
Marvel: I've got the Omnitrix

I'm not good at synopsis so i will give you the key words and if you are interested take a look. Omnitrix, Marvel, anti hero, funny?, Black protagonist, games, Overpowered. NO SMUT/YAOI/YURI/NTR/NSFW! Momo after taking a survey got reincarnated into an alternate Marvel universe. (The complete name is Mohammed, so Momo is an abbreviation.) You can give suggestions for plots since i don't know everything on Marvel. I'm warning everyone that this is original, i might take inspiration but yeah. I only own the OC's. And I take the information and images about the aliens on the wiki but more on the site TheHawkDown. So yeah... Hmm.. Good read?

Kqro · 映画
18 Chs

Chapter 3: Grey Matter

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(Author Pov:)

"Haha what a funny experience, being able to trasform is really addictive, no wonder Ben would always find motives to transform." Momo laughed with euphoria at this new esperience while driving towards the suburbs.

While listening to the news on the radio he heard some useful informations, like that Tony has disappeared for like 2 and half months already, meaning that his return is near.

So deciding to take the easy route when Tony will abruptly close the weapons division of Stark Industries and the stocks value will decrease, Momo will take the opportunity to buy as many as possible.

"Free money is never enough. Hahaha" he laughed already forming plans for making money, and with the aliens it will be easy as fuck.

Momo is a person that doesn't give a shit about the law so he will have no problem doing dirty things.

While he was planning he reached the suburbs, where his house is located, it's an average American house with a garage. "I will trasform this garage in the Rick Sanchez style soon.." He already started to fantasize.

'Thankfully while my body was in auto mode it made the smart decision to buy house a little far from the city, so the house will not be implicated into the shit that will happen.' Momo thought with satisfaction.

Taking out the keys and opening the garage remotely he parked the car inside, getting off and taking the guns with him he closed the garage and before it could become dark he switched on the lights.

Sitting on the working table he took a deep breath and placed the weapons on it. Looking at the watch he said: "Test 3" and then he pressed the button making the dial activate showing the siluette of Grey Matter and he pressed the face plate for two seconds.

Which made the watch show an hologram of the alien, he made a swipe gesture and doing so made the hologram change into a similar alien.

The alien in question was the conceptual version of Grey Matter, an upgraded version of the alien that he personaly designed in the survey with the objective of making them stronger and better than their ultimate counterparts.

The apperance of the conceptual alien was similar to his normal form but tall like a normal human with slightly more muscles and sage like clothes like Ebony Maw. this form grant the alien even more intelligence and telepatic abilities like telekinesis that is powerful enough like tatsumaki, that can even increase like a muscle.

Thanks to his bigger body, Conceptual Grey Matter has a higher strength and endurance removing his weaknesses. His face and skin color didn't change making his big eyes the new weakness.

At the present moment, the Conceptual mode is locked because it can only be unlocked in moments of great stress, vital danger or with Master Control. So Momo can only use the normal version of the aliens for now.

"Perfect. Now test 4." He pressed the dial causing a flash of light, while transforming he felt his body becoming smaller and smaller, his hands changing and his skin taking a grey color.


Grey Matter is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Galvan from the planet Galvan Prime.

Height - 6 Inches Body - Humanoid

Powers & Abilities:

Super Intelligence - Grey Matter possesses an above genius-level intellect, making him the smartest alien in the Omnitrix. He is able to solve complicated problems in seconds, have intense concentration for analyzation and technological reconfigurations.

Precise Recall - He recall any information that Momo may have even glimpsed throughout his life, even learning things Momo never knew about in moments.

Small Size - He is 6 inches tall, so his tiny body allows him to jump really high, squeeze into small spaces and can climb walls due to microscopic pads on his skin.

Underwater Breathing - He is able to breathe underwater through his gills.

Longevity - Being a Galvan, Grey Matter's life span allows him to live at least 2000 years more than humans.


Small Size - Whilst he is one of the most intelligent creatures in the Universe, he's still too small for combat against much larger opponents, making him unsuitable for physical battle, so he must outsmart his enemies in a fight.

Fragile Body - Grey Matter's body is not very durable, being weak to even the basic of attacks from most species larger than him.]

"Hmm.." After transforming the now Grey Matter jumped on the table from the chair and sat closing his eyes, every single useful memory of technological nature being used to create even more technology. Matematical equazions and problems being solved nearly instantly.

After 20 seconds he opened his eyes that glowed with wisdom and intelligence: "Okay i can perfectly control my personality and fully utilize this alien intelligence. Heh, i could build a spaceship right now if only i got the materials, but no fret." He said looking at the guns and the materials on the garage.

"When i will build my portal gun the resources will not be a problem anymore." And with that he got up and transformed back to his human self, and entered the house.

"Before everything i need to learn all the technological knowledge on the internet, unlock Master Control and there is where the fun will really begin." He walked upstairs towards his bedroom where the computer is located.

Turning it on and transforming into Grey Matter again he begun to code for some hours with breaks thanks to the recharge mode.

When he finished, the screen showed lines of codes in a unknown language that changed every micro-second, this was a new language he created called Conceptual Script, an always changing language. for example:

If you click 'A' now and click it again it will mean another thing already making this language indecipherable, so whatever program or artificial intelligence will be made with it will be invincible on the internet thanks to it's source code.

So if your opponent has 'A B C D E' and you have the entire alphabet and the numbers you will be able to read, understand and crack whatever combination of 'A B C D E' they will have but they will not even be able to understand let alone touch you because even if you write a simple 'i' they would not even know it exists.

So the program that Grey Matter just made is a simple (for him) Virtual Intelligence (VI) that with the right hardware and more learning material could become an Artificial Intelligence (AI), but it's not it's objective for now. It still needs programming.

The little alien is able to understand this language and program because he created it but also thanks to his intelligent mind, so in every second he is calculating the correct sequence to utilise while writing the code.

He created this VI to help him collecting information on the internet more efficently and faster so he dosn't need to enter in every single site to learn information. And with this he can just learn it when the VI has organizated everything.

He clicked enter on the keyboard causing all the lines of code to disappear and a single horizontal line on the middle of the black screen.

"You can introduce yourself." Grey Matter said to the computer that with the command the line on the screen begun to move and a soft feminine sintetic voice came from the speakers.

[Greetings Creator, I'm the Virtual Intelligence 'VILY'; I was created with the task of collecting every data on the internet organizing it into levels for the creator.]


Leave some comments even if they aren't serious, i like to read them!

End of the Chapter.

Let me know in the comments if you like this novel.

Authorrrr Out!