
Marvel: Exilir Rise of the Mutant empire

Who decides what is right and wrong. Is it the government who citizens who hunt by people for the crime of existing. Or the government who seek control and turn us into weapons. Or maybe it is the cosmic beings who find out suffering amusing. No, what decides this is power. I am Joshua Foley and I will becomes the monster which even the mighty celestials fear. ok, this is a rewrite of the first one. and one thing I want to make clear is that this book is dark I mean really dark. it is a book which I would like to present to sir Lucifer morningstar if I ever met him. so you can think about how much this book is dark. let me tell you burning people alive, killing the children in front of parents is a regular occurrence. mc has a very shity past. now he is mentally screwed and wants the mutant race to be above everyone even the celestials. he is not afraid to become the demon for achieving his goals. someone is in his way may the gods Nd stan have mercy. Because hell will feel like a heaven for them after mc will be done with them. you will know when you will read first chapter. disclaimer: I don't own marvel also guys I am also posting this book on royalroad.com

Edgelord666 · 映画
103 Chs

chapter 51 (bonus)

As I imagined The Hellfire Club had their little meeting and everyone was pointing at each other but most fingers were pointed at Edward, his lover Paris, Sebastian Shaw, and Stark. They were the main culprit after all according to them. Humans are really silly, they always found someone to blame for their actions. Oh the Devil / God made me do it. Humans never accept that they are at fault for what they did. 

Now, you might be thinking how can you know what is happening at the Hellfire Club as they have a telepath among them now so your spies should have been caught by now. My answer is that I did the same thing I did with Kurt to the spy, I made him telepathy resistant.

Also, it is not so easy to suspect my spy among them because my spy is just a measly Janitor working at the Hellfire Club. I also gave him super hearing so that he doesn't even need to be near them to know what they are talking about. No one ever suspects these small people. What people think of when they hear a spy is that of a hot sexy girl, someone among their ranks, etc. But no one ever suspects people who work as janitors and other demeaning work from their perspective. They could not even think that these people can even spy on them. 

And there this belief makes these people the best spies as they have access to everywhere and all else. You should know that a postman knows almost everything about his area and no one ever thinks of that. He knows who is fcuking who, who is cheating, who is where and with whom, etc. 

And I used that narrow side of people in establishing my Spy network. And that's my secret of knowing practically everything in America. It took around 100 million in establishing this network and no one truly knows where it starts and where it leads so even if someone knows someone was spying on them it will never lead to me. That's also how I infiltrated Shield. I don't have anyone in their top command but under them. 

Only I know how much I have put my hard work into establishing this network. It was not easy to earn 100 million in my starting days. I have to sell various drug formulas to various drug cartels through Max and Sebastian's Channels. It was not easy earning 100 million and them to move this money without letting the government know. It was not easy to make people agree with me and all. It was not easy to maintain these many tasks. 

I was studying and also having trained with Sebastian. At various times I thought I should rest but whenever I close my eyes that night comes to haunt me. It is what keeps me motivated. My powers helped me a lot. I enhanced my brain to the brim so that I can do all that I have to do. I was done with the training in just 1.5 months as I was able to create muscle memory from performing any action just one time. 

I am proud of what I have achieved during all this time but it is still not enough. I have to do more. 

Oh, silly me I just wander into the lane of memories, where was I? 

Ha, The Hellfire Club had the meeting, and as I expected they bark at each other. Accusing each other. Now it is time to put the Hellfire club in its place. 

I have more blackmail material on them than anyone has. So tomorrow various small companies will be shutting down and I will strike at them from the front, not from the shadows. I will not go after larger companies for obvious reasons but tomorrow's move will be putting fear into them. 

I can't exterminate the whole Hellfire club right now because of obvious reasons like Selene, etc. But I will go after them economically.

3rd person P.O.V. 

The next day various little firm's owners found the proof of their debauchery in The Daily Planet's front page. These people have 2 things in common and they were that each of them was a member of Hellfire Club and their business was relatively small between 10 to 20 million. 

It was evident that it was a direct attack at Hellfire Club and they also knew who it was, Joshua.

But the most scared were the people whose photos were not in the newspaper. They understood what Joshua meant by doing so. Also, the public gets to know that their golden boy also knows how to fight back. 

You know, these photos would have not been that big of an issue if it were normal times after all scandals too were a part of luxurious life but now that the public was made at a majority of rich people and these photos spell only one thing for these millionaires, destruction. 

Where on the one hand people were panicking and calling people, Joshua on the other hand started moving his plan. He started to buy a vast majority of shares from various companies. 

Joshua knows that he couldn't buy more shares than 1 or 2 percent at the moment because It will spell bad luck for him. So he bought 1 to 2 percent stock of major companies but he made other people who work for him bought them and slowly over the years he will buy back from them. It will be perfectly natural and no one will doubt him. 

A/n: it was necessary to decrease Joshua's fame because fame is only good if it is in the right amount and the right type of fame and Joshua knows it. He needs to let people know that he too can hold grudges or people will make him a saint or a hero which is not good. He wanted to be a good human being in the public's eyes.

A happy new year and also we are close to 500 powerstones so here is the bonus chapter.

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