency and determination in a time of crisis.

"...It's connected," Natasha informed, signaling the successful connection as the beeping ceased.

"...Agent Romanoff?" Fury inquired.

"Director, the Ghost needs to speak with you," Natasha relayed succinctly before passing the device to Alex.

Taking hold of the communication device, Alex addressed Fury directly, "Fury, do you have any nukes?"

The mere mention of the word "nuke" immediately drew the undivided attention of everyone present, their focus now fixed on Alex and the important question he had posed.

"...Ghost, why do you need a nuke?"

Steve's concern was evident in his furrowed brow and tense expression, his voice tinged with worry. He knew firsthand the devastating power of a nuclear weapon and the catastrophic consequences it could bring.

Alex, sensing Steve's unease, motioned for him to quiet down. He understood the weight of their conversation and the gravity of his proposal.

"...What got Nuke into all of this?"

The voice of confusion from the other end of the communication device added to the tension in the air.

As Alex turned his gaze towards the swirling portal, his eyes focused and determined. The scene unfolding before them demanded decisive action. More Chitauri poured out, their ranks seemingly endless, posing an imminent threat to innocent lives.

"Sending a nuke through the portal could wipe out their entire army. It's a drastic measure, but it might be the only way to ensure the safety of innocent lives."

"Sending a nuke in there wouldn't just take out the enemy. It's dangerous, with a high risk of collateral damage." Tony voiced his reservations about the plan.

Hovering near the group, his suit gleamed under the dim light, his concern etched across his face.

"Tony's right, Ghost. It could cause unimaginable destruction."

Steve nodded in agreement.

He couldn't bear the thought of sacrificing countless lives in a destructive inferno. His expression mirrored Tony's worry.

With hollow eyes, Alex looked into their eyes, showing his conviction.

Alex's hollow eyes pierced through their hesitation, there was an unwavering determination in his gaze, a recognition of the dire situation they faced.

Seeing this, Steve instinctively flinched. Those eyes reminded him of those war veterans that have been through a lot. He thought that maybe the Ghost had also been through a lot of wars in the past.

However, Steve didn't realize how wrong his assumption was. Alex has never been in a war, and his only war was with the Abomination.

His experiences with the Abomination were nothing compared to the scale of destruction and suffering unfolding before them.

With the Abomination, the destruction wasn't as big as this considering the enemy was only one foolish giant. And the casualties were not as high as on this battlefield as well.

Besides that one unfortunate blondie, there was nothing worth mentioning in his past experience fighting the Abomination.

The chaotic sounds of the battlefield filled the air, mingling with the cries of anguish and desperation.

Alex's heart clenched with every scream for help, every life lost. He could sense the fear and panic that engulfed the city, and it fueled his determination to put an end to this nightmare.

As he surveyed the scene, his mind raced, trying to find a solution that would minimize the loss of innocent lives.

Alex reached a resolute conclusion amidst the chaos and despair surrounding them. He firmly believed that the only way to put an end to the relentless madness, the anguished cries, and the overwhelming desperation was to eliminate their enemies without hesitation.

With unwavering determination, Alex spoke up, breaking the heavy silence that hung in the air. His words were clear and firm, leaving no room for doubt or second-guessing.

"This is a war! It's a matter of kill or be killed."

The weight of his declaration settled upon the group, casting a solemn pallor over their faces.


A profound silence enveloped them as each person grappled with the harsh reality of what Alex had just proclaimed. Though the notion was horrifying, they couldn't deny the truth that resonated in his words.

"...No, we can't use the Nuke, or else we might destroy the city as well." Fury's voice reverberated through the communication device, dashing Alex's hopes.

A frown creased Alex's brow as frustration welled up within him. He couldn't help but raise his voice defiantly, determined to make his point heard. "Yes, we can! We can close the portal right—"

However, before he could finish his sentence, the call abruptly ended, leaving Alex seething in silent anger as he cursed, "Son of a bitch!"

"Wait a second, did you just say you can close the portal?" Steve interjected, his voice laced with curiosity and a glimmer of hope.

Alex nodded at Steve, acknowledging his question, and then shifted his attention to Thor. With a swift motion, he tossed the communication device back to Natasha, who caught it effortlessly.

"Thor, where is Loki?" Alex inquired, his voice tinged with urgency and determination.

Thor's expression darkened as he responded, his voice carrying a hint of frustration, "He got away."

Upon hearing this, a deep furrow formed on Alex's brow, reflecting his disappointment. "We need something equally powerful to disrupt the energy surrounding the device. We must retrieve Loki and his scepter to close the portal."

Thor's confusion was evident as he questioned Alex's plan. "Scepter? That lame-looking wand?"

Alex's gaze remained unwavering as he affirmed Thor's statement, his tone resolute. "Yes, the scepter. It holds immense power. We need it."

"Loki couldn't take it with him and left it on top of that building when he got away."

Thor pointed his hammer toward the towering structure of Stark Tower, emphasizing its location.

Hearing Thor's confirmation, a flicker of relief crossed Alex's eyes.

"Alright, let's divide our tasks accordingly," he began, his voice focused and determined.