
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs


Unknown Alternate Universe


Queens, New York, USA.

-September 30, 1990-

In a maternity ward in the public hospital, there laid a beautiful young woman covered in sweat while gently breastfeeding her baby. Despite the exhaustion and pain, what she felt was relief and happiness. The atmosphere in the room was filled with nothing but joy as she could hear the laughter and feel the nervousness in her husband's voice.

"I don't think we will get to spend much time with our boy", sighed Richard while admiring his baby.

Mary chose not to bother with such thoughts and countered, "He looks so cute with your brown hair and hazel eyes. Hey Richard, the name 'Peter' does seem to suit him"

Hearing this the other man in the room exclaimed, "always liked the name 'Ben,' myself. But I think Mary is right, giving him our old man's name might as well bring him peace and us some good fortune." He was Ben Parker the older brother of Richard. Hearing him joke like this, his wife May glared at him, as if he was naughty child.

Richard laughed at this and said, "Exactly what I thought Richard. But as we know that his uncle himself is a force to reckon with, Mary and I have decided to name him 'Peter' taking the middle name 'Benjamin'." He goes near the now sleeping baby and picks him gently and says, "Welcome to the world, Peter Benjamin Parker."


-3 Years-

In a small ordinary house lived the Parker family. Due to the nature of their jobs, Richard and Mary were always out. Young Peter was often left in the care of his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. But this time it was different. Before leaving both Richard and Mary felt a sense of trepidation.

"Richard, I think this trip might not go as we have planned", Mary said in a somewhat heavy voice.

Richard anxiously joked, "Don't worry Mary, everything will be alright. Peter is growing up and this is our final trip before we retire. Let's just do it and that bald monster of a man might just stop annoying us with trips like this."


-August, 1995-

"May, we can't tell Peter about anything. Whether it is true or false, should not affect Peter's life." said Ben while mourning the loss of his brother and sister-in-law. During the last 2 years, Richard and Mary never came back home. Just a month ago, the Ben was assaulted with news of his brother and sister-in-law dying in a plane crash. What was shocking was the fact that they were tried for treason soon after the news of their death.

May was broken from what was happening around her. She sobbed, " But Ben we don't know what happened to them..... when they died.....ahm.....heck we don't even know if they were alive just 2 years ago.... I am sure those at the top knew about them, so why are they charged with treason? We should probably go to the media to clear...."

Ben held May in his hands and said with conviction," Get a hold of yourself May, atleast for the wellbeing of Peter. We should leave all this behind and let Peter grow in an environment where he does not have to question his own parents. Think about him, May, think about how we will have to go through this all. I know you are strong, I know we can do this, and I know everything will be fine, don't worry."

Ben and May decided to raise Peter as their own, keeping the accusations surrounding his parents a secret from him for many years.


Peter was almost 5 now. He was not all strong as compared to others of his age group and could be considered skinny. Nonetheless, he was a gifted child. His gift being that of intellect and intelligence. Fueled by his ever growing curiosity, Peter despite being shy was very observant.

When others of his age went out to play, he read story books, and asked his Aunt May numerous questions. According to Uncle Ben, he will 'one day eat the last of their remaining brain cells with all the questions' he has. Still both Ben and May try to answer most of his questions and are happy to see a small genius in their house as they love Peter more than anything.

Somehow his intelligence and observant nature got the best of him. One day Peter realized that his parents were dead. He cried a lot that day and even shouted during the outburst. May realizing what was going on ran to Peter's room and forcefully hugged him and said " Peter I know it hurts, I cannot stop you from crying or from missing them. What I want you to know is that I will always be there for you. In any situation, at any point of time I will be there for you as I am now. I love you and will always love you."

Although he cried a lot, he accepted it. But he changed, he was not shy anymore instead he became reclusive afraid that all those he loved will leave him.

Days later, his 5th birthday arrived. The situation has now calmed and everything was back to normal, the Parkers celebrated his birthday with a bang. Aunt May unsuccessfully baked a cake, Uncle Ben joked a lot about his wife's cooking, children from the neighborhood were invited to a small celebration. All in, the day lifted Peter's mood a lot and he was slowly going back to what he was- a cute, shy but observant boy instead being a reclusive nerd.