
Marvel: The Ghost

Alexander, an average human, died in our modern world, as he floated in nothingness, he met an unknown being who sent him to the MCU as a Kryptonian without his consent. Join Alexander on his extraordinary journey, being the only Kryptonian in the universe as he unravels the secrets and wonders of this vast universe, navigating its intricate tapestry of heroes, villains, and cosmic forces. Prepare to be captivated as the mystery of the universe unfolds before your eyes, immersing you in a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Get your advanced chapters on: patreon.com/hairypotah

HairyPotah · 映画
37 Chs

Chapter 18: Chaos in Stuttgart, Germany

As the chaos in Stuttgart, Germany unfolded, SHIELD Agent Maria Hill swiftly made her way to the command center at SHIELD headquarters. She had just witnessed the havoc caused by Loki and the mind-controlled civilians and knew she had to report the situation to Nick Fury. Taking a deep breath, she entered Fury's office, finding him engrossed in his work.

"Director Fury, we have a situation," Agent Hill said, her voice filled with urgency. "Loki has unleashed chaos in Stuttgart, and innocent civilians are under his control."

Nick Fury looked up from his desk, his trademark eyepatch gleaming under the office lights. "Give me the details, Agent Hill. What's the current status?"

Agent Hill proceeded to provide a detailed report on the escalating situation in Stuttgart. She described how Loki had stolen an iridium-powered energy source, how he had used his scepter to manipulate the minds of the unsuspecting civilians, and the ensuing chaos and panic that had spread through the city.

"His intentions are still unclear, but it's clear that he's causing widespread havoc and drawing attention to himself," Agent Hill explained. "We believe he's trying to divert our focus while he executes his plan for world domination."

Fury listened intently, his expression growing more serious with each passing moment. "We can't let him succeed. Round up our best agents and send them to assist Captain America."

Agent Hill nodded and swiftly relayed the orders to her team.

Meanwhile, on the streets of Stuttgart, Loki had gathered a large crowd of controlled civilians, making them kneel before him as he delivered a grandiose speech about power and subjugation.

Just as Loki was reveling in his newfound dominance, a voice rang out, capturing the attention of the gathered masses. "Hey, Reindeer Games, I heard you like to kneel. But trust me, I've got better things for you to do."

Iron Man swooped down from the sky, landing with a flourish. His suit gleamed, reflecting the chaos surrounding them. Loki turned to face the armored Avenger, a wicked smile playing on his lips.

"Ah, Iron Man. I've heard of you, the man of technology and wit," Loki replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But do you really think you can stop me?"

Iron Man chuckled, his repulsor blasts crackling with energy. "Oh, I don't just think, I know..."

The two instantly engaged in a relentless battle, their powers clashing and their words trading like sharp blades. Iron Man's agile suit darted through the air, evading Loki's magical attacks with calculated precision.

As repulsor blasts shot from his gauntlets, he countered with swift and accurate strikes, aiming to disarm Loki's illusionary tricks.

"Loki, your mischief ends now!" Iron Man taunted, his voice laced with a mixture of confidence and amusement.

Loki laughed, his eyes glinting with mischief. "You think your metal suit can withstand the might of a god?"

Iron Man's reply was swift, a retort dripping with sarcasm. "Well, let's see if your magic can handle some high-tech punches."

With a swift maneuver, Iron Man unleashed a volley of missiles, aiming to disorient Loki and break through his defenses. Explosions erupted around them, creating a dazzling display of lights and smoke.

But Loki was no ordinary adversary. He conjured illusions, creating doppelgangers that mimicked Iron Man's movements, trying to confuse him. However, Iron Man's advanced sensors allowed him to distinguish the real Loki from his illusions.

Undeterred, Loki conjured a powerful energy beam, hurling it toward Iron Man. The blast crackled with magical energy, but Iron Man managed to dodge the attack just in time, narrowly avoiding its devastating impact.

Iron Man retaliated with a swift repulsor blast, aiming straight at Loki's chest. But Loki, always quick on his feet, sidestepped the attack and retaliated with a barrage of mystic bolts. The bolts crackled and danced in the air, seeking to pierce through Iron Man's armor.

Iron Man's wit shone through even in the heat of battle. "Is that all you've got, Loki? I've seen fireworks on the Fourth of July that pack more punch!"

Loki growled, frustration evident in his voice. "You dare to mock me? I am a god!"

Iron Man smirked beneath his helmet. "Well, in that case, I'm the genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist who's about to give you a reality check."

With a swift movement, Iron Man activated his palm repulsors at full power, creating an energy blast that collided with Loki's magical shield. The clash of energies created a dazzling display of light and force, shaking the ground beneath them.

As the battle between Iron Man and Loki raged on, the atmosphere crackled with energy and anticipation. Just when it seemed like Loki had gained the upper hand, a new figure emerged from the chaos. It was Captain America, a beacon of courage and righteousness.

Captain America swiftly assessed the situation and joined forces with Iron Man, their collaboration becoming a force to be reckoned with. Their combined efforts showcased the power of teamwork and the strength that comes from working together.

Iron Man's repulsor blasts and Captain America's agile maneuvers worked in harmony, creating a seamless and effective strategy against Loki's onslaught. Their coordinated attacks disrupted Loki's plans, pushing him on the defensive.

Captain America's voice cut through the chaos, steady and resolute. "Loki, your reign of chaos ends here. We won't let you harm innocent people any longer."

Iron Man, always one to add a touch of humor, chimed in. "That's right, Loki. It's time to put an end to your mischief. We've got a date with justice, and you're not going to be able to wriggle out of it."

As the battle continued, Captain America showcased his exceptional combat skills, his shield deflecting Loki's magical attacks with precision. Iron Man, with his technologically advanced suit, provided aerial support and unleashed powerful energy beams.

The duo's combined efforts began to wear down Loki's defenses. The trickster god found himself overwhelmed by their teamwork, his usual arrogance giving way to desperation.

With a final coordinated strike, Captain America and Iron Man managed to subdue Loki, rendering him unable to continue the fight. The battle had ended, and the forces of good had prevailed.


"...You bought the phone?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow in surprise.

"Yeah," Peter replied, holding up a sleek new smartphone. "But is it really necessary?"

Taking the smartphone from Peter, Alex then replied, "I figured we needed a dedicated line to contact the number on the file Nick Fury gave us. Don't wanna mix up our personal stuff with professional."

With the phone ready and their determination in place, Alex dialed the number on the file, his fingers moving swiftly across the screen. The phone rang, and they exchanged a glance filled with anticipation.

After a few moments, a voice answered on the other end. It was a deep and authoritative tone, instantly recognizable as Nick Fury.


Alex was silently surprised, seems like Nick Fury was expecting him to call him. "...About your offer, I'm in."

"Alright, glad to have you on board. I'll send you an address, go there tomorrow. Someone will pick you up."

"...that's it?" Alex confusedly asked, however, too bad for him, Nick Fury ended the call right away.

As they ended the short call, Peter looked at Alex with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. "So, what did the guy say?"

"He'll give me an address and someone on his team will pick me up," Alex replied.

Peter couldn't hide his excitement. "That's amazing! You're really becoming a superhero!"

"...Well, it's not the time for us to be excited yet."

Gazing out the window, Alex saw someone familiar walking closer.


Hearing this familiar voice coming from the outside, Peter's face turned as pale as a white sheet of paper.

"...Oh, shit!"


Read up to 12 chapters ahead of schedule here:


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