
Marvel king remake (English) Abandoned

This novel will rewrite the novel Marvel King for what wants to read the fan fic that I use as a source go on comradeo because it is on this site that I read it Most of the time I will use the community to choose the films in which the hero will be so there will often votes in the comments. The votes will be as follows. you will propose films you will vote for 7 films and you will vote again to have only 1 film you must know that the world must have powers or objects that offer them for example in Marvel there will be mutans I will leave me after the vote 3 days to be able create a background and searchthe most interesting ones. So most of the time I’m going to look and just so you know that it will be a harem and the character will often take women from it’s universe as a woman so there may be times when the hero doesn’t take power but most of the time he does. I don’t own any of the movies or stories in which my MC e will find again but to begin we will go with the same system as the original fan fic with the same power. (the named power and the power of absorption) And the first universe the source universe of the hero will be marvel

EC0RAD · 映画
25 Chs

Confusing fight

A power of energy instantly slammed on June, and the enormous force pushed Jun back several steps, feeling faintly that it was going to be torn.

«Is this a power attack?»

Jun sniffed, but fortunately, his body was reinforced by Extremis, otherwise it would be terrible. However, Extremis is really strong, but the attack was only pain felt, but pain and always present.

Hey, enough, I'm not a guy with the master of shit puppets. I just saw you as if I had trouble coming to help you. Jun looked at Susan and tried to bring the situation back to calm to talk.

Hey, you think if you say that, I'll believe it? I just talked to myself, and now I'm the doll made by the puppeteer. Do you think I'm going to believe you want to help? Do I need your help?" Susan screamed into a giggle.

Jun saw her look and she knew she was a little drunk, and some of them did not clear. It seems that this misunderstanding is not clear.

Bad luck, bad luck!

Jun said in a depressed voice: Well, whatever you want, it makes no sense to talk to women anyway, let alone drunk women. Since you misunderstood me, then I'll go.

After that, Jun turned around and it was ready to go.

"Is it broken, so I want to run? In no way! "

Susan sniffed, her hands attacked again.

A powerful and invisible power goes directly to Jun.

Jun hid on the side, and he heard a loud bang, and the ground cracked.

Count it, it's my life, three times and five times, I really thought drunkenness is great! Jun was really angry when he looked at the damage caused by the powerful attack. He also felt that he could meet Susan with good luck. But now it seems like a good chance to meet Susan.

That's what you forced me to do. I can only wake you up first.

Looking at Susan's intention to stop her, she began to gather her mind to form an invisible magnetic field around her, and Jun was ready to begin.

"Let's talk about it, I want to see if you have the capacity to wake me up". As the invisible magnetic field grew stronger and stronger, a transparent opening gradually appeared and the ripple sofas opened. The loudest, even the air has a sizzling voice.


The lighter emerged like a flame, then it became bigger and stronger. It was surrounded by June and tumbled down layer by layer. At that time, Jun was like a god of war coming out of the flames.

"Look at me? Then look, I have the strength to wake you!

Jun giggled and tended that the flames around him suddenly accelerated, as a sea of fire rushed instantly upon Susan.

Oh, you can control the fire, but that's not enough...." Said Susan, suddenly her body trembled, her clothes breaking instantly, revealing the tight suit of the Fantastic Four.

I gotta say, Susan in a tight suit is awesome.

The sea of fire entered the scene and instantly rushed towards the magnetic field of the spirit formed by Susan. Susan's expression is somewhat sufficient, her mental power is very strong and it is certainly not so easy to be shaken.

"That's it? I said, it's just not good enough. It's always bad…" The word "far" has not been used and Susan's expression has changed dramatically.

Because Jun was right in front of her, it seems that he must put all his power to destroy the force field.

It's just that Susan is not surprised. What really surprised her is that the flame is tangled in her hand, like a fist of fire. In the flame, his hand gradually changes and becomes red like a magma. The high temperatures gave Susan the feeling that her attentive magnetic field seemed to melt and that she was a little stifled.

"It's impossible!" Susan was amazing and increased her mind.


The flame was beating and the transparent light of the power of the mind was confusing and began to become somewhat unstable. Susan raised her hand, biting her teeth and standing constantly in her mind, but the effect was minimal.

You really thought that your magnetic field of mind is invincible. I was too lazy to care about a drunk woman, but you just thought I was mud? What do you think? Now I can't wait. The moment I let you wake up...."

Jun looked at Susan coldly and raised his other hand slightly.

The power gathered in the hands, the fire in the distance came in the hand, and the circle became entangled, the fire became bigger and bigger and the air was burned.

Power, very powerful power.

Susan may feel that if he hits that punch, his field of mental power will definitely collapse. She almost used all her strength to hold him with the magnetic field.

"Go away!"

Su Zhan screamed loudly, his fist suddenly hit the magnetic field of the mind.

The magnetic field is like an ice cube, emitting a cracking sound from where it is struck, then cracking and opening instantly ...

The wind generated by the fist of fire, the fragmentation of the magnetic field, and the two forces together, let Susan fly directly from the earthquake. In the blink of an eye, the wall has already hit the wall, and blood runs out of the corner of the mouth…

"Oh… it looks too heavy!"

I watched Susan crouch down and couldn't get up. Jun's feelings of grief and contempt followed, although there are some excuses, but sometimes to solve the problem, you have to prove that you have strength?

Now are you awake? On the way to Susan's, Jun solemnly asked.

Susan looked at what Jun seemed to mean, but suddenly he was amazed.

"No? Is it dizzy?

Jun is speechless, Susan fainted at that moment, what should I do? I can't let him go. In desperation, Jun leaned back and checked. It turned out that.... Although she was hurt, it wasn't too bad. The reason she fainted was because she was drunk ... Drunk ... Jun's face was dark.

"Forget it, wait until you wake up and talk."

Jun hugged Susan and prepared to go to a nearby hotel to open a room for Susan.

"Hey, brother, you better put her down, or I'll be rude to you.

Jun just picked up Susan and is leaving to hear the sound of a voice coming up.