

I look down at the man who is struggling on the ground, ignoring the creature yelling in pain not far away.

"What is this place?" I ask in my cold voice.


"It's called the Darkforce dimension, it's the source of all Darkforce power."

I rub my chin pondering, "Who is the God of this realm?"

He looks confused "There is no God here, only the Predator, and anyone who uses the magic."

I roll my eyes "If there was no God here I would have already taken it as my own. Fine, since you are ignorant I will change the question. Why are you here?"

His gaze shifts away "My wife and I made a magical pact a few hundred years ago that we would always reincarnate and meet each other again. Until I started using Darkforce magic and Predator got ahold of me. I started murdering innocents without control and the only thing that could free me was the love of my wife. That and the Lightforce powers she holds."

"Is that why you showed up at my doorstep insane, and why you appear different here than outside?" I speak in an annoyed tone.

"Yes, we are drawn together by fate magic the most powerful magic we knew at the time. We should have already been drawn together and I ended up losing my sanity. Predator decided to lock me up seeing I was no longer protected by the Lightforce." His eyes look sad but I don't care.

"Who is your woman?" I'm starting to get angry at his drawn-out explanations.

"Her name changes every reincarnation, but she always has snow-white skin with beautiful blonde hair and sparkling blue-gold eyes." His sad look replaced by a loving one.

He continues "I had smelled her magic in your house that is why I wa-" I send a first to his head ramming him into the solid darkness below.

I look down at his now disfigured face "It's too bad she is my woman now. It would be too much trouble to break the fate magic binding you so let's just steal it instead."

I stretch my neck and shoulders preparing myself to use my least enjoyed ability. The true use of gluttony… to steal the entirety of someone's powers and magic by feasting on their still-living body.

It is a ability with many uses, I even have a treat set aside for emergencies. It can be very powerful as it gives me a near one to one ratio of their powers.

My mouth opens covering my entire face as my facial features seem to disappear. My head grows to three times the size of my mouth growing proportionally. My teeth sharpen as tendrils sprout from my head and pick up the man's body.


I consume the whole body in one bite to make it quick. I quickly grab the burning creature too and bring him up to my now even more expanded mouth.


My face quickly returns to its original handsome self as I straighten my suit pretending it didn't happen. As I close my eyes I can feel the humans powers in me, he had similar powers to me on a MUCH weaker scale. But now I can feel a connection to someone which I quickly restrict for convenience, I simply made the connection one way.

The power from the creature is a bit more significant as I can now feel all the darkness around me as if it is an extension of me. I also feel my skin has become more sturdy, I may be able to take a few nicks from Muramasa like in my prime. "Kills anyone it cuts" more like hurts like a bitch.

Now I can feel the darkness I scan the ENTIRE dimension for signs of other life but there is none. There are signs that others have used the powers of this dimension but none currently in it. The size is roughly the size of earths solar system with 9 celestial bodies made of pure dark energy. So it is bigger than Greek Hell but smaller than Christian Hell.

While searching I realize the outside of this dimension isn't my universe but the Nothing zone which is a bit intimidating with my weakened status. Not because of the infinite nothing but because I know who lives in that nothing.

This explains why there is no God for this realm because it was made by an outer existence someone who is on par with the Avatar of my father. Also known as someone I can not even hold a candle to at this moment.

Seeing as I can't get out of here with my normal teleportation the best bet would be to become the owner of this dimension and connect it to my other Hell's. But that's easier said than done, you can't just take from an outer existence.

Accepting my fate I press against the boundaries and keep on going, it's hard to explain the difference between infinite black and infinite nothing so I won't.

After entering the nothing I speak, "It's me again."

After speaking a throne of black crystal appears in front of me and a man made of starlight wearing a tattered purple cloak floats down onto it. He looks down at me with eyes of blue suns and scoffs. His size puts Galactus to shame not that that matters in the Nothing.

"My second visitor in nearly a billion years and it is the same person as the first. You are the only being to ever be in the presence of Oblivion TWICE and not cease to exist." His face doesn't wear expressions due to the lack of skin.

I sigh "It was an accident, I was at home just lazing around until a few hours ago. I got sucked into one of your sub-dimensions with no way back. I was here to ask if you could forfeit ownership of the dimension to me so I could make it a new Hell."

He stares into my eyes for a second "You are aware you are asking for a portion of my power right now? If it were not for the fact that many of my daughters love you, you would already be a permanent occupant of this Nothing."

I smile at his straightforwardness "I am aware, how about we call it a favor, you can call on me anytime to repay it. Besides the realm may be large but it is only a millionth of your true power, which you can regain easily."

He ponders for a second before looking at me again "It will be a deal if you accept an additional stipulation on top of the favor."

I give a hard nod and hear him out.

Happy Thanksgiving (●'◡'●)

SirSykocreators' thoughts