
MARVEL: Let The End Begin

Hello,my name is Anthony and lets flip my life into the marvel where there are 'powers' that are present like there is some sales offer on them. Let's see the mad scientists who are everywhere with powers that can end the world casually. Where heroes are mainly saving people in their uncomfortable suits. Where you have to be atleast beautiful to even be a female super hero. Lets see the fights from the front row seat and feel the thrill. Even emotions are present if any of you forgot about them Lets start the story by flipping in the sky like a coin and very obviously falling in a world called MARVEL. One thing for SURE,it is going to be an rollercoaster of adventures. So 'LET THE END BEGIN!!!!' //// Hello GUYS, I'm the author and I'm ranting about some shit,please don't mind me and start reading the novel if you want to. So,this is my first novel and the much needed constructive criticism is required and please comment new ideas which I can take inspiration from . I am very open minded about new concepts and ideas.My grammar is also a little shaky as it is my first time to narrate a story .So,please bear with it for a while. Enjoy the story. Fun fact: THIS IS 'NOT' A 'MTL' //// PS:I don't own marvel and its characters. PS:The cover picture isn't mine,its credit belongs to its creator. please contact or comment me if you want to remove it.

jackrose · 映画
13 Chs


Anthony was discharged after 3 days.

Even though he was fine and wanted to go home the first day itself,his guardains were pretty stubborn about it.

Clara was the one who was overreacting about him as she was pretty shocked after the whole fainting incident.

He couldn't even walk out of the room as she stopped him from doing so.

She started to tear up when he snuck out on the first day for a breather.

He had to stop doing sneaking out as he was the who had to deal with a big cry baby later.

Gone was his peaceful life of gaining knowledge.

He was pretty much tense the whole day thinking of different possiblities

He has to look out for anything and everything as his paranoia was acting high.

Anthony started to plan for the future and it's feasibilities.

It was hard to do so as MARVEL has many universes and he didn't know how to access the information regarding the problem with out going outside.

So,he started thinking for most plausible solutions he could implement.

He mainly ruled out some universes like zombie verse where most of the population became zombies and similar universes.

He ruled out other universes like DC verse,which made him take a sigh of relief.

He glad he was away from all the calamities that walk on the earth with their inflated ego's and their sense of justice that is hard to make sense of.

It was easy to find about them as there was no Gotham city(futuristic) with rail lines in the middle of a building.

It was done on the first time he snuck out of the hospital.

Sadly it couldn't be done in the following days as my guardian angel is at the door step.

He could only be annoyed that he was found out.In his hindsight he did not know that she was staying with him in the hospital 24/7.

Clara's psyche must be pretty shaken up due losing her sister.

Seeing her nephew faint or possibly die as she didn't know what was happening made her the overprotective nature spring into action.

Anthony was interrupted of his musings as brunette with her silky hair was standing in front of his bed.

"Hey darling,how are you feeling?". She asked or mostly teased him as this was some sort of revenge she thought apparently.

"....was feeling good till now." Replied Anthony as he grumbled in annoyance at her way of calling.

This made her satisfied as teasing him was becoming one of her new hobbies.

She quickly came to him to feed him the breakfast but was unsuccessful nonetheless.

He just stared at her with out a word as she reluctantly gave him the box. 

He slowly started to eat as she was eyeing him like a hawk till he completed eating the box full of breakfast which made it look like a lunch.

He thought about how young she was compared to his mother as they were sisters.

Clara was beautiful,she at least 5'5 in height who had good figure.

Honestly,she could be a model if she wanted to.But her interest was in business.

Speaking of business,It is in a turmoil.

The whole dot-com bubble burst has happened even in this universe.

Because, no matter how much the great inventions of MCU like pym particles,repulsor,arc reactor were, they are either costly to build or dangerous for the people.

Like an arc reactor can power whole lot of cities with clean energy but are very costly to build and maintain.

And Tony Stark was not focused much on it as weapons were far more money makers that the arc reactor.

Which is the normal way any business man would think, if they were not kidnapped by the terrorists who beat the shit out of them and escaped them by building a suit which was possible because of his friend's sacrifice.(Who can it be I wonder)

And the Hank Pym is not willing to disclose the pym particles creation as he thought it was dangerous if they fell into the wrong hands,which was reasonable because even nuclear missiles could be bought undetected and many more things that could literally end the world.

Even Wakanda could not spread the technology to their own people.

It was mainly because of traditions to remain unknown and to protect their vibranium from outsiders.

Honestly, all the technologies of MARVEL are either unknown or secured, that the dot-com bubble was happening as I expected with a few minor changes.

My thoughts were disrupted again by none other than Clara.

"What are you doing, Clara?"

I asked as she touched her forehead with mine.

"Nothing,checking if you are still burning or not."

Said Clara if it was a matter of fact for which I twitched my lips at this silly but intelligent girl.

It is contradictory,but true as she is getting to top grades in business management.

"Your temperature is fine and all, but you should still be in the hospital for at least a week.

"No,not going to happen".I replied immediately shaking my head side ways repeatedly.

3 days already the maximum I could wait as I will have to think of other plans.More than that is wasting my time.

In MARVEL, time is money, as only few can spend it like nothing as they must have a pretty green stone with them.

"Okay..okay!,it's not like my body has a fever". Said Clara sadly as if she was about to cry.

Sadly that didn't convince him if his deadpan stare was any indication.

Anthony didn't fall for the same trick twice. she started crying the second time after trying to send her away for a while to think about his plans without interruption .

He was surprised how quickly she smiled when he reluctantly let her stay.

He understood that pretty quick to not get tricked again.

She just pouted seeing that her act has been seen through.

She was very cute when she pouted,not that he will say it to her.

And the time started passing quickly with his constantly interrupted of his thoughts and the conversations they were having.

They become very familiar with each other by the day of discharge.

On that day, grandpa Thomas came to take them home.

"You sure, you want to discharge?".Asked Clara one last time to make him stay at the hospital.

Alas her worries were met with a deadpan stare that made her unable to continue.

'Damn!,the power of deadpan look,I will practice it and it use it on you,just you wait'. She thought to herself.

Mean while his grandpa has completed the discharge forms and brought the medications given for his grandson.

He couldn't spend more time with his daughter and grandson as he was having his day full and some times even night.

He had to settle Anthony's parents business and had talks with the lawyer about transferring their assets to his grandsons name.

It may take a while to complete all that as he even has his own business.

They were mostly managed by others but he had to step due to internet gaining huge popularity and people who like smell money in this new platform are like mad dogs each tearing apart each other for a single piece.

He could only let Clara take care of him and it might be the only good thing from all this as he saw them bickering at each other like kids.

But weird because it was Clara talking non stop and Anthony nodding his head as if to say he was listening.

He looked at two of them as he remembered his daughter saying Anthony has a business plan of sort he wanted to talk about.

Thomas was very surprised hearing it as Clara repeatedly conformed it he was serious.She said he didn't say what the plan is about as it is a waste of time to say it twice.

Thomas lips twitched as he thought of his 7 year old grandson saying it with a serious face.

He sighed at the thought as Anthony's parents were pretty much to blame as they neglected their parenting.

His daughter Veronica was good in business, but not a good mother.Even Anthony's father was the same.

Anyways, he quickly took hold of himself as the duo of the kids were coming towards him.


The trio of the family went home and freshened up in their rooms.

Clara and Anthony went upstairs as both of their rooms were upstairs.

Thomas went to the guest as he was pretty much converted into a mini office.

All of them went to the living room as the maid was cooking the dinner for them.

Clara pretty much extended the stay of last day as Anthony wouldn't budge for an extra day for staying in the hospital.

Anthony was already thinking of consulting a psychiatrist if her behaviour continues to be.

He felt happy for her concerning about him,but the overprotective behaviour would be problematic if let it be.

He was already planning many things that are dangerous if not outright insane.

He couldn't keep all of them a secret as she will be staying with him.

That's right grandpa and Clara are staying with him as his grandpa was already doing the guardianship procedures.

He even used his connections to speed up the procedure as transferring his parents assets to Anthony's name was delayed as his grandpa was not his his legal guardian to ask them yet.

"So what is the business plan you want to talk about?"

Asked Thomas directly as he didn't know how to talk with his weird but intelligent grandson.

He was quite looking forward to what this little kid could pull off.He would offer him the much needed advice if anything is wrong.

Clara who was beside on the sofa was looking at the book that Antony brought with him.

It was a thick book with various book markings present in between the pages.

She was curious what was written in the book as he didn't even show her what's inside.

She was trying to snatch the book from him but was failing miserably.

Her father just sighed seeing her antics.Honestly he still wondered if she was a 17 year old teen.

Meanwhile Anthony gave his grandfather some papers as he looked at them curiously to see his grandson's plan.

He took another copy of it and gave them to Clara or she wouldn't stop pestering him.

Both the father and daughter looked at the title that was in big font size.


They both muttered as they were already hooked up to know what it was.

*****The Rise Of Technology***** 




Hey Guys;

thank you for reading the chapter and please comment your constrictive ideas and note that I am writing for myself so no commenting unnecassary things.

Enjoy the story.

jackrosecreators' thoughts