
Chapter: 46

While Mark was immersed in technical data in the information room of the Triskelion Building, the outside world was exploding with excitement over the private health assistant released by the Mark Research Center.

After the product launch, Mark had been secluded, studying the power system required by S.H.I.E.L.D. After emerging from seclusion, he went straight to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters to continue his seclusion. Mark was not aware of the company's operations, or rather, when he decided to delegate all matters other than research to his subordinates, these matters were no longer his concern.

However, as viewers watched the video of the conference and media reporters continued follow up on the volunteer physical examination events, private health assistant's related terms exploded in popularity on television, newspapers, and the internet.

Mark's marketing department invited various celebrities and public figures to post requests for the private health assistant on their social networks, mentioning the Mark Research Center's tweet. This greatly boosted the popularity of the matter. The power of fandom is undoubtedly strong, and the private health assistant itself is of excellent quality. As a result, the publicity effect exceeded expectations.

People were amazed by the powerful diagnostic and therapeutic abilities of the robots developed by Mark, and they were also attracted to the various stylish and cute designs of the robots. In this era of information explosion, the spreading speed of this hot topic would undoubtedly be faster than ever before.

In people's daily discussions, there was always one topic, and that was the private health assistant released by the Mark Research Center. Where can you buy it? How much does it cost? Can you get more styles of interchangeable skins? No matter what the question is, the central focus is around Baymax.

Even shrewd fashion brands and luxury goods manufacturers came seeking collaborations, wanting to launch co-branded skins or obtain image development rights, and engage in commercial development of peripheral products and even cultural products.

And today, the first batch of private health assistant products is about to go on sale. Offline, Mark's stores named "Mark Home" have sprouted up like mushrooms in various commercial districts of major cities, drawing crowds of citizens who eagerly line up in front of the stores, all hoping to purchase their favorite health assistant as soon as possible. At the same time, there are also scalpers mixed in, with the intention of profiting from this hot trend.

Online, Mark's company team was well prepared, launching a carefully designed company website where netizens could compare the differences in parameters and prices between various robot models and make reservations for purchase online. However, even though they had rented server clusters from Stark Industries in advance, the website of the Mark Research Center almost crashed due to the massive influx of traffic. Fortunately, Mark had connected Baymax's program to the company's servers, allowing for load balancing and traffic control, ultimately stabilizing the situation.

"Tony, the data I collected today from the opening at 9 a.m. until the closing at 5pm, the total revenue of Mark Home's offline stores is $390.4 million. In addition, the online sales reached a total of $230 million. Today, the single-day revenue of the Mark Research Center exceeded $600 million! And this is just the income from the European and North American markets. If the Mark Research Center's products enter Asia, Africa, and South America in the future, this data will increase significantly."

In the Stark Mansion in Malibu, Pepper was reporting to Tony about the revenue situation of the Mark Research Center that she had collected today.

After hearing Pepper's report, Tony, who had initially appeared indifferent, was also dumbfounded. Tony had taken over Stark Industries since he was twenty-one years old and was adept at interpreting a company's performance. He was well aware that based on the revenue data from the Mark Research Center today, even if it would eventually decline due to decreasing popularity, the valuation of the Mark Research Center would start at least in the trillions of dollars.

In other words, if this company, which he helped establish less than a month ago, were to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange now, its stock price would be more than double that of Stark Industries during its peak. Mark's personal net worth would surpass his own and make him the richest person on the Forbes billionaire list.

"Wow... Mark is truly terrifying. At this rate, will my own son surpass me so quickly!?"

"If Mark is willing to give up the sole ownership of his company and make it public, then it's indeed possible. But I don't think Mark will let his company go public. Firstly, he has you behind him, and Stark Industries is there to support him. Even without going public, it would hardly have any impact on its funding and business operations.

Moreover, Mark doesn't like to consult with others to make decisions. Once he has made up his mind, it's difficult to change it. So he won't allow multiple directors who can influence his decision-making power to exist in the company.

Furthermore, Tony, you've overlooked one thing. Although Stark Industries' new energy business hasn't fully launched yet, the private health assistant contract manufacturing service provided by the Mark Research Center has already restored the company's stock price and revenue to the levels before the weapon department was closed. And the momentum is still strong. Your personal assets are also constantly increasing."

"Your words do make me feel better. By the way, you mentioned a new shareholder joining the company a few days ago. This person bought heavily when Stark Industries' stock price plummeted and now owns enough shares to enter the board of directors. Have you contacted him?

Although I've taken over Obadiah's shares, essentially gaining control over the company, if this new shareholder has some ulterior motives, it could still cause some trouble."

"You don't need to worry about that. The new director who bought those shares is Mark. He saw how you were previously restricted by other shareholders on the board because your shares didn't exceed fifty percent, so he used his personal funds to acquire scattered shares in the stock market.

Mark has entrusted me with the authority to represent him fully in terms of these shares and voting rights, so you can rest assured."

"Mark has become a director of Stark Industries!" Suddenly, Tony felt that the world was changing too fast, and he couldn't keep up with it.

