
Marvel rising future avengers genius little brother

I own nothing no comments please Marcus a mad genius died to a experiment

gamefame_2014 · Others
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"Expression through Writing"

-Point of View (POV)-


-Gwen's pov-

Feeling the weight of losing my best friend and unfairly bearing the blame from the police, only David and I knew the truth. Concerned about David's withdrawn behavior, spending endless hours in his lab and often missing meals, I decided to check on him. With worry gnawing at me, I made my way to his lab shed and knocked on the door, hoping to find some answers

Me:hey David can we talk I know you feel like shi…bad but please you haven't shown up and I'm worried

With urgency coursing through me, I forced the door open and rushed inside, only to find David lying unconscious on a mattress, visibly malnourished. Without hesitation, I scooped him up and made a beeline for the hospital. Amidst the chaos, I couldn't ignore the humanoid machine on the table, but my priority was David's well-being. Donning my hero costume, I loaded him onto the motorcycle he had been working on and sped off towards the hospital, determined to get him the help he needed.

Me:i never rode a motorcycle but I need to get David to the hospital I can't lose him

As I raced through the streets, police cars started appearing and are hot on my trail, I spotted a barricade ahead, fearing it was the end of the line. But then, my eyes caught sight of a button on the bike's dashboard. Without hesitation, I pressed it, and a hologram screen materialized, revealing a cute spider icon.

SPIDER:hello I am SPIDER Your Smart Personalized Intelligent Drive Enhancement Rider I was created to assist you ghost spider and it seems like you're in a pinch

Me:yeah what do I do exactly? I need to get David to a hospital

Spider:do not worry I got it setting autopilot

I sensed the handles shifting leftward, and before I could react, the motorcycle veered towards a building. Instead of screaming or attempting to jump off, it started riding vertically on the wall, reminiscent of me and Spider-Man crawling on the wall . As we ascended to the roof, a small mechanism emerged from the bottom, shooting a web that adhered to another building, turning the cityscape into a tightrope-like path.

Me:damn David really went all out

The motorcycle's maneuver left me impressed as it effortlessly navigated towards the hospital. Upon reaching our destination, it gracefully leaped off the web, landing safely on the ground in front of the hospital entrance.

Gwen:thank god but wouldn't the cops show up any moment

Spider:deploying decoy good luck ghost spider

As a holographic version of myself materialized and drove off, I swiftly ducked into an alley, shedding my hero costume, and cradled David in my arms as I hurried back towards the hospital

Me:(barges in)someone please help me!!

-hours later-

I sat anxiously on a chair,, my mind racing with thoughts about David's condition as a doctor approached me with a clipboard

Doctor:Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy

Me:that's me

Doctor:shouldn't your dad be here ?

I winced at the thought, knowing that my father's absence stemmed from his relentless pursuit to apprehend me for a crime I hadn't committed. However, revealing my identity as Ghost Spider to him was not an option.

Me:he's busy

Doctor: I'll be blunt then Malnutrition weakens immunity, delays healing, stunts growth, and raises disease risk. Insomnia impairs cognition, mood, increases accidents, and risks heart issues. Combating these requires diet changes, sleep habits, and sometimes medical help.if you haven't brought him in I'm afraid he would be gone

Tears welled up in my eyes as I grappled with the guilt of Kevin's death and the weight of David's self-imposed punishment. Feeling like a failure, I made my way to the room where he was staying, only to find him connected to a tube, presumably providing him with essential nutrients.

Me:I'm sorry I promise to bring sheath(the killer) down and….kill her myself

Although I couldn't believe the words that had just escaped my lips, seeing the extent of the damage she had caused affirmed my decision. Just then, David began to stir, awakening from his slumber.

David:h huh g Gwen?(cough)

Me:take it easy David you're hurt

David:but I have to get back to my lab and finish something

Me:no you need a proper meal and rest you could have died and I don't want to lose you so promise me you'll be okay

David: I promise (Rubs my forehead)

-David pov-

With a smile creeping across my face, I watched as Gwen departed, confident that my plan was gradually falling into place. As she left, I discreetly retrieved my Iron Man watch, pressing the side button to reveal the cover. With determination, I composed a message to Wendy, (Gwen's clone) setting my plan into motion.

-Eis (Kevin clone)POV-

Standing before my genetic template's tombstone, I felt a mix of emotions as Wendy approached, clutching her phone tightly

Wendy:dad wants us to run a quick errand

Me:what does he want?

Wendy:to go to his house and wreck a few things and mess with my genetic template by scaring her

As we marched towards my father's home, determination burning within us, we donned our masks and forcefully broke down the door. Chaos ensued as we wreaked havoc, hurling ice projectiles in all directions. Suddenly, a web ensnared my arm, and to my surprise, I caught sight of Ghost Spider emerging from the shadows.


As Ghost Spider rushed towards me in a fury, attempting to land a punch, I swiftly dodged and froze the web tethered to my arm. Another web shot towards me, but I evaded once more. Just then, Wendy arrived on the scene, firing her own web as I unleashed an ice blast, only for her to agilely dodge out of harm's way.

Gwen:another spider person?

As I prepared to launch an ice blast, a web suddenly whizzed past me, and I assumed Ghost Spider had missed. However, before I could react, a heavy object struck me from behind, and I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness.

-Gwen pov-

Today has been chaotic—first, David ends up in the hospital, and now someone has broken into my home. Despite managing to subdue the ice-powered intruder, I find myself facing a woman with abilities similar to mine, but without the need for a web launcher, her organic webs adding an eerie twist. Before I could launch an attack, a swarm of police cars arrived, and in the blink of an eye, both intruders vanished into thin air.


Seeking solace and a moment to collect myself, I hastily made my escape through the back door and swung my way to the park. Once there, I found refuge by the tranquil pond, allowing myself a much-needed breather as I gazed at the calm water, hoping to find some clarity amidst the chaos.

Me:fuck fuck FUCK (punches a tree down)what do I do now?

???: Whoa, Gwen! Taking down trees now? I guess it runs in the spider family. Remind me not to challenge you to an arm-wrestling match anytime soon!

I saw As Spider-Man hung from his web before gracefully landing nearby, I braced myself for a potential arrest. However, noticing that my spider senses remained dormant, I cautiously let my guard down, curious about his unexpected presence.

Me:how did you find me?

Spider-Man:it takes a few hours for the web to dissolve and I saw a trail leading here

Me:you know I didn't kill Kevin right?

Spider-Man: I know it wasn't you but I can tell there's a lot going through your head care to talk to me?

As I recounted the events leading up to our encounter, I could sense Spider-Man sinking into deep thought, his expression betraying the gravity of the situation. Weighed down by the complexities of my story, I awaited his response, hoping for guidance or perhaps a glimmer of understanding.

Spider-Man:wow that's a lot to take in so how's David

Me:good I guess but it's was my fault if I just stayed by Kevin then maybe he would be alive and David wouldn't be such a mess

Spider-Man:it wasn't your fault things just happens all the time you just have to pick yourself up and continue on because with great power

Me:comes great responsibility

As the night descended, Spider-Man departed, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Fueled by concern for David's well-being, I resolved to return to the hospital, unable to shake the fear of what might transpire in my absence. With a heavy heart, I swung back towards the hospital, determined to stand by David's side through whatever trials lay ahead.

Me:I'll be a better sister

-David pov-


As I formulated my devious plan to frame my sister and manipulate my father into leaving more often, I couldn't help but smirk at the thought. With Wendy and Eis causing chaos in my house, and Gwen likely waiting for the perfect opportunity to patrol, I knew I had to act strategically. Glancing at the news showcasing the Avengers, particularly Iron Man, a wicked smile crept across my face as I envisioned the chaos I could sow.

Me:may the smartest man win Tony

lookHave some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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