
Marvel rising future avengers genius little brother

I own nothing no comments please Marcus a mad genius died to a experiment

gamefame_2014 · その他
3 Chs





"Expression through Writing"

-Point of View (POV)-


-David pov-

I was seated in my lab, watching the news, when suddenly the government burst in with guns drawn, targeting me.


Causing terror worldwide? All I did was hack into every government's systems to obtain control of their nuclear launch codes. I did it because I believe governments might accidentally set one off or do so for amusement. I wish that the world would be at peace and to love another













.pfft hahahahahahahaha Jk I was bored so I hacked everything and was gonna set it off to watch the world burn

Me:if you want to arrest me then try to stop me

I swiftly pressed a button, deploying turrets from the ceiling, which promptly dispatched the government SWAT team. As I watched with delight, a shot rang out, and blood cascaded down my head, signaling a fatal headshot. However, before slipping into oblivion, I managed a smile and murmured...

Me:remember justice league injustice and how metropolis was destroyed? AMI LAUNCH NUKES Hahaha

I could only smile as I slowly faded away amidst the sound of explosions, that my ai launched but to my surprise, I found myself in a garden abundant with fresh fruits and vegetables, with bees buzzing around. As I got up and walked around, I noticed a man sitting on a bench nearby

Man:hello David

Me:(sat next to the man)you know me ?

Man:of course I do I know everyone who have died

Me:is this heaven?

Man: It's akin to limbo, David. It's where souls are judged and either condemned to hell or granted passage to heaven. Given your actions, it seems like you've earned yourself a one-way ticket to hell.

David: I'm aware that I probably belong in hell, but it seems like you have something to offer me.

Man: Indeed, I'm prepared to grant you a fresh start in an alternate universe should you so wish, and I'll sweeten the deal with three wishes as well.

Me:judging by the offer I'm assuming you want something in return for that's is equivalent exchange

Man:true you see many people like me are what you call "man of culture " and I seen mangas and videos

Me:basically I'm just for entertainment for you people?

Man:yeah now pick a world and make your wish

Me: My initial world is for a universe where both Marvel Rising and Marvel Future Avengers are seamlessly blended into one cohesive world.

Man:and wishes

Me: First, I wish to be born as Gwen Stacy's younger sibling, envisioning Gwen being 4 years old when I enter the world. This way, when she reaches the age of 15, in 11 years I would be 9 years old.

Man:ok going for incest

Me:yeah so what?… now for my second wish I want momo yaoyorozo quirk without having to expose skin

Man:ok and you final wish

Me:make me a combination of building mastery and science mastery since I was mostly a programmer and didn't really understand houses and architecture

Man: ok good luck and be sure to give me 5 stars bye

I soon found myself in complete darkness as I felt a warm sensation all over my body but I felt something pushing me making me realize that I was being born

???:Push helen the doctor almost done


I glimpsed a radiant glow as I sensed someone supporting me. Despite the darkness, I struggled to open my eyes, and after a moment of effort, they finally fluttered open. Before me lay a woman on the bed, her expression filled with joy at my awakening.

Helen:(tears)I'm your mother David Stacy

George:David? I was hoping for George junior

Me:{no I want to keep my old name} wapapapapaba

George:he's agreeing

Helen:not now his name is David I don't know why but it suits him

After spending a few days in the hospital, as I prepared to head to my new home, with my parents thoughts of where to establish my laboratory for world domination occupied my mind. However, a poignant moment interrupted my reverie when I spotted a 4-year-old girl bearing a striking resemblance to my mother. In that instant, I recognized her as my big sister, Gwen Stacy.

Gwen:mom dad is that my brother!?

Mom:yes sweetheart meet David Stacy your little brother

Gwen:(smiles) I'll be the best sister ever

-Timeskip 4 years Gwen's pov-

I turned eight and celebrated my birthday with my mom, dad, my best friend Kevin, and my adorable four-year-old little brother. As I blew out the candles, I playfully smeared a bit of frosting on his nose while he sat on my lap.

David:(cutely pouts)Gwen you know I don't like it when you do that you meanie

I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him tightly as he squirmed, then released him to retreat to his room. I'm not sure what he does in there, but whenever I enter, I often find him wearing fake cat ears, which only adds to his undeniable cuteness.

Kevin:should we check on him?

Me:later but first presents

I select a small box gifted by David and eagerly opened its contents, revealing a plastic egg. With confusion , I crack it open, discovering a small screen adorned with three buttons—a realization dawns upon me; it's a Tamagotchi toy. As it powers on, a delightful pixelated version of David, sporting cat ears, appears on the screen.


-David POV-

Based on Gwen's scream, it seems she received my gift. Meanwhile, I was programming my makeshift laptop, crafted from a calculator that had numbers and letters,a mini arcade machine, an old smartphone, and a toy laptop.

Me:and that should do the trick

Monika:(pixelated version)good morning David how may I help you?

Grinning at my achievement, I reveled in successfully creating AI using objects from my room, envisioning the endless possibilities for future enjoyment.

Me:i wonder when I'll get my quirk

Before I could even react, Gwen barged in and engulfed me in a spine-crushing hug, leaving me desperately trying to pry her off.

Gwen:thankyouthankyouthankyou for the amazing gift

Me:please let me go (struggling breathing)

She released me, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead before departing from my room. I let out a sigh, closed the door, and settled onto my bed, acknowledging the need for rest in this young body.

Me:just wait for a few more years

-timeskip years -

I turned nine today, marking the beginning of a new chapter. Losing Mom was tough, though not unexpected, as she hadn't been mentioned in the shows since her passing. Gwen took on the mantle of Spider-Woman or ghost spider keeping it a secret from Dad and her band, but only Kevin and I knew. And often worked with spider man now if memory serves me right, today is the day the Terrigen Mist arrives, unlocking inhuman abilities.

Me: I hope this works because the scrap yard is closed

Before reaching the age of nine, I started dropping hints about being a child prodigy, which led to being gifted a sizable shed that I converted into a lab, collaborating with Monika AI on cyber security projects. Despite my young age, I engaged in typical kid jobs such as running a lemonade stand, mowing lawns, and organizing a bake sale. Etc Additionally, I diligently saved money received from birthdays.

Me:welp better wait outside for the terrigen mist

As I stepped outside and approached the front of the house, I noticed Gwen and Kevin nearby. Turning my gaze to the right, I spotted a massive green mist heading our way. Despite the looming danger, I couldn't help but smile. The mist enveloped me, triggering the unlocking of my quirk, as I found myself encased in a cocoon. Watching in astonishment, I saw my sister hurrying towards me, while Kevin was trapped in an icy cocoon nearby.

Me:this just got fun

After what seemed like hours, I started manifesting random objects before finally emerging from the cocoon. Gwen rushed over and enveloped me in a hug, while Kevin, sporting a few ice spikes on his body, looked on with concern. We stood together, sharing a moment of "relief"amidst the lingering worry.

Gwen:are you okay David?

Me:y yeah I think so but what's happening to me (still manifesting small objects) I feel hungry

Kevin: we'll figure it out let's get to your lab

Upon reaching my lab, I wasted no time in initiating tests on myself and Kevin to unravel the mystery behind our transformations. Only I harbored the truth about our situation, determined to uncover the answers hidden within our altered selves. Taking vials of blood and hair from both Gwen and Kevin under the guise of scanning their genetic makeup, while actually storing them elsewhere for my nefarious schemes.

Me: the test are done and looks like me and Kevin had inhuman genes which was unlocked due to the mist

Gwen:what can you do exactly?

Me: According to this document, I possess a Creation ability that enables me to manifest any non-living object I can imagine directly from my mind. This is achieved by converting the lipids in my body into the material of the desired object, essentially generating it from within myself. To execute this ability efficiently, I must possess a thorough comprehension of the molecular structure of the object. This capability grants me remarkable versatility in both combat and daily scenarios, empowering me to fabricate tools, weapons, or even intricate machinery spontaneously. Nonetheless, generating sizable or intricate objects may deplete my energy at a faster rate.

Kevin and Gwen:(confused)what?

Me: (sigh)I can make things appear just by thinking about them, but only stuff that isn't alive. I use the fat in my body to make these things real. It'll help be me in fights and everyday stuff, but making big or fancy things makes me tired fast and I have to understand the stuff I make

Kevin and Gwen: oh

Me:yeah and Kevin can do ice stuff

As we were preparing to leave, Gwen noticed a tarp and removed it, uncovering a partially damaged motorcycle. Witnessing this, I began acting and blushed with embarrassment

Me:wait don't look at it

Gwen:what is this anyway besides a partially damage motorcycle (pinched my cheek)

Me:a gift for you I saw it at the scrapyard and thought that maybe I could fix it and make major improvements I was gonna call it the spider cycle

Gwen:(let's go)cool name so when do you think it be finished?

Me:a few months but with my new powers I can finish in a few days

Gwen:can't wait (leaves)

After a brief pause, I approached my computer and initiated the process. With a few keystrokes, two sizable cloning tanks materialized. Carefully, I extracted Kevin and Gwen's DNA samples and deposited them into their designated tanks, commencing the cloning procedure.

Me:Monika lets me know when the procedure is complete

Monika:of course sir and I already uploaded the device you requested

Grinning, I strapped on a watch resembling a Spider-Man smartwatch, though it was a covert device designed to deploy mosquito drones. Activating it, the drones stealthily vanished into the surroundings, tasked with locating and collecting DNA from any inhumans they encountered.

Me:wonder how I'll get America Chavez dna?

-time skip a few days-

As I put the final touches on my project, the door to my lab shed swung open, revealing Kevin and Gwen. Excitedly, I hurried toward them, clutching a box in my hands.

Me: I made something

Gwen:really what did you make?

Heading to my computer, I pressed a button, summoning two mechanical wardrobes. With a whir, they opened, unveiling two costumes: Gwen's attire and a sleek blue suit.

Me:Gwen, I've maintained your costume's design, but I've integrated scanners into the eye section. Additionally, the fabric is now melee-resistant, bulletproof, waterproof, heat-resistant, dustproof, and shock-resistant,shock absorber material and (hands her a box) upgraded web shooter

Gwen:(amazed)wow I love it

Me:and Kevin your suit is the same as Gwen's but you get a mask and hood


As they departed for their first patrol together a pang of sadness and regret settled in, especially knowing Kevin's fate. However, dwelling on it wouldn't change anything. Just then, a holographic version of Monika materialized, wearing her school uniform and a charming lab coat, holding a holographic clipboard.

Monika:sir the cloning process is done

Me:thank you for telling me and the status of the drones

Monika:some got destroyed but the rest are waiting in your room

Me:ok and set reminder to improve the cloning machine

Monika:okay (disappeared)

With a few keystrokes, the cloning machines materialized, revealing two figures within. I initiated the process, causing the machines to drain the liquid and open, revealing the first clone. Standing at a height of approximately 5 feet 6 inches to 5 feet 8 inches, she possessed an athletic build. Her long, subtly layered blonde hair cascaded around her shoulders, while her eyes bore the same striking blue hue as Gwen's. The second had a 5 feet 6 inches to 5 feet 8 inches boy with light brown hair and the same light blue eyes

Me:wake up please and wear these (hands clothes)

Gwen?:f father?(gets dressed)

Me:sure now for names you'll (points to Gwen clone)be Wendy and you'll (Kevin clone) will be Eis

Wendy:what do we do father?


Me: well first of you two are going to stay at one of my apartment complex nearby for a while then from there I'll get you both fake IDS

Under the guise of a fake identity, Vincent deLuca, I utilized my hacking skills to plant traceable funds within various criminal organizations, resulting in their subsequent arrests. Leveraging the confiscated assets, I invested in an apartment complex. After providing Wendy and Eis with the address, facilitating their departure, I retreated to my room. There, I discovered mosquito drones on my desk, each equipped with blood vials

Me:alright let's see what we have

Carefully, I placed the vials onto the custom-made centrifuge, capable of accommodating ten vials at once, analyzing the inhuman abilities and their corresponding animal counterparts for future reference. As night fell, I heard my door creak open, prompting me to swiftly conceal my work. Turning around, I was met with Gwen's sorrowful expression, standing silently in the doorway.

Me:(pretending) what happened

Gwen:(hugs me and cry) I'm sorry I'm so sorry

-time skip-

Standing solemnly by the grave, I placed a juice box near the tombstone, a small gesture of remembrance. Gwen stood beside me, her expression reflecting profound sadness. acknowledging the weight of our loss.

Me:I'll miss you I guess

As we departed from the grave, Gwen, Dad, and I walked together, Dad discussing his intentions to capture Ghost Spider, believing falsely that Ghost Spider was responsible for Kevin's demise. Despite his conviction, I harbored doubts and entertained a few alternative theories.