
Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

In an surprising turn of events, Alex wakes up in the Marvel Universe(AU), problem is he had limited knowledge about Marvel. He only know some of the well known heroes, villains and lurking dimensional gods. He did his best to adjusts to this new reality, though not a genius like Ironman, he decides to adapt to this reality by starting a tech company he called Arasaka, hoping to strike it rich. During his undertaking, Alex finally gotten his wish, a half arse Golden Finger. That gave him advanced knowledge about technology, including cyberware, futuristic vehicles and weapons from games and movies like Skynet from Terminator. Empowered with this newfound knowledge, he transforms into a tech-enhanced superhero Navigating the challenges of the Marvel Universe. Authors Note: The Technology he will mostly use are from Terminator, Predator, Cyberpunk. I’ll add more as the story goes. There will be no Harem. I’ll try not to write romances as well so no Smut. I’ll have the main character focus in technology, sorry no magic. MC will appear as he has limited knowledge about the marvel verse. MC only knows about MCU, Spider-man Cartoons and Movies. A few clips he have watched from his previous life like Dare Devil. FAQ: 1) Is this business focus: No its not, There will be parts but not much. 2) There is a chance for romance depends on how the story goes. Note: I don’t know how to write stories. Believe me I tried. I’m just glad that I am able to accomplish one of my bucket list with the help of ChatGPT. Please be gentle lol. I know its gonna be bad, as again I don't know how to write in English and its not my native language. Its not even my secondary language, its not even the third since we have lots of languages, where I’m from. Any helpful criticism will be greatly appreciated. I'm just doing this for fun and hopefully when I actually try to write another story, it will be better.

TheMainPlagiaris · 映画
88 Chs

Machine Man 32

Inside the laboratory on the space station, the atmosphere was a mix of technology and sterile efficiency. Rows of workstations adorned the walls, each equipped with holographic interfaces displaying intricate data.

Amid the hum of advanced machinery, Reed Richards diligently worked on his calculations. The lab, with its sleek design and cutting-edge equipment, held an air of scientific precision. The hum of computers and the occasional beep created a backdrop for the scientists' endeavors.

As Reed checked the data, a sudden beep disrupted the rhythm of the lab. The holographic readouts revealed unexpected results. Wind velocity digits rapidly climbed, and the alarming message displayed: EVENT THRESHOLD, T-MINUS 9 minutes and 47 seconds.

Reed, taken aback, muttered to himself, "No, that can't be right."

Alex, standing nearby, commented, "That's one thing about storms, Reed; sometimes can they can unpredictable. It seems the same holds true in space."

Reed, realizing the urgency, snapped out of his bewilderment. "That's impossible; it should be seven hours."

Alex, maintaining his calm demeanor, said, "Well, we better get to it then and warn them."

With a sense of urgency, Reed rushed towards the command center, ready to face the impending cosmic storm.

Upon entering, the atmosphere in the command center was somewhat amorous. Victor and Sue engaged in a conversation that seemed both intimate and crucial. Reed, appearing rushed and concerned, interrupted them with urgent news.

"The cloud is accelerating. We've got minutes until it hits, not hours," Reed announced, the weight of the situation evident in his voice.

Victor, maintaining his composure but showing a hint of annoyance, dismissed Reed's concern. "Get a grip, Reed. We didn't come all this way to lose our nerve at the first glitch. Just close the shields."

Reed, on the verge of panic, pointed out the obvious, "But Ben is still out there."

Victor, unwavering, responded with determination, "So reel him in. We came here to do a job, so let's do it. Quickly."

As the tension escalated, a series of beeping sounds filled the air, adding an extra layer of urgency. Sue, standing beside Victor, addressed him to redirect his attention. "Reed is right. We have less than six minutes," she declared, emphasizing the need for swift action.

Near the transparent glass of the space station, I observed as cosmic rays closed in, forming a spectacular display of various colors, creating a cosmic storm. The radiant hues danced around, creating an otherworldly spectacle.

Amidst the cosmic turmoil, Victor and Sue huddled on the side, their urgency evident. Victor, rapidly entering codes into a control panel, seemed determined to close the shields. Sue, concerned for those outside, couldn't bear the thought of leaving them stranded.

"You can't just leave them out there," Sue protested.

Victor, focused on his task, responded coldly, "Watch me."

Shaking my head at Victor's indifference, I followed Sue, expressing my sentiments. "I don't want to butt in, but he's a real piece of work."

Sue, about to respond, halted as she spotted Ben in a spacesuit outside the station, leaping away from the approaching cosmic storm. On the other side of what looked like a tower, the storm loomed, adding a sense of impending danger to the situation.

Amidst the cosmic storm's dazzling display of colors, I left Sue in her stupor and rushed outside the observation deck. The vastness of space stretched out before me, and the intensity of the cosmic rays painted a surreal scene around the space station.

Johnny, in a heightened state of tension, was calling out to Ben. "Come on, Ben! You got this!" His voice echoed through the metallic corridors.

Reed, attempting to steady Johnny's nerves, touched his shoulder and instructed, "Okay, Johnny, get ready to close the airlock."

As we watched, Ben neared the airlock, bravely navigating through the cosmic storm. The airlock stood as a crucial barrier between him and the unpredictable forces of space. The cosmic storm intensified, casting an eerie glow over the station's exterior.

Sparks flew around the space station, wreaking havoc on electronic devices. Unidentified radiation surged through the air, creating a luminescent energy storm that assaulted our bodies. I tried raising my arms like praising the storm, to welcome the cosmic energy that will give us powers and… it was a bad idea.

As the cosmic storm raged around us, an indescribable agony gripped my body. The relentless assault of radiation made it feel as though my very being was transforming into microscopic ants, each part breaking and merging incessantly. The pain was overwhelming—an otherworldly experience that transcended the agony any man could possibly comprehend

Amidst this cosmic torment, my prosthetic arm emitted a continuous, ominous beep, a stark reminder that my vitals were plummeting. Each beep resonated with the physical and existential anguish I endured. It seemed like an eternity as I grappled with the excruciating sensation of my body dissolving and reconstituting in the turbulent cosmic maelstrom.

Summoning every ounce of strength, I struggled to stand, making my way to Sue. With determination, I lifted her and assisted her toward the spaceship. Reed and Johnny carried Ben, his form battered by the cosmic storm.

Entering the spacecraft, we were met with the sight of Victor, fully geared up and ready to return to Earth, seemingly indifferent to the plight of the others. I helped Sue to her seat, securing her seatbelt. Looking into her tear-filled eyes, I reassured her, "We're going to make it back." She nodded, and as I returned to my seat, the overwhelming exhaustion took over, and I passed out.

In the hidden recesses of Specter's fortified base, Skynet, the sentient artificial intelligence, Notice that their maker is in danger. With mechanical precision she initiated a seamless connection with a T-1000, the liquid metal terminator. The amalgamation of advanced technology and artificial consciousness granted Skynet a tangible form, Alongside Ghost the modified T-950 to look like Specter. Together, they rush on the scene, ready to save Alex.

A decisive command echoed within the hidden base as Skynet, now in a physical form, swiftly navigated its way to the waiting Predator Scout ship. The vessel, adorned with four external thrusters, ignited with a vibrant energy as it emerged from the concealed base. The ship, equipped with advanced cloaking technology, raced through the cosmic expanse to aid its creator.

Meanwhile, chaos erupted within the Doom Industries space shuttle, piloted by Johnny and Victor. Alarms blared and lights flickered as the once-controlled descent spiraled into a precarious freefall. A struggle for control ensued, with the fate of the shuttle hanging in the balance.

Unseen and unheard, the Predator Scout ship silently approached the distressed space shuttle. Employing its advanced magnetic clamping system, the ship secured itself to the shuttle, remaining invisible to the naked eye.

Guided by the precision of Skynet, the Predator Scout ship initiated its return journey to Earth. The space shuttle, now clamped to its guardian, faced the daunting challenge of re-entry. The stabilization systems of the Predator Scout ship worked tirelessly to counteract the turbulent forces, ensuring a controlled descent.

As the shuttle entered Earth's atmosphere, the real test began. The Predator Scout ship, steadfast in its role as protector, braved the forces of re-entry. The descent, though challenging, reached a critical point as the shuttle made contact with the Earth's surface. The impact was inevitable, with the wings absorbing the brunt of the force, resulting in a rough but survivable landing on the open sea.


In the aftermath of the cosmic turmoil, the T-1000, now a vessel for Skynet who's with Ghost, swiftly rushed to check on their creator. The two found him together with the others all unconscious, their vitals stable, and reassured that no immediate harm had befallen them. Satisfied with their assessment, they made their way back to the Predator Scout ship for a hasty departure.

As they prepared to leave, a burst of orange sparks illuminated behind them, forming a mystical circle. A woman in yellow robes emerged, catching Skynet and Ghost off guard.

Skynet and Ghost, their forms poised for a potential threat, questioned the bold woman monk who had appeared. "Who are you?" Skynet demanded, its liquid metal surface swirling with tension.

Ignoring their inquiry, the Ancient One focused on Alex, contemplating on the one who brought her headache. With a hint of menace, she muttered, "So you are the anomaly. Should I dispose of you now?" A green-gemmed golden amulet floated from her hand while spinning and giving otherworldly glow.

Skynet, feeling an unprecedented surge of anger, rushed to defend its creator. "I won't let you harm him!" it declared vehemently.

The Ancient One, seemingly unfazed, turned her eyes toward Skynet and commented, "Fascinating." With a swift motion, she slammed her palm on the T-1000 and on the other, waved her hand, freezing Ghost from any action binding him in ethereal golden glowing chains.

A ghostly silhouette of a little girl materialized above the T-1000, agitatedly asking, "What did you do!?"

Yao, the Ancient One, calmly explained, "Your creator has created a miracle—an actual soul, though young and not complete. It seems he's more than what he would seem."

The T-1000 grew more agitated. "I heard about you! You're those sorcerers who are supposed to protect Earth! Why are you targeting my father? He has done nothing wrong!"

Yao, her smile enigmatic, clarified her purpose. "I was trying to find the source of this convoluted timeline and have determined it to be him who's the cause. You must truly love him to even call your maker 'father.'"

Skynet, fueled by anger, threatened, "If you so much as touch a hair on my father, I would launch all the nukes I can control in this world. I can still feel that I am digitally connected to them."

Yao, unperturbed, responded, "True. But no need to fret anymore, child. I have already foreseen a future where he will be a great help to humanity. I hope he won't step down a darker path." With those words, she disappeared.

As Ghost and Skynet regained their freedom of movement, they remained hidden on the ship, vigilant in their mission to protect their creator from any further impending harm.