The King of Sin has RETURNED.~ 18+ (Marvel, DC)
I reappear again above the demon's shoulder striking it shallow on purpose. I vanish again leaving him screaming.
I appear above his left shoulder and leave another shallow cut. I do this again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Until I'm left flying in front of a panting demon soaked in green blood staring at me with hateful eyes.
From my right, I can hear the angry voice of Dormammu yelling "Use it, if not you're finished. I give you my permission."
Satannish grins as he leans back so far it looks like his back will break. Instead of breaking his stomach begins tearing apart revealing a mouth lined with sharp teeth. Standing back straight up I can see that a face is on his stomach with eyes and everything.
"Now you will know fear." The mouth on its stomach says in a booming voice.
I tilt my head wondering if we had been engaging in the same fight. I could have just killed him when he leaned back but curiosity got me and now I'm disappointed.
I point mavet at him with a dull look, "You have wasted enough of my time. I will be killing you now."
Satannish laughs as he bursts into greenish-black flames. "YOU CANNOT TOUCH ME." the flames begin healing his wounds at a visible pace.
Curious I swing my offhand sword at him throwing a 20-foot long slash of black hellfire at the demon. The hellfire is stopped by the green flames but it begins to die as well.
'Good flames' I think to myself as I vanish my spot appearing again slashing his leg. This time Satannish notices me and tries to dodge but he is too slow. My blade comes down cleaving it clean off at an angle as he goes flying away faltering his dodge.
"AHHHHHHH" he falls 200 feet onto a floating island nearly crushing it. He lands on top of a few of the winged humanoids who are stuck in a nightmare killing them instantly.
The flames around his body converge on the leg and begin to regrow it slowly. I flap my wings flying down at him planning to end this quickly. He opens his eyes just in time to see me flying down at him.
He spreads his arms exposing the open mouth on his belly. I quickly put both swords in front of me creating a wall of black flames as I fly down my six wings tucked behind me like a swallow.
My instincts were right, green flames spew from his belly but I pierce through them like a bullet through wind. As I'm about to make hit him I feel the urge to show off, red light engulfs me just as I make an impact. Silence envelopes the realm for a microsecond before.
The entire floating island, nearly ten miles wide, is cut in half. I am flying below the island looking up at the new waterfall of green blood with a small smirk. Rubble and corpses fall around me as I turn to face the now stone-faced Dormammu.
I speak with causing my voice to seemingly infinitely echo "Now… What else."
His bark face shows a scowl as he gets closer and speaks "I believe we can make a deal."
I smirk at his new tone "You've come to bargain? What could you possibly offer me?"
He takes a deep breath, his massive shifts the air as he does "I'll allow my realm to become a part of your hells. As long as you spare me and make me one of your Hell Lords."
I feel slightly disappointed as I stare at him, "Do you know why almost all of my lords got the positions they did when I conquered their Hell's?"
He shakes his head with his blank eyes staring confused "No, I've never even heard rumor on how you select your Lords."
"When I had them pinned, about to decapitate them, I gave them the offer to be my knight. Each one of them spat at my feet saying they would rather die. That is when I finally gave them the offer to be a Lord. The offer to be a higher being." As I finish speaking I fly up meeting his gaze.
He raises his arms as chaos magic swirls around them "To the death, it is then." Black flames glow around me as I take him a bit more seriously than the discount version of me.
Clapping his hands together in front of himself I feel a force surround me and try to squish me. I teleport out to the broken floating island. A clap of sound comes from where I once stood as the air itself tremor.
"Magic… fun." With my offhand, I do three cross slashes sending waves of flames flying at him as I follow close behind. His hand is bathed in chaos magic as he swipes away the flames. Seeing me right behind them he raises his other hand to block me.
Slashing his hand with both swords only Movet is able to cut it but the blade of Charlemagne only leaves a trail of flames behind. I'm pushed back by the chaos magic that reverberated from our blow.
"Ah, you bastard." Dormammu is pushed back almost a hundred feet as he holds his hand in pain.
I glow red as I disappear from sight once again appearing under his left knee. He sensed my movement as he sent a fist to me before I could strike. Rather than dodging Sloth extends out from me stopping the world in its track. I move away from his strike as I wind up to cleave off his leg.
Time starts again and the fist flys by me narrowly missing and my blades continue cutting the leg clean off.
"Ah! You will pay." As he speaks magic pressure is released from him pushing me away once again. Like roots sprouting from his leg tendrils pop out of his nub and form into a new leg.
I sigh seeing his regeneration 'I should just end this quickly before he gets annoying.' My thoughts are interrupted as I feel a wave of magic building at his hands. He raises his hands summoning over a hundred meteors all heading in my general direction.
I flap my wings as I dance through them without a care in the world. As I get past all of them I look down at Dormammu with a smile and mouth the word 'goodbye'.
He looks confused but the power of Wrath envelopes us both causing him to lose his stance and nearly stumble. Greed envelopes him stealing his ability to use magic. Ignoring the new magic coursing through my body I teleport behind him and let out Sloth one final time.
He freezes as I raise my swords and cleave unleashing enough Hellfire to bath a titan. As Sloth releases the two bisected halves of him fall apart and eventually burn to nothing. Not even ash.