
Marvel: I Can Create Symbiotes!

Andy Westeros traveled through the Marvel World before WW2. Fortunately he awakened his Golden Finger that can make him have the power to protect himself. Having the ability to create a Symbiotes without weakness of sound wave and fire. Swallowing all types of metal to strengthens it defense. Devouring all types of weapon and technology to manifest it as equipment. Parasitizing Heroes and Villains to copy their talents and abilities. (The main world is Marvel Cinematic Universe x X-Men Cinematic Universe) (WARNING: THIS FANFIC WILL HAVE A MASSIVE HAREM) (NOTE: Altough I could change the earlier chapters to become readable with the help of A.I. However, I will not do it since some of the comments will disappear.) (I will be posting this fanfic on RoyalRoad. com) (English is not my native language so do not expect me to write a complicated english and will only use simple word, and this is my first time writing novel) (This is my own novel, not a translated chinese fanfic novel) (My english is really just broken to the core because of too much reading MTL chinese novel for years)

Paksss · 映画
57 Chs

Chapter 38: Relaxing

Inside the Westeros Mansion.

Andy is sitting in front of the three computer monitor screen and playing games.

Three weeks passed since he awakened the mutant power of Moira MacTaggert, nothing much changed in her gift even if he enhanced her power.

Now he is just waiting for Steve Rogers to rescue Bucky Barnes, and then the creation of Howling Commandos to fight HYDRA.

Andy was playing a Red Alert on the computer room with Moira, Raven, Emma, Adrienne, Cordellia, Astrid, Eva, and Meggan. They were playing a video games of their choice like Pac-Man, Candy Crush, etc.

This is their everyday life since the group was capable of creating a computer, and the computers were made of symbiote so they don't have the common problem of modern computers like overheating.

While playing games, his watch suddenly lit up and shows a holographic screen.

On the screen, shows a bald guy with serious face and said, "Sir, the package has already arrived."

"Really? Good job, wait for me in the hall."

Andy got up from his seat and look at the young girls inside the computer room and said, "I will go downstairs first, you all stay here and just play games."

"Yes, Big Brother." The young girls said in unison, not really bothering to look at him and they're just so focused on their computer screen.

Andy shook his head helplessy and teleported out of the computer room to meet his Butler.

In the Mansion's Hall, a tall and bald Butler is waiting and carrying a metallic box with chunks of black ore with ease.

Seeing that his Master Andy appeared, he step forward to placed the heavy box on the ground and said, "Sir, This is the meteorite ore that you were looking for, and the [USS] follow your command and only retrieved about twenty kilogram of the ore."

"Well, give them a big bonus later."

"Yes Sir." The bald butler said in monotone and stand aside.

As Umbrella Corporation wannabe, Andy also has his own private military like Umbrella Secret Sevice (USS), Undertaker Unit, and Intelligence Division.

He ordered the USS to go Lagos, Nigeria to search for the black meteorite ore, Adamantium.

For a peace of mind, he decided to get his hands on Adamantium early to upgrade the defense capabilities of symbiote. Adamantium is one of the hardest metal on MCU, it could even withstand the full-force of Phoenix Force. In the comics, the adamantium is a government secret formula made from vibranium.

Now with the Adamantium in his hands, he also thought it would be interesting if both Sabertooth and Wolverine received an enhancement from him later.

Andy grab a two big piece of the ore and weighed it, he tried using the 'matter manipulation' to understand its structure to see if he could recreate this metal.

He shook his head helplessly and just let the symbiote swallowed the two piece of ore in his hands.

Apparently, his matter manipulation is too weak to replicate the metal.

And luckily for him, with the help of the symbiote devouring capabilities, he could replicate the metal once its stored in the database library of the Hive-Mind.

Basically, Andy could infinitely produce raw materials he obtained.

Its just a bit rebundant because of the symbiote. Why would he produce materials since the symbiote could replicate the metal.

Soon the symbiote on his body changed and the various metals he devoured merged to form the strongest alloy it could.

Now with the combination of Vibranium and Adamantium, even Andy doesn't know how strong the defense of his symbiote suit. He just need to leave the Earth and searchs for metals in the universe and obtained the materials like Uru from the Dwarves of Nivadellir or a god-like metal Scabrite from Muspelheim, the home of Surtur.

Andy raised and open his palm and use the matter manipulation to create the unnamed alloy that the symbiote merged.

"Hm, what do you think should i named this alloy?" Andy raised his head and look at his bald butler.

"I'm afraid, i can't help with you about naming the alloy Sir."

"Well, what about changing your inside strucuture... Enoch?" Andy smirked.

Enoch serious expression collapsed when he heard this and tried saying in crying tone, "I suppose It's not a good idea, Sir?"

"Don't worry about it, i promised that it'd be quick process." Andy smiled like a devil in the eyes of Enoch.

"Oh no." Enoch said dejectedly.

He snap his finger and the symbiote inside Enoch's body swallowed him to form a giant cocoon. The chrysalis helped Enoch on changing his skeleton into symbiote metal.

Other than changing Enoch skeletal structure, what Andy really wanted is to obtained the 'Plastic Alloy' properties of his inside structure.

That's right, Enoch is a semi-robotic being and appeared as a loyal ally on TV series [Agents of Shield].

Enoch is a Chronicom, an extremely advanced civilization and ancient race of synthetic beings and operate in the galaxy as observers similar to Watchers.

Although they resemble humans, Chronicoms don't have gender or inner organs, they were compose mainly of plastic alloy and were powered with an Electrochron Displacement Mechanism (EDM) similar to Arc Reactor of Iron Man, they were dependent on this device to keep them alive throughout their long lifespans, the EDM is Chronicoms heart.

They originated from the Chronyca-2. After they have the capabilities of interstellar travel, they began exploring the galaxies and visited different planets while obtaining knowledge about other sentinient races. They also had a strict code of not interfering with the natural course of life on the planet they were observing, and would never interfere unless there was an extinction level event.

There are different types of Chronicom designed for different jobs or purposes, like Hunters who are skilled in combats or the Predictors, which predicts how changes in timeline will affect history.

Unfortunately, their home planet Chronycon-2 were destroyed with only handful of Chronicom remaining.

Andy also wanted to get his hands on their technology, the remaining Chronicoms even have device called Time Stream, used by predictors to predict possible future, Inter-Planetary Conveyance Discs to transport across the galaxy in a matter of seconds, Chronicom Time Ship to travel back in time, and etc.

Andy would hunt them down in the future to prevent them from messing the timeline, or they might also hunt him just like they did in the series, attempting of destroying S.H.I.E.L.D.

Enoch is anthropologist and was sent to Earth 30,000 years ago on Chronicom Vessel, and his spacecraft is not advance as Gibborim spaceship.

In September of 1942, the United States Air Forces found Enoch inside his Cyro-Freeze Chamber and was later taken to Blue Raven Ridge for storage.

Only recently Andy got the wind of him and decided to take Enoch from the containment facility.

As a Chronicom, Enoch was a synthetic being who looked very much like a Human, allowing him to stay on  Earth and observe life. Although he acted like a robot, he always claimed that he was not. He also had internal mechanisms that allowed him not be to found by non-organic structure scanners, its also the reason why symbiote could possessed him as a host instead of just a robot that allowed symbiote to manifest as a weapon.

Also as a Chronicom, he has superhuman strength, durabilty, stamina, longevity, voice manipulation, capable of compressing his body because he is made of plastic alloy, and thanks to his synthetic skin, he could physically alter his appearance but it was replaced with symbiote skin.

Enoch is now a robot with symbiote skin armor, the change of his skin and makes him almost indestructable.

What Andy really like about the Chronicom is their "Computer Interaction" ability. They are literally a walking super-advanced computer capable of anything you can think of as super computer, and Enoch is the best of all remaining Chronicoms based on this ability.

Enoch physiology also allowed him to be programmed and with the help of the symbiote, Andy reprogrammed Enoch after awakening him, he rearranged his job from anthropologist to butler.

He even changed his job to game developer, helping him to recreate some popular video games inside his mind.

He also subdued Noah, a Chronicom who arrived at Earth hundreds of years ago and take the place of Enoch as observer while Enoch goes to cryostatis to sleep.

After entrapping Noah with the help of Enoch. Andy appointed him as the head of Umbrella Intelligence Division and were always inside the Mutant Detection Room, monitoring and recording all the changes on Earth.

With Chronicom physiology, he could control all the observation device of the room alone.

Of course, Andy didn't change their personality, they are still loyal to their own race and just working for him. Too bad, their homeworld is already destroyed and when they know it, they could only honestly work for him in exchange for helping them getting revenge on Izel in the future.

Izel is a non-corporeal entity and inhabitant of the Fear Dimension, she destroyed the Chronycron-2 in her quest to reclaim the three monoliths of Di'Allas.

"Should i also changed my own bones? Nah, nevermind about that."

Andy left Enoch in the hall and goes back to the computer to pass the time.

Seriously, he still remembered that when he was reborn, he almost gone insane because of boredom since he doesn't have a mobile phone, computer, or anything with conection to the internet.

As a modern person poisoned by the technology and entertainment, being reborn in backward time is a kind of hellish torture for him.

The only thing he thought he could do for entertainment before he activated his power and to keep himself sane is doing Saitama's training.