
marvel:Self-Evolution Into superman

Transcending the Marvel world, becoming a HYDRA researcher, about to be silenced. Obtaining an incredible scientific research ability, capable of comprehending and understanding all knowledge and truth. At the beginning, developing a super soldier serum, turning the tables and breaking out of the research facility! But this is just the beginning. Wolverine's terrifying self-healing factor? Wolverine, hold on, I'm going to dissect you! Bitten by Gwen's spider? Bring it on! Power surging, strength of a hundred tons, they call me the little Hulk! These are all methods of self-preservation. Next, comes the main point. From different super-powered individuals, copying their abilities and organically integrating them into myself. Superman's bio-field? Invisible Woman's invisibility field, give it to me! Maxed out, and also Flight Ability! Super strength? Hulk, don't go! Steel body? Heat vision? Absorbing the sun to become stronger? I have those too! With the power of technological development, I will be the strongest person in the universe. There are now 80 advanced chapters on Patreon. Support me and go read them if you can. Link patreon: patreon.com/writer999 There are already 300,000 words on Patreon so read on and don't worry I will continue to update A chapter of at least 1,500 words every day or two. ______________________ This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. _____________________ Cover not mine found it on google ____________________ Update every day or two. ____________________ The number of words ranges from 1200 to 2800. ____________________ Updated daily from ،1 to 3 chapters per day depending on the amount of support I will try to update as much as possible but I'm a college student and have work so please be patient. _____________________ Read ahead or support me on pàtreon ....... There are now 80 advanced chapters on Patreon. Support me and go read them if you can. ....... I hope you like the novel . ....... patreon.com/writer999 ....... Translation with extensive modifications and filtering of toxins.

write999 · アニメ·コミックス
88 Chs

76 The Unexpected Effect Of Electric Current Stimulation! Part1

On the screen, a data fluctuation appeared.

That is the data of the special bioelectricity deep inside Adam's cells, and something has happened.

According to the data, after Adam used electric shocks, the activity of the special bioelectricity in the shocked cells increased slightly.

Seeing this, a hint of surprise flashed in Adam's eyes.

To release the internal electric current, it is necessary to increase their activity, so that they remain dormant in the depths of the body like stagnant water, unable to feel anything.

According to Adam's research, to enhance activity, it is necessary to increase the amount of special bioelectricity. As long as there is enough special bioelectricity inside the cells, they will automatically become active.

As long as the activity of the special bioelectricity reaches a certain level, it can be sensed by the human body and released.

To increase the amount of special bioelectricity, it is necessary to strengthen the body. The stronger the body, the more special bioelectricity inside the cells.

As long as the strength reaches 30 tons, the activity level of the special bioelectricity in the body reaches the point where it can be sensed and released by humans.

But now Adam has discovered another way to increase the body's activity, which is to stimulate the cells through electric shocks.

"So, if I simultaneously increase my physical strength and stimulate the cells with electric shocks, then I can quickly react to the special bioelectricity inside my body and release them."

Thinking of the power of that little Spider-Man's strike, 50,000 volts, the power of half a Pikachu.

Adam's spirit was lifted.

After all, for him, he was very much looking forward to having such a powerful electric ability.

"I didn't expect this electric shock suit to have such benefits."

"What an unexpected gain."

A gleam of light flashed in Adam's eyes.

"Next, I will continue to see how long this electric shock effect can last and how much benefit it can bring."

Saying this, Adam started to take action.

He began to continuously stimulate his cells with electric current while watching the changes in the data on the screen.

After a while.

Adam found that each cell's activity would increase for a period of time after being stimulated by the electric shock suit.

After a certain period of growth, the activity increase would saturate.

In terms of efficiency, it is not comparable to the effects brought by daily exercise, but through accumulation, the benefits are still considerable.

He immediately calculated the combined effects of exercise and electric shocks.

Suddenly, he discovered that by exercising and receiving electric shocks at the same time, when his strength reached 24 tons, he could almost feel the special bioelectricity inside his body and release it.

"The threshold for release has been lowered to 24 tons, which means I can release the electric current earlier."

Seeing this, Adam was quite happy.

"After Ming Angel uses the electric shock suit, my training effect will also be greatly improved."

"Then I will be able to reach the standard of 24 tons faster."

Adam raised his hand and clenched it. "In other words, I will soon have my own offensive super ability, elemental attacks."

Adam let out a breath.

Then he put his electric shock suit in the training room.

At the same time, Adam did not forget to optimize Osborn's network system and security system in the network department.

He also set his own permissions to the highest level and imposed varying degrees of restrictions on others' permissions.

After completing these tasks, Adam began to design training equipment for little Spider-Man.

Because of his previous experience, Adam's design this time was very fast.

In just a while, he designed all the heavyweight training equipment little Spider-Man needed.

All that was left was to build them.

After completing these tasks, Adam was ready to leave the company.

But before leaving, he had some things to explain to Kurt.

Adam called for Kurt.

In a meeting room.

Adam sat in a chair.

Kurt stood in front of him.

Kurt handed a formula to Adam.

It is the formula for the Lizard Self-healing potion.

At the same time, Kurt spoke up: "Boss, the Lizard Self-healing potion has a powerful self-healing ability, but it cannot be continuously and indefinitely used."

"Based on my current clinical experience."

"After using the Lizard Self-healing potion once, the body will temporarily produce some potion antibodies."

"After taking it five times in a row, a complete medicinal antibody will be produced."

"If you take the Lizard Self-healing potion again within the next day, it will no longer have any effect."

Hearing Kurt's words, Adam felt a slight unease.

"So you can use it five times in a row. Once you've used it five times, there will be a one-day cooldown period."

Kurt nodded, "Boss, you understand correctly."

Adam looked at the formula in his hand and calmly said, "Five times is enough, it's almost like having five lives."

"This Lizard Self-healing potion is indeed very powerful."

"It's not in vain that you've researched it for so many years."

Upon hearing this, Kurt blushed and smiled, "This is not my credit, it's all thanks to you, Boss."

"If it weren't for you, there wouldn't be such a powerful Lizard Self-healing potion."

"Without you, I might have already turned into a monster, being chased by everyone. Maybe I would have been captured by superheroes and locked up in prison by now."

Adam nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

If he hadn't intervened to stop Kurt, Kurt would have become a super villain, Dr. Lizard.

And then he would have been severely taught a lesson by Spider-Man, and might have been captured by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Adam took out a lighter and burned the formula.

He looked at Kurt again and handed him a document, which was the training equipment for Little Spider-Man.

"Build this set of training equipment by tomorrow morning."

Kurt flipped through the information and nodded quickly, "Okay, I can definitely build it by tomorrow morning."

Adam was very satisfied with Kurt's efficiency.

This guy, Kurt, had no flaws in terms of loyalty, scientific research ability, and execution.

He was truly a rare talent.

Definitely, the most important thing was the other person's loyalty.

Through various micro-expressions and heartbeats, Adam could feel Kurt's high level of loyalty towards him.

From the bottom of his heart, Kurt was grateful and admired him.

That was why Adam valued him so much.

Adam then took out something and handed it to Kurt, saying, "Take a look at this. Install the corresponding unnoticed cameras in the designated locations, or park the car there and place a monitor on it."

Kurt took the document.

It was a set of topographic maps for placing cameras.

Kurt didn't ask why these cameras were being placed, he just nodded, "I understand, I will arrange for someone to do it later."

For Kurt, when the boss gave him something to do, he didn't need to ask, he just needed to do it.

Adam was very satisfied with Kurt's attitude.

Then he pointed to the back of the document, "In addition, go investigate the state prison in New York."

"I want you to investigate the super-ability experiments being conducted in that prison."

"Find out the location of their laboratory and who is conducting this super-ability experiment."

"Also, this investigation must beconducted in secret. We can't let anyone know that we are investigating this matter, understand?"

Kurt looked at the end and said, "I understand, boss."

"Investigating the state prison is something that will bring trouble if it leaks."

"Don't worry, I will send someone to secretly investigate this matter and make sure no information leaks out!"

Kurt assured with a firm gaze.

Seeing Kurt's determined and efficient appearance, full of stability and confidence, Adam couldn't help but think of how he looked when they first met, depressed, introverted, and cowardly, filled with an atmosphere of pessimism and failure.

Suddenly, everything seemed to have changed so much.

It had to be said that since giving him hope and a new position and status, Kurt's state had been getting better and better.

His inner potential had also been fully tapped into.


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