
Marvel: I Can Create Symbiotes!

Andy Westeros traveled through the Marvel World before WW2. Fortunately he awakened his Golden Finger that can make him have the power to protect himself. Having the ability to create a Symbiotes without weakness of sound wave and fire. Swallowing all types of metal to strengthens it defense. Devouring all types of weapon and technology to manifest it as equipment. Parasitizing Heroes and Villains to copy their talents and abilities. (The main world is Marvel Cinematic Universe x X-Men Cinematic Universe) (WARNING: THIS FANFIC WILL HAVE A MASSIVE HAREM) (NOTE: Altough I could change the earlier chapters to become readable with the help of A.I. However, I will not do it since some of the comments will disappear.) (I will be posting this fanfic on RoyalRoad. com) (English is not my native language so do not expect me to write a complicated english and will only use simple word, and this is my first time writing novel) (This is my own novel, not a translated chinese fanfic novel) (My english is really just broken to the core because of too much reading MTL chinese novel for years)

Paksss · 映画
57 Chs

Chapter 23: Unlucky Howard Stark and Lucky Steve Rogers

On the stage, a female dancer introduced Howard Stark to the audience.

After coming up to the stage, he confidently presented his latest invention, The Hover Car.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what if i told you in just a short few years, your automobile won't even touch the ground at all."

The other four women on the stage proceed to remove the wheels and Howard operate the machine to start the levitation device.

Unfortunately, the hover car only float for 10 seconds before it crashed to ground.

Howard Stark smile embarassly and said to the audience. "Well, i did say a few years tonight."

The crowd still cheers for him, even Steve, Bucky and Dolores applauded.

After the show, Steve look around to the suroundings and saw the poster of Uncle Sam with the word 'I want you'.

Steve quietly snuck away from Andy and the other two and go the nearby enlistment office, he will try another attempt to pass the test and join the army.

"Huh? where did Steve go?" Bucky was surprised that he suddenly disappeared, he look around searching for him.

"Well, i think he is going to nearby enlistment office." Andy pointed at the poster.

"That guy.... I will go and look for him, you?" Bucky look at Andy and Dolores for a moment.

"Go and look for him, i will stay here for a while and meet with a friend."

"I will go with you." Dolores said.

"Okay, see you later." Bucky nodded to Andy, he was concerned for Steve if he got rejected again and he really don't want Steve to go to war, he hold the hand of Dolores and go to the enlisment office to look for him.

Andy watched them go away, he turned around holding kitty Raven and walk to the backstage to meet Howard Stark.

"Who is your friend, nya?" Raven asked through mind link.

"The one on the stage earlier, Howard Stark." Andy answered while caressing her fluffy fur.

"Is he your friend? he look like a bad guy, a scumbag, nya!"

"Haha..." Andy just laughed at it, in a sense, they are both scumbags in the eye of others,

The difference with him and Howard is how they handle their women, Howard Stark likes to sleep with someone's wife or just playing with women for weeks or months then forgot their name afterwards.

After a while, he arrived in front of the backstage room and saw a tall man standing, seemingly guarding the door.

He is Edward Jarvis, the loyal butler of the Stark Household and Tony Stark named his famous A.I. J.A.R.V.I.S in order to honor him.

Edward Jarvis has a rather funny character in the tv series, but his life is full of ups and downs. he joined the british army and became an aide to a general, during their tour in Europe, he met a beautiful jewish girl name Ana who is now his wife, he also met Howard Stark in the hotel where she is working.

When the WW2 broke out, he forged the general's signature on one of the letters of transit that could secures the safety of Ana from the nazi. unfortunately, he was discovered and was accused of treason. luckily for him, Howard Stark was there during the incident and used his influence to save him from court martial.

To return the favor, he decided to become Howard Stark loyal butler and helped him till his death.

Sadly, he and his wife didn't have a children, if not, the child will become Tony Stark assistant/driver instead of Harold "Happy" Hogan.

Well, the culprit is Whitney Frost or Agnes Cully, in the tv series, she shot Ana Jarvis in abdomen, due to the gunshot wound, she cannot have a children and that is the biggest regret and guilt of Edward Jarvis to his wife.

Now that Agnes Cully is doing better with Andy, the future drama will not happen, its just that he didn't know if Jarvis will still be adventurous, because in the tv series, he stop helping Peggy Carter in her missions after realising the danger it brings to his wife and just focus honestly as a butler of Stark Household.

"Hi Jarvis, how are you?" Andy greeted the man with a smile.

"Oh... hello Sir Westeros, i'm doing fine sir." Edward Jarvis was surprised seeing him here and thought it's not good, his master good deeds will be interrupted again.

"Is Howar inside, i will go inside to talk with something."

"I am afraid sir, it's not a good time to go in." Jarvis smile embarassly and tried stepped forward to prevent Andy from going inside.

"Haha, you don't need to stop me, i pretty much know what Howard is trying to do inside." Andy tapped his shoulder and bypassed him, Jarvis has no choice but to stay outside helplessly, he can already imagine that he will get a mouthful of scolding from his master later.

"Hello Howard, it looks like you are having a good time!"

Andy pushed the door and shouted loudly to surprise Howard, he is doing what he likes to do the most, to cockblock him.

"What the hell???"

Andy was dumbfounded to what is happening in front of him, what he is seeing now is so ridiculous.

Howard Stark is sitting on his chair with lustful look and grinning like an idiot and letting out a wretched laugh from time to time, while the five female dancer earlier is seated on the sofas talking and laughing at each other, occasionally taking a picture of Howard Stark wretched face.

The five women was also surprised at the appearance of Andy and taking a stance to fight him.

"Wait!" The leader of the five stop the other girls and suddenly saluted to Andy when she recognize him.

"Good evening, Sir!" The leader greeted him, and the other four glance at each other then followed their leader to salute.

"Oh, you five are member of the masque group... what the hell is going on?"

Sensing the symbiote in their bodies, Andy also calm down after a while and asked about the absurd situation going on.

"We are the special unit under Madame Masque and we are performing a mission on the order of Madame, Sir."

"Really? So, what the heck is your mission something to do with messing Howard's mind?" Andy glanced at Howard speechlessly, he is really confused why they are doing this to him.

"Sir, our mission is to control Mr. Stark sex life to punish him, we are already doing this for two years--"

"Wait wait wait, what? are you telling me that Howard didn't get laid for two years now?" Andy said with wide eye, this really shocked him, all he can say is poor Howard.

"Yes sir, Madame decided to punish Howard Stark because some of the important members with high social class like the wife of the chairman of Roxxon Corporation reported and complained to Madame that Howard Stark is flirting and seducing them."

Andy listened speechlessly, if he remember, that wife of Hugh Jones, the founder of Roxxon Corporation discovered that she is having an affair with Howard in the tv series and turning Hugh and Howard into bitter rivals.

Hugh Jones is also a member of the Council Nine, so when Agnes Cully subdued them, she also invited their wife and daughters to her group.

Mrs. Jones is a beautiful MILF in her late thirties and become the true controller of Roxxon Corporation and a member of the Masque Group. on the other hand, Hugh Jones became her puppet and his industries were indirectly controlled by the Masque Group.

"It's also because Howard Stark offended Madame before so she decided to implement this "Operation Cockblock"." the leader finished explaining and just stand straight, waiting for his order.

"Hehe..." Andy eyelid is twitching nonstop, he remembered that when he and Agnes visited Howard Stark in 1940 event in Los Angeles and purchased a kilogram of Vibranium, Howard Stark jokingly teased Agnes, it seemed that during that time, she already hold a huge grudge against him.

You really can't offend a woman, especially the one with power just like Agnes.

Despite the telepathic power of Charles doesn't have the sophistication of Emma Frost's illusion projection, but it is enough to make Howard miserable.

The word 'cockblock' is not invented during this time, it's his joke for Agnes and the girls when he is pranking Howard with his sexual adavnces to women.

Its obvious that this absurd operation is to mind control Howard and teach him a lesson, come to think of it, he felt something was wrong watching the stage performance earlier because in the film, after the female dancer introduce Howard, he will kiss her and to show the playboy side of him for the audience watching the movie of Captain America but it didn't happen earlier in the show.

"Alright, you can go now and i will talk to him." Andy just wave his hand to let them out, he rubbed his forehead helplessly, he needs to talk about this to Agnes to not interfere with the meeting of his future wife, Maria Stark, what if Tony Stark will not born because of there intervention.

"What is operation cockblock big brother? nya?" Raven curiosly asked.

"Oh, don't mind it... it's a bad word." Andy patted her kitten head

"Okay, nya." Raven purred and close her eyes again to sleep.

Andy turn to look at Howard Stark and undo the mind control.

"Oh, what is going on... the hell Andy?" Howard look around for a while and shouted in surprised seeing Andy.

"You bastard! where is my five beauties? you interrupted my good time again." Howard trotted in front of him and hold his colar angrily and shake him nonstop, although he feel strange why the girls disappeared, anyway its more important to blame Andy.

"Well, what is with that look?" Howard let go of his colar after venting his frustration.

Andy just look at him with pity, poor Howard Stark, he do not know how long will Agnes punish him.


On the other side, Steve and Bucky is arguing while Dr. Erskine is listening to them and was impressed with Steve resolves and will to fight for fellow american in the war.

After seeing that he cannot persuade Steve to give up, Bucky has no choice but to wish him luck.

"You are a pug"

"You are jerk"

The two hug and said goodbye, Bucky and Dolores walk away and continue their tour.

"Your friend Steve is really something." Dolores said, even though they know for years, this the first time she saw how resolute Steve is.

Bucky just smile bitterly and don't want to talk about this.


Steve is sitting on the bed in the medical examination room, he look around nervously hoping that he will succeed this time.

After waiting sometime, a guard open the curtain followed by Dr. Erskine.

After introduing himself to Steve, Dr. Erskine hold a folder and started questioning about Steve Rogers and also his willingness to participate in the war.

After reading Steve files, Dr. Erskine is impressed and said that he is not interested in the exam but the 'five tries' attempt of Steve to become a soldier.

He also question Steve if he really want to kill nazis to test him, but he answered him firmly and said "i don't want to kill anyone, i don't like bullies, i dont care where they are from."

From this moment, he knew that Steve Rogers is the one he is looking for.

He smile gladly. "I can offer you a chance, only a chance."

He goes out, and walk to the desk and stamp the document with the sign of "IA" unlike the usual "4F".

"Congratulations, Soldier".

Starting tomorrow, Steve will undergone a weeks of training and start his road to become Captain America.