
Marvel: The Ghost

Alexander, an average human, died in our modern world, as he floated in nothingness, he met an unknown being who sent him to the MCU as a Kryptonian without his consent. Join Alexander on his extraordinary journey, being the only Kryptonian in the universe as he unravels the secrets and wonders of this vast universe, navigating its intricate tapestry of heroes, villains, and cosmic forces. Prepare to be captivated as the mystery of the universe unfolds before your eyes, immersing you in a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Get your advanced chapters on: patreon.com/hairypotah

HairyPotah · 映画
37 Chs

Chapter 26: Urgency

Loki hovered in the air, a mischievous smile on his face as he watched Thor helplessly swaying inside the cage. It seemed Thor had fallen for Loki's trick once again, believing he could save his brother by breaking in and taking Loki out.

However, to Loki's delight, he hadn't even laid a finger on Thor. Instead, he used the situation to his advantage, creating an opportunity for his own escape while leaving Thor trapped inside the cage.

Loki couldn't help but revel in his victory, taunting Thor with his words, "How could you always fall for that?"

Gazing at the distant horizon, Loki's eyes glinted with a mix of excitement and anticipation. "Now, my scepter should be on the stage I've carefully arranged. Shall we make our way there, then?"


In a dilapidated building, the worn-out structure bore the scars of devastation, as if it had endured the impact of a mighty meteor. A sizable hole marred its facade, resembling the aftermath of a forceful collision, with shattered debris strewn around the area, a testament to the destructive power that had befallen the building.

High above the building, a figure cast a distinct shadow against the backdrop of the sky. Slowly descending towards the rooftop, their presence captured the attention of onlookers below.

Suspended from a single parachute, the individual maintained a steady descent, their body gracefully swaying with the gentle breeze. However, what caught the eye was the additional figure clinging tightly to the back of the parachutist.

In an odd turn of events, the person gripping tightly onto the back of the parachutist wore a peculiar mask, adding an element of mystery to the scene.

As they descended toward the rooftop, the parachutist's demeanor revealed a clear sense of dissatisfaction. His body language and expression conveyed his displeasure, evident in their furrowed brows and downturned mouth. Additionally, the parachutist's face bore faint red marks resembling handprints, which raised intriguing questions about the circumstances leading to his arrival.

"Well, looks like we should visit our green friend," the masked figure remarked.

Meanwhile, the other man paid no attention to the masked figure's comment. He swiftly secured his parachute and retrieved a firearm, scanning the surroundings cautiously.

Observing the man's actions, the masked figure shook his head and spoke, "There's no need for that, buddy. I don't think the big guy is still as aggressive."

"...Mr. Ghost, throughout my entire tenure as a SHIELD agent, I've learned that it's better to be safe than sorry," the SHIELD agent responded, his tone serious.

"...Whatever, let's get going," Alex, the masked figure, replied curtly.

Together, they descended the stairs, making their way toward the center of the gaping hole where the Hulk had landed.

As they reached the epicenter of the impact, they came across an unconscious and completely unclothed Dr. Banner.

Observing the vulnerable state of Dr. Banner, Alex couldn't help but make a cheeky remark, his expression clearly showing amusement. "Looks like Dr. Banner is on the side that says size doesn't matter, huh?"

The agent stood there, momentarily speechless in response to Alex's comment. He twitched his lips in frustration, exhaling deeply before finally retorting, "That's rather impolite, Mr. Ghost."

"...Are you guys with him?"

Before any further conversation could unfold, a sudden voice broke the silence from behind them. They turned around to find an elderly security guard slowly approaching.

"...Well, you could say that," Alex replied, briefly glancing at the unclothed Dr. Banner. "By the way, old man, do you have a family waiting for you at home?"

Perplexed by the sudden question about his family, the old man tilted his head, seeking clarification. "Yes, I do. Why do you ask?"

Alex scratched his head, pondering on how to convey his message delicately.

"Well, with all due respect, I think it's time for you to consider retiring," he said, mindful of the old man's well-being.

Alex had noticed the slow pace at which the guard walked, realizing that it was likely due to age-related decline rather than deliberate intent.

"That's rather impolite, Mr. Ghost," the agent sighed, nodding in agreement nonetheless.


Witnessing their genuine concern for his well-being, the old security guard couldn't help but smile appreciatively.

"I appreciate your kind words," the old man replied. "However, would you like me to fetch some clothes? I believe that gentleman over there could use them."

Redirecting their attention to the unconscious Dr. Banner, the agent responded, "Yes, please, if you have any available."

"Sure, I'll be right back," the old man acknowledged before making his way back slowly, likely heading to his post to retrieve a spare uniform.

"Now, how do we wake him up?" Alex pondered aloud, leaping down and approaching Dr. Banner's unconscious form. Drawing nearer, he glanced at the agent, seeking his input. "What do you think?"


As Alex raised his hand, seemingly prepared for some action, the agent could only watch in speechless anticipation, his mouth twitching in remembrance of the stinging handprints on his face from their previous encounter.

With no immediate response from the agent, Alex's playful smile persisted. "I'll take that as a yes, then."


The sound of Alex's hand making contact with Dr. Banner's face echoed through the air, breaking the silence and jolting the unconscious scientist.

"...Did he wake up?"

The agent couldn't help but voice his curiosity, having witnessed Alex repeatedly slapping Dr. Banner. He pondered how Alex managed to control his superhuman strength, preventing any harm to the already vulnerable scientist.

Reflecting on his own experience of surviving Alex's powerful slaps earlier, the agent murmured to himself, "Well, I made it through those slaps too when I got knocked out earlier, so I suppose I shouldn't complain."

"...I guess so," Alex replied, ceasing his slapping as he observed Dr. Banner's eyelids fluttering open. The scientist began to regain consciousness.

"...Ghost? Where am I?" Dr. Banner's head spun, overwhelmed by the throbbing pain that coursed through his skull. He vigorously shook his head, attempting to dispel the disorienting sensations.

"...It's complicated," Alex replied, leaping out of the crater and joining the agent at the edge.

Realizing his state of undress, Dr. Banner's memory pieced together the events aboard the ship. "Seems like I transformed into the Hulk, huh?"

Alex nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders, conveying a sense of indifference, while the agent's muscles tensed. He instinctively rested his hand on his gun belt, prepared to draw his weapon should the need arise.

Getting up from the crater, Dr. Banner felt the urgency to cover himself. "Do you have anything to cover me up a little?"

The agent spotted a nearby piece of cloth and swiftly retrieved it. He tossed it to Dr. Banner, saying, "You can temporarily use this. We'll arrange for proper clothing soon."

As Dr. Banner received the cloth, he turned his attention to the other person present. "Thanks."

However, his gaze couldn't help but be drawn to the agent's face, which bore numerous handprints. The marks seemed haphazardly scattered as if someone had repeatedly slammed their palms against the agent's face without care.

Still unaware of the handprints on his face, Dr. Banner hastily put on the provided security uniform.

"Are you guys aliens?"

Before he could react, a voice called out from behind them. The old security guard had returned with a security uniform in hand. He looked at Dr. Banner and the agent with a perplexed expression, noticing the handprints on their faces.

"Not really," Alex replied, catching the uniform from the old man and tossing it to Dr. Banner. "Thanks."

Dr. Banner hurriedly put on the uniform, relieved to have something to cover himself.

Recalling the events on the ship and Tony's inquiry, Alex found himself contemplating his own identity. He said hesitantly, "Well, technically, I was raised on Earth..."

He gestured towards both Dr. Banner and the agent, emphasizing their humanity. "And they are both clearly human. Although," he paused, his gaze shifting towards Dr. Banner, "Dr. Banner here has a unique condition."

The air filled with an urgent buzz as the radio on the agent's belt crackled to life.


[...All agents...]

[I repeat--all agents move to New York City--- now!]

The announcement echoed through the area, commanding immediate action.

The faces of everyone present shifted, a mixture of concern, determination, and uncertainty. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on their expressions, knowing that something significant was unfolding in New York.

Meanwhile, the old security guard stood nearby, his head tilted in utter confusion, unaware of the imminent events that would soon unfold.

"...Do we have a ride?" Alex inquired, realizing the urgency of the situation. Despite his superhuman speed, he knew that both he and Dr. Banner were required for the mission ahead. Going alone was not an option.

"...Negative," the agent responded, his tone conveying the lack of available transportation.

However, the old security guard chimed in to their surprise, offering a solution. "...Well, I do have an old motorcycle. You guys want to borrow it?"


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