
Marvel: Concept of God, Starting from God rewards those who work hard

Aaron traveled to the Marvel world and became an ordinary member of the Aesir protoss. In a magic practice, the Awakening ability is rewarded by nature, and the ability can be infinitely improved by continuous exercise. Even the most common magic can eventually be promoted to a concept. "You can get a lot of rewards if you practice meditation seriously... upgrade to Energy Absorption..."

adam_caracut · 映画
30 Chs

Chapter 8: Queen Of Heaven, There Is An Evildoer Coming Out Of The Academy Of Magic!

Especially Fandral, who is a self-proclaimed playboy, is a little out of tune when he sees young women, and now he exaggerates.

"I'm not mistaken, this year's magician apprentices are all girls! To be honest, Aaron, did you come because of them?"

"You are not enough friends, why don't you ask me to come with you, in fact, I also like magic, they are amazing! So charming..."

Fandral's exaggerated words only got a lot of blank stares.

Aaron, who has long been accustomed to Fandale's character, spread his arms and said helplessly: "If you really want to come, I can talk to the magic teacher, maybe you can pass the test."

"Forget it, with the romantic aura that I exude, I can attract women's love everywhere."

Fandral danced with a sword flamboyantly, and straightened his hair after taking the sword away, as if it would make him look more handsome.

"Aaron, I didn't realize you were a magical genius!"

Sif looked at Aaron with bright eyes.

As a woman, she has a keen sixth sense.

At the beginning of this meeting, I felt that Aaron was a little different from usual.

A little more confident than before, full of vigor and vitality.

Aaron has no pride, concealing the magical ability displayed in the classroom, but just smiled self-effacingly: "Compared to Loki, I am still much worse."

Several people did not object to Aaron's self-effacement remarks.

Because Loki's magic ability is really high.

Thor grew up with Loki's magical juggling, and is well aware of his brother's magical prowess.

If Loki can use the kung fu of teasing others to specialize in magic, I believe he can even surpass God King Odin.

However, Loki's ambition is not magic

"Okay, everyone, stop sticking around here, drink and drink, and compare who can drink the best today!"

The communication didn't last long, and they rushed to the reception amidst Thor's greeting.

However, they didn't expect that Aaron used illusion magic while they were not paying attention.

The duplication of energy entities produced by LV3 illusion magic can already achieve the effect of confusing real ones.

Possesses part of the combat power of the main body.

If you just drink, you can achieve exactly the same effect as the main body.

Everyone was unaware of Aaron's vision.

Including Loki, there is no perception to the clue.

It is true that Loki knows a lot of magic, but at this time, his attainments in illusion magic have been surpassed by Aaron!

If he can distinguish carefully, he can distinguish it, but he subconsciously doesn't think that Aaron can have such an amazing ability to cast spells on the first day.

He is quite confident in his magic level and ability.

If you can't do it yourself, others can't do it either.

After Aaron used the energy entity duplication instead of himself and Thor and others to leave, he returned to the residence alone.

"Tianhou, a genius came out of the Academy of Magic! No, a monster came out!"

After announcing the end of get out of class, Irene rushed to Golden Hall without stopping.

And Frigga is sitting in the study at the moment, looking at the magic book leisurely and elegantly.

Before Irene arrived, the voice of uncontrollable excitement and excitement came from outside the door.

This made Frigga full of curiosity.

"Irene, it's not the end of school time, is it? What's the matter with the monster you're talking about?"

In fact, Irene is also quite capable in magic.

It has never appeared in the whole of Asgard that Irene can be called a monster.

"It's Aaron! An apprentice who's just started learning magic."

After entering the study, Irene suppressed her excitement, saluted Frigg, and then talked about what she saw and heard today.

"According to the normal teaching, I gave the apprentices the method of perceiving magic energy today. When other apprentices were still trying, Aaron perceived magic in an instant, and it took only one hour, which was equivalent to the magic of ordinary people for many days accumulation!"

"Not only that, but I also made an exception to teach him illusion magic. He only listened to it once, and he also successfully mastered the trick of illusion magic."

"And in a very short period of time, the illusion magic has been raised to an extremely high level."

"I saw him create an energy entity duplication with my own eyes. It is estimated that his attainments in illusion magic are not much worse than mine!"

"And he also learned the space storage magic in one breath, and he can freely collect objects."

"I've never seen anyone with such a powerful magical ability."

"Aaron is definitely a monstrous existence in terms of magic!"

"Is it really that exaggerated?"

Frigga was shocked by Irene's remarks.

A magic beginner who can master and barely use a magic in a week is already a proper genius.

As Irene said, the entire history of Asgard's development has never appeared before.

If this is the case, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a monster.

"Aaron... the name is so familiar."

Frigga had some impressions of this name.

"I remember Thor mentioned to me that he made a new friend a while ago, and it seems his name is Aaron."

"Could it be that the Aaron Thor knew was the same Aaron?"

"Looks like Thor has made a pretty good friend."

Frigg is happy for Thor.

With Aaron's magical ability, I believe he will be able to guide Thor to protect Asgard in the future.

However, Frigga still doesn't believe that Aaron has such an exaggerated magical ability.

It sounds amazing!

Irene continued at the moment: "Queen, Aaron has such an exaggerated ability. I don't know how to teach him. I'm afraid that I will soon learn all the magic from him."

"So I suggest that you teach him magic yourself!"

Before Frigga became the Queen of Heaven, she was not only a powerful female warrior of the Warner Protoss, but also a famous witch.

After marrying Odin, Frigga only taught one person, and that was Loki.

Loki knows magic, so does Frigg.

Frigga would, but Loki might not.

Strictly speaking, Frigga's magical strength may be stronger than that of Loki at the moment.

It's just because of the long-term pampering that Frigga has no chance to make a move, and his combat effectiveness is gradually declining.

But as a magic teacher, Frigg is absolutely excellent.

After thinking for a while, Frigga said: "If Aaron is really as good as you said, then it is no longer suitable for him to stay in your class, and it will affect the learning of other apprentices, so... "

"I made an exception to let him enter a higher magic class, and I allowed him to ask any teacher in the academy for magic."

Erin was overjoyed when she heard this.

Irene has no dissatisfaction with Frigg's decision.

Frigga is the queen and needs to assist Odin in managing Asgard. It is indeed a bit inappropriate to just teach a magician.

Although Frigga was not invited to teach personally, she was promised.

She felt powerless to teach Aaron alone.

If you can gather all the magic teachers to teach together, it will be no worse than Frigga teaching in person.

"Understood, Queen of Heaven."