
Marvel: The Foundation

The MCU is already a perilous realm, fraught with danger at every turn. But for a crimelord like myself, it's a whole other level of risk, especially with heroes lurking around every corner. And if that weren't daunting enough, now I have to contend with the added uncertainty of encountering at least one completely random SCP every month. How many of these anomalies would it take to trigger an XK-class event? Well, here's hoping I get some favorable ones, allowing me not only to survive but also to flourish in this treacherous environment.

Darkstar_crow · 映画
263 Chs

The cure for loneliness -135


[SHIELD Headquarters]


Director Nick Fury reviewed the latest reports from his agents, a frown deepening on his face. The activities of the Bulwark and the Chaos Insurgency were escalating, and the recent incidents involving Tony Stark and the stolen AI technology were troubling.


"We need to stay ahead of this," Fury muttered, tapping his fingers on the desk. "Whatever these groups are planning, we can't let them gain the upper hand."


His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in," he called.


Agent Phil Coulson entered, looking as composed as ever. "Director, I have the latest intel on the Bulwark's activities. We've tracked down several of their operatives and secured a few key locations."


Fury nodded. "Good work, Coulson. What's the status on Stark and his technology?"


"Stark's working on upgrading his security and tracking the stolen AI. He's coordinating with our tech teams, but it's a race against time," Coulson replied.


Fury sighed. "We need to ensure Stark is protected and that we stay ahead of both the Bulwark and the Chaos Insurgency. Keep me updated on any developments, and make sure our agents are prepared for anything."


"Understood, sir," Coulson said, turning to leave. "We'll be ready."


As Coulson left the office, Fury returned to his thoughts. The world was becoming increasingly complex, and the emergence of these secretive organizations only added to the challenges. But with agents like Coulson and the resources of SHIELD, Fury was confident they could navigate the turbulent waters ahead.


The game was changing, and they needed to be ready for whatever came next. The stakes were higher than ever, but Fury knew that with the right strategy and determination, they could protect the world from the shadows threatening to engulf it.

An alarm broke him out of his musing, letting him know that his next meeting was ready for him. He quickly composed himself and buzzed them inside.

"Barton, Romanoff, I hear you had a rather eventful mission." He said as she looked at the two of them. He had requested that they debrief him in person after reading the first report from their mission into this mysterious Ikea.

"Indeed, sir, maybe a bit too eventful for my liking." Barton said.

He was a good agent, one of the very best, but he also had a family now, a weakness but also something that gave him strength. Something that made him push himself to do anything it took to ensure he completed his mission and made it back home in one piece.


Fury leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. "Tell me everything," he said, his gaze fixed on Barton and Romanoff.


Natasha Romanoff, the infamous Black Widow, stepped forward, her expression serious. "We infiltrated the closed-off IKEA as ordered. The layout of the store was bizarre, almost labyrinthine, and seemed to defy normal spatial logic. As we ventured deeper, it became clear that this place was not just abandoned but something much worse."


Barton nodded in agreement, adding, "We encountered what looked like store employees, but they were... off. They attacked us on sight. They were almost robotic in their movements and relentless. It was like they were programmed to eliminate any intruders."


Fury's eyes narrowed. "And you believe this is connected to the Bulwark or the Chaos Insurgency?"


"It's possible," Romanoff replied. "The ones behind buying and closing it off is likely the Bulwark, as always trying to hide things like this away from the public. There wasn't any indication that it was the Chaos Insurgency, though I guess it's hard to say since we only know that they are the bad guys and their end goal of causing chaos using these anomalous objects and beings."

Fury nodded thoughtfully, processing the information. "So, the Bulwark might be trying to contain whatever's in that IKEA, but the Chaos Insurgency could be interested in exploiting it. We need to find out more about what we're dealing with. Did you manage to recover any useful intel or samples?"


Romanoff shook her head. "Unfortunately, no. We were too busy trying to stay alive. Those... things were relentless. But we did notice some unusual equipment and markings that could be linked to the Bulwark's operations. We need to get a specialized team in there to gather more information."


Fury leaned back, considering his options. "Alright. We'll send in a recon team equipped with the necessary tools to map out the area and identify any anomalies. Barton, Romanoff, I want you to lead this team. Take whatever resources you need and ensure this mission is successful."


"Understood, sir," Barton replied, his determination clear.


"We won't let you down," Romanoff added.


Fury stood, signaling the end of the meeting. "Dismissed. Keep me updated with every development."


As Barton and Romanoff left the office, Fury's thoughts returned to the broader picture. The rise of these new organizations and their impact on global security was a growing concern. With the impending emergence of superhumans and technological threats, SHIELD needed to be more vigilant than ever. The world was changing rapidly, and Fury knew they were standing at the precipice of a new era, one fraught with danger and opportunity in equal measure.


Turning back to his desk, Fury began outlining the next steps for SHIELD. They would need to ramp up their intelligence operations, strengthen their alliances, and prepare for a world where the boundaries between myth and reality were becoming increasingly blurred. As he reviewed the latest intel, one thought remained clear in his mind: they had to be ready for anything.




Far removed from the key players in this grand game about the very future and fate of the world were the people whom they were working to protect.


These normal people, having neither power, influence, nor wealth, were the real prize for which everyone fought; controlling them was their goal. These people kept in the dark, were never allowed to know that the game was even being played.


One of those people was a young man, one among countless such people who were down on their luck and struggling to get through their day.


This particular young man had tried many things to change his life, yet nothing had succeeded yet, and he was still suffering from loneliness.


"MalO?" He saw a new app on the app store, another one promising to end his loneliness; he had tried plenty of those. Yet no matter what dating app he used and no matter how hard he tried, nothing ever worked.


Still, he figured he might as well try it since it was free. And it downloaded so far he had barely clicked on it before it was already done.


"Where is it?" he looked around on his phone, unable to find the icon or shortcut or anything. If he didn't know he had just downloaded it he wouldn't even know this new app was on the phone at all.


"Is it a prank? Bug?" He couldn't find anything no matter how he looked. Even going through the list of installed applications didn't show anything at all.


He couldn't help but be worried that he might have downloaded some kind of virus, though he didn't think he had ever heard of something like that making it onto the app store. Sure, there was plenty of trash and scams, but there were no outright viruses, right?


Still, he couldn't find anything, so he just ended up giving up and hoping that everything was alright; after all, he didn't want to reset his phone, and his search on the web about this MalO app came up empty.


He decided to just forget about it until he suddenly received a message, something he didn't get often, and when he did it was always just someone asking if he could take an extra shift at work. He almost didn't want to read it, but he knew his boss would be pissed if he ignored him.


"What is this?" He couldn't help but exclaim in confusion due to what he saw. It was indeed a text message… but not from his boss or his coworkers; in fact, there wasn't a number at all.


He thought it impossible to send a text with a hidden number, but the text was from MalO, the app he had downloaded.


The text was a picture, a picture of a place—a place he knew well, somewhere he went often, the nearby mall. He looked closer at the picture and found something he hadn't seen before. It wasn't too clear, but it seemed like someone in a fur suit.


However, that wasn't nearly as important as the fact that the app he just downloaded just sent him a picture of somewhere near where he lived!


This didn't seem like just some random bug or broken app. It didn't even look like some random virus meant to steal his data or whatever. He honestly wasn't sure what it was, but he didn't like it.


The young man's heart raced as he stared at the picture on his phone. He felt a chill run down his spine, realizing that this was far more serious than he initially thought. What kind of app was this? How did it know his location?


Try as he might, he couldn't find anything on his phone, nor after searching all around the internet. There seemed to be nothing at all about this app, about MalO or anything. However, what he didn't know was that his search had triggered alarms within a powerful and secret organization.


The young man was about to go to bed when yet another text was sent, another picture, another location he knew, a place he often went. Again, he noticed the person in the fur suit, though this time they were far more prominent in the picture, looking like some kind of monster.


He was too damn scared to sleep and soon found himself unable to look away from the phone; hours went by, and just when he was sure it was over, just as he was about to fall asleep, a new text showed up.


Once again, it was a place he knew, close to where he lived, somewhere he often was. And that monster, a large furry with a skull mask, it looked so strange standing there. It didn't seem to act like a monster.


He didn't know what to do. He just cowered at home, calling in sick, and desperately tried to find anything online about this sick prank or whatever it was.


Yet ever few hours, he would get a new text, a new picture, the creature, MalO being somewhere he normally spent his time. He even got one from where he worked!


Yet, as time went on, it only became worse than that! He soon got one from inside his apartment! He couldn't help but rush out to the bathroom. He threw the door open. He found nothing; he looked through every place and found nothing. The door was still locked, and indeed, there was nothing to find.


Though it did make him far more nervous, someone or something had been in here, taken a picture, and sent it to come. Whoever this was, they were going really far with this prank… or at least he hoped it was a prank.


Yet, as time passed, each picture freaked him out more than the last. Each one was from somewhere he had just been. His apartment, one of the rooms he wasn't in, or even the one he was in but taken at a time he wasn't.


He became more and more nervous and was just about to flee his apartment when it suddenly knocked on the door. It freaked him out like hell, and he tried to ignore it.

*knock knock*


"Mister Anderson, we know you are in there; we are with the FBI, and we want to talk to you about a stalker." A voice shouted through the door, and as he heard it, he couldn't help but feel slightly relieved; there was no monster, just some crazy sicko.


Opening the door, he saw what looked like FBI agents, or at least how he assumed them to look: black suits and sunglasses at night.


"Sure looks like we have the right guy, doesn't he? One of them said, much to his confusion.


"Right, he got that look on his face." The other agent said. And before he knew it, one of them shot him! He looked down and saw a needle-like thing sticking out of his chest. He couldn't say anything before the world turned dark.


"Alright, you handle the phone. I will carry him inside." The first one said as they dealt with the 861 cases of an instant of SCP-1471 finding a host device.



If you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead or even get the chance to pick what SCPs get summoned, or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / SCPsystem