
Chapter - 007

New Year had arrived, and it was a cause of celebration but I was not happy. There had been many cyber attacks on my company by many organizations to steal people's data on the servers. The main culprits being S.H.I.EL.D AND HYDRA. When the attacks failed, the government came, asking for access to which I had a public statement given that unless any criminal activity was involved, no personal information would be given.

This did lead to my popularity skyrocketing but some people did not find it acceptable. An organized attack led by a 10-man team had taken place on my company headquarters which was only stopped when I appeared as Moon Knight to fight them. 5 of my people died that day with several injured. Thankfully no data leak happened and there was no backlash from the public.

This also led me to take extra measures and increase overall security by five-fold. But I had to find someone to take out my anger on. And that someone will be given to me by one of these people in this dim room who had led the attack.


My name is William James and I am a mid-level Hydra operative. My team was tasked by our superiors to get access to the servers of a new fast developing company. The task seemed easy at first, we just had to hack into their network and we could steal the information.

While doing so, we found even S.H.I.L.D. and the government trying to access their servers. This increased our difficulty as we do not want to be found. But what came later had our team leader Isaac on edge. The code on which the software was built seemed very advanced for our current times and we could not hack it.

Feeling anxious, the team leader chose to do what we do best - cause chaos and steal what we can during it. Attacking the company head-on, we had taken some hostages and killed five people to keep the rest quiet. All was going well until that lift opened. The moment we focused on the lift while drawing our guns towards it preparing for an attack. The windows behind us burst open and in flies the white monster.

A crescent-shaped blade comes flying toward one of my friends standing near the hostages. The blade lodges itself in his head directly killing him. By the time, my attention turns back to him, another one of us has his gun arm sliced off by a sword I don't know came from where. The person screams and starts rolling on the ground. Fear spreads in me.

"Take the hostag-" one of the HYDRA members starts but gets a thick metal rod smashing on his head bursting it open. I try to ignore the gruesome scene and point my gun toward the hostages to shoot but that caped guy rushes over to them and spreads his cape wide open, and I get really scared when all the bullets fired by me and the remaining people just bounce off that piece of clothing.

"Run!!" Both Moon Knight and our team leader shout at the same time. He to the hostages, and our leader to us. I start running out to the exit without looking behind as I hear screams from my friends. I know the moment I look behind, I will be next. As I near the exit, the leader pushes me back, throwing me off my feet.

"Hold him off for me!" He shouts and makes it to the exit but a flying blade gets latched into his back and he falls. Hearing footsteps behind me, tears start pooling in my eyes as I start to pray for safety but a chop at my neck is all I felt last.

The next moment I woke up, I found myself in a dim room. 5 other people were there with me. The rest are dead I think. Sitting with them, I see them huddle closer to each, shivering from the scenes I saw before passing out, I too get closer to them.

"What will happen to us?" The only female member of our team asks.

"I don't know but he will try to gain information from us, and then kill us. And if dying is the only result, I would rather not betray the organization." one of the old-looking guy speaks. This one has some serious HYDRA loyalty.

But he was right. I too will not tell anything to him. I know I should turn my back on HYDRA and try to save myself but the brainwashing they did on me since young did a number on me. Yeah, I know they brainwashed me but I am fine with it because my hands are not clean anymore and I too helped in doing it to the newer recruits.

Sitting and waiting was all we could do as even the poison sac in our mouths had been removed. We waited and waited when suddenly two white glowing eyes appeared in front of us in the dark. As the owner of the eyes came forward, we saw a person covered in wearing a white mask with a moon on it. He was wearing a white three-piece suit with white gloves.

He would seem funny if we did not know the brutality he shows in his other costume.

"So which of you will tell me what I want to know?" He asks while adjusting his tie. We all look at each other but keep quiet in the end. He sighs seeing this and walks up to the left-most member of the group and slaps him across the face when the person tries to resist. I see two teeth fall. Moon Knight then grabs him by the hair and drags him across the room to the next one.

They disappear from our sight but the door remains open and we know he is just behind the wall. The first thing we hear is a loud 'No' and then a loud cracking loud followed by screams. One by one something hard hitting against the flesh is heard with screams which gradually turn hoarse and then completely stop after a few minutes.

By this time, every one of us is breathing heavily with the female member crying but we remain resolute in not giving up anything about the organization. Moon Knight returns alone covered in blood which we see is gradually disappearing. Without saying a word, he again walks towards the left-most member when the old-looking who spoke before stands up.

"You can keep playing your mind games but not one of us will tell you anything. We will die before we tell you ANYTHING. But remember, if you cut one hea-" His head falls as clean blade gleams in the light.

"So HYDRA, huh?" Moon Knight speaks and all of our eyes widen. I know many of the loyal people of HYDRA say the same thing when they are about to be killed but it should not have been associated with HYDRA now. I see Moon Knight leave the room and a heavy silence is all that is left.

'F*UCK' I shout in my mind. There was no meaning in trying to keep the organization's name quiet if all it took was a single sentence to give it away. I look at the now decapitated head of the person who I had thought was smart and disgust wells in me as I lower my head.


Hey, so how was the chapter? Thought of pitting the MC and Hydra a bit to give Hydra a major blow earlier and this was the reason I chose. Honestly, there is not much stuff MC can do as Moon Knight before the year 2008 or 2009 except for developing his company. Even if I want to add some other comic stuff, I have not read them so it is difficult for me but I try to see what I can do. Like this thing with Hydra and doing something about the ghost rider plot.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

White_Wolf_7506creators' thoughts