
Marvel: Greatest Power Is Luck

Indra , a brilliant but lonely software engineer, accidentally activates an experimental quantum device and finds himself transported into the Marvel Universe on the eve of the Avengers' first assembly. Armed only with his wits and a mysterious "Luck-Based Reality Interface," Indra must navigate a world of superheroes, villains, and earth-shattering events. As he discovers his newfound ability to manipulate probability, Indra realizes he's no longer just a spectator to the stories he loves—he's become an active player. With his luck and intellect as his superpowers, he'll attempt to alter the course of Marvel history, all while searching for a way back home. But in a universe where even the smallest choice can have cosmic consequences, will Indra's luck be a blessing or a curse? And as he forges unexpected alliances and confronts dangers beyond imagination, he'll learn that sometimes, the greatest battles are fought not just for survival, but for the very soul of a victory.

12 Chs

Chapter 9: The Art of Probability part 1

Indra's fingers danced across the holographic interface of his tablet, lines of code scrolling by at a dizzying pace. The soft glow of the screen illuminated his face in the dim light of his SHIELD-assigned quarters, casting sharp shadows that emphasized the intensity of his concentration.

"Come on, you beautiful enigma," he murmured, eyes darting back and forth as he analyzed the complex algorithms of his Luck-Based Reality Interface. "Show me what makes you tick."

For weeks now, Indra had been working tirelessly to unravel the mysteries of the system that had brought him to this universe. It wasn't just curiosity driving him – it was necessity. In a world of superheroes and intergalactic threats, relying solely on dumb luck wasn't going to cut it. He needed to understand, to control, to manipulate the very fabric of probability itself.

A slow grin spread across his face as a new subroutine came to life on his screen. "Gotcha," he whispered, triumphant.

With a few more keystrokes, Indra brought up his newly developed analytics dashboard. Graphs and charts flickered to life, displaying real-time data on local probability fluctuations, his current luck levels, and even rudimentary predictions for future outcomes.

"Time for a field test," Indra decided, pushing back from his desk and stretching. He glanced at the clock – 3:47 AM. Perfect. The SHIELD training facilities would be empty at this hour.

As he made his way through the quiet corridors of the compound, Indra's mind raced with possibilities. He'd always been a strategist, even back in his own universe. Chess championships, coding competitions, even the occasional con job for a good cause – Indra had excelled at them all. But this... this was a whole new level of game.

The training room was dark when he entered, but lights flickered on automatically, sensing his presence. Indra walked to the center of the room, tablet in hand, and took a deep breath.

"Okay, system," he said aloud, "let's see what you can do."

He pulled up the Luck Management screen and allocated a single point to "Physical Enhancement." Immediately, he felt a subtle shift. His muscles seemed to hum with potential energy, his senses sharpened ever so slightly.

Indra grinned, rolling his shoulders. "Not bad. But let's kick it up a notch."

He allocated another point, this time to "Probability Manipulation." On his tablet's screen, a web of interconnected probabilities sprang to life, shifting and pulsing in real-time.

Indra studied the display for a moment, then nodded to himself. He walked over to a rack of training weapons, his eyes settling on a set of throwing knives. He'd never used them before, but something told him that was about to change.

Picking up a knife, Indra weighed it in his hand, getting a feel for its balance. Then, without warning, he spun and threw it at a target on the far wall.

The knife whizzed through the air in a perfect arc, embedding itself dead center in the bullseye.

Indra let out a low whistle. "Now that's what I call lucky."

For the next hour, Indra pushed his newfound abilities to the limit. He ran through obstacle courses at speeds that would have made Captain America raise an eyebrow. He executed complex martial arts forms with the grace of a lifelong practitioner. And all the while, his tablet recorded every fluctuation, every spike in his luck levels.

As he was analyzing the data from his impromptu training session, the doors to the gym slid open. Indra looked up to see Natasha Romanoff standing there, one eyebrow arched in a mixture of surprise and suspicion.

"Little early for training, isn't it, Srivastav?" she asked, sauntering into the room.

Indra grinned, setting his tablet aside. "You know what they say, early bird gets the worm. Or in this case, the empty training room."

Natasha's eyes narrowed slightly as she took in the scene – the perfectly clustered throwing knives in the target, the slightly smoking obstacle course timer (Indra had may have pushed it a bit too hard on his last run).

"Impressive," she said, her tone carefully neutral. "Especially for someone who, just last week, could barely throw a proper punch."

Indra shrugged, affecting an air of nonchalance. "What can I say? I'm a quick study."

"Uh-huh," Natasha replied, clearly unconvinced. "Well, since we're both here, how about a little sparring match? See just how quick a study you really are."

A thrill of excitement – and a hint of apprehension – shot through Indra. This was it. A chance to test his enhanced abilities against one of the most formidable hand-to-hand combatants in this universe.

"Sure thing, Agent Romanoff," he said, stepping onto the sparring mat. "Don't go easy on me now."

Natasha's lips curved into a predatory smile. "Wouldn't dream of it."



Also guys can you give me some ideas how should story ,I progress this story.