
Marvel: Striking a Deal with Tom Cat from Day One

Exploring the world of American comics, you start as a Level 10 outlaw working for S.H.I.E.L.D. You're stuck in prison until the end of your life. But then, something big happens! You use Gold Finger to make a deal with a clever cat named Tom. You can trade dried fish for medicine to get stronger and cheese for a cool laser gun. If Tom likes you enough, you can even call him for help. Iron Man is really mad because Tom made a perfect copy of his Mark 3 suit with just a hammer! Thor tried to split Tom into four pieces, but all four parts fought back together. Even the Hulk, accidentally stepping on Tom, ended up getting beat up because Tom trained for three days and got tougher. Everyone's amazed at how tough and sneaky Tom is, even more than a legendary monster!

sabina_ali · 映画
108 Chs

Chapter 42 Wanda Wakes Up

In the scarlet world, the light of Chaos drowns everything and creates everything. This is a world belonging to Chaos.

In such a world, Wanda, who is young but has a hotter figure than an adult woman, sits curled up.

Wanda was not afraid. The reason why she curled up was just because she saw something that made her feel a little uncomfortable. To be more precise, it was the figures in the sky that were almost the same as hers, looking at them. development and look at their future destiny.

Without any exception, every woman who looks exactly like herself is doomed to tragedy. She is doomed to experience the death of her brother and the death of her husband. Such tragedies are repeated again and again, and in the end they become completely insane.

Wanda is like watching a movie, watching a movie that makes her feel the same.

Suddenly, strange ripples appeared not far away from Wanda. Wanda did not look back, but an undetectable smile appeared on her face: "You are here~"

Locke appeared, walked forward, and sat side by side with Wanda. The relationship between the two seemed quite familiar.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Since acquiring the Chaos force, although he did not directly awaken Wanda, Locke has also begun to contact Wanda, and has been using his free time to enter Wanda's mental space to communicate with Wanda.

This special Chaos space in front of her can only be seen by Wanda because of Locke. In fact, normal Wanda cannot see or notice where this Chaos space is.

"How is it? After reading each of Wanda's experiences, what do you think?"

"Are those all true?"

"It depends on your own perception. If you think it's true, it's true. If you don't want to believe it, it's just a story."

"That's really not a wonderful story~" Wanda said in a complicated tone.


Locke looked into the distance and suddenly frowned: "Where is the most powerful Scarlet Witch?"

The most powerful super Scarlet Witch that Locke has ever seen before, to be honest, it shocked Locke. Now that he is stronger, Locke can more clearly understand how terrifying the opponent's strength is!

The peak of Heavenly Father, the lowest is the peak of Heavenly Father! It is even possible that one has begun to transcend the Father and come into contact with the level of the single universe.

If he were not so powerful, he would not be able to detect the biggest secret of the Chaos force and clarify the truth about the source of the Chaos force with his own strength.

Hearing this, Wanda suddenly smiled strangely: "She, she went to find someone."

"She is very determined, she must find someone~"

Locke couldn't help but frown. He naturally understood who the most powerful super Scarlet Witch wanted to find and what his purpose was.

A Scarlet Witch who is at least at the peak of Heavenly Father, or even stronger, but is beautiful and hot, and is dedicated to searching for herself. This would probably be a bit exciting to others, but Locke didn't. He was very repelled by this.

Unlike Locke himself and Wanda next to him, the super Scarlet Witch is obviously close to being 'pregnant' and mature. For Sithorn, the god of black magic, it is already a super meal that is almost completed.

With the help of Tom's power, it doesn't matter if you cut off your relationship with the source of Chaos, or even if you add Wanda beside you, but that super Scarlet Witch is different.

You can use your toes to know the difference between a seed that has just begun to develop and a super meal that is about to be completed.

Locke and Tom dared to act this second, and Sithorn dared to come down and chat with Locke the next second. Locke was crazy to face a multi-dimensional existence because of a guy he didn't know at all.

Locke shook his head: "Don't think about that for the time being."


Whether the super Scarlet Witch can find him is still unknown. The number of parallel worlds in the Marvel world is currently 199999, which is more than 190,000 parallel universes!

This is still known, only the unknown ghosts know how many there are.

"So, Wanda, are you going to rely on your own strength to go on, or are you going to let me help you cut off your own destiny~"

Wanda smiled lightly: "I'll excuse you then."

"I thought you would hesitate. After all, cutting off your destiny also means saying goodbye to something destined by fate."

"Destined thing? Are you talking about my future 'husband'?"

"To be honest, I don't have much expectations for a robot husband."

"Besides..." Wanda glanced at Locke from the corner of her eye.

Locke naturally noticed Wanda's little movements, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

There is a semi-conspiracy theory in the past life. The reason why Wanda fell in love with Vision is because Wanda's own power was awakened by the stimulation of the Mind Gem, and Vision was also spawned by the Mind Gem. There will be a strange attraction between them. .

Otherwise, how could Wanda fall in love with a robot when there are so many superheroes around her?

It is precisely because she fell in love with a robot, a special life form that did not understand love in the first place and was incomplete, that all her emotions had a wrong sustenance, which triggered a series of tragedies behind Wanda.

Now, Vision has not yet been born, and the tragic future is conflicted by Wanda. In comparison, Locke, who is more than superior in every aspect and has the same power as himself, is more attractive than Vision. Know.


"In that case..."


"Meow~" Tom rubbed his hazy sleepy eyes and appeared next to Locke.

"Tom, please trouble me again and chew up the connections around here."

Tom nodded, jumped up very skillfully, and gnawed at the surrounding scarlet light beams like a radish.

Soon, in just a few breaths, the scarlet light pillars around him were chewed up, and the surrounding space began to collapse.

One second, two seconds...

I don't know how long it took, but Wanda, who seemed to be going through a long sleep, slowly opened her eyes.

Some unfamiliar light made Wanda's eyes feel a little uncomfortable. As time passed, her vision gradually became clearer, and a familiar yet unfamiliar figure appeared in her sight.

Under the warm light, a handsome man holding a cat showed a gentle smile.

"Wanda, everything new, welcome~"

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all the fanfic is 30-chapter ahead and you will get 1 chapter every day