
Marvel: Concept of God, Starting from God rewards those who work hard

Aaron traveled to the Marvel world and became an ordinary member of the Aesir protoss. In a magic practice, the Awakening ability is rewarded by nature, and the ability can be infinitely improved by continuous exercise. Even the most common magic can eventually be promoted to a concept. "You can get a lot of rewards if you practice meditation seriously... upgrade to Energy Absorption..."

adam_caracut · 映画
30 Chs

Chapter 3 Unlimited Improvement! Meditation Upgrade

At this moment, Aaron's attention was quickly diverted from the magical energy in his body.

His eyes were fixed on the light curtain that only he could see in front of him.

[Name]: Aaron

[Life]: 1000/5000

[ability]: God rewards those who work hard

[Skills]: Asgard Meditation LV1 (1/10), Fighting technique LV3 (633/1000), Spear LV3 (723/1000), Sword LV3 (300/1000)

[Attributes]: Intelligence 3, Strength 4, Speed ​​3, Endurance 4, Energy Strength 2, Fighting Skill 4 (set 1-7, for excessive strength in the early stage)

[strength evaluation]: surface level (second-rate superhero)

[Introduction]: Diligent people should get the rewards they deserve. Your skill level and strength depend on your diligence. As long as you work hard enough, your Ability will increase infinitely!

"Damn it! Can Ability be infinitely improved?"

"Does this mean that my potential is unlimited!"

Aaron was stunned.

Looking at the column of meditation techniques, he pondered for a while.

Subconsciously run meditation again.

[You have performed the Asgard Meditation Technique earnestly, and you have gained a little bit, your magical energy reserves have increased, and your Meditation Technique proficiency +1]

I saw the column of Meditation, transformed into LV1 (2/10).

The proficiency of meditation has increased, and the magical energy in the body has also increased.

Although the magical energy is still very little, and the column of energy intensity is still 2, Aaron sees a broad road.

Now the level of meditation is still low, and the efficiency of absorbing magic energy is also low. If the level can be improved, will the efficiency also increase?

As long as he accumulates enough time and works hard enough, his magical energy reserve will not be weaker than Loki in the future.

No, it can't be described as Loki anymore.

Instead, the Odin is used as the basic unit.

His energy is very likely to exceed Odin, and even the Celestial Group.

Moreover, this is just meditation.

If you learn other magic.

Even if it's just an ordinary magic, such as illusion magic.

If the level is high enough, can it also be possible to transform illusions into entities, and go directly to Asgard like the old Loki?

It even means creating a physical planet or even a universe!

Or upgrade a popular portal to dimensional teleportation, or cross-Marvel universe teleportation

Don't be too scary!

No matter in that world.

There are also differences in the strength of magic.

Weak magic can't even harm ordinary people.

But strong magic, such as Kamar-Taj's Old Lord of Hogarth and Bossett's Thunder, are powerful spells of the mighty Old God.

There is also the exile of Monsoon, which claims to be able to concentrate the magic of the entire universe.

Or time magic that reverses time.

These are extremely terrifying magic.

The power is quite impressive.

If you can learn these magics, and then improve them through Heaven's rewards, is it possible for magic to go a step further and turn it into a concept?

Strictly speaking, as long as enough time is accumulated, even an ordinary magic can rise to the level of killing gods!

This... is going to take off the rhythm!

Aaron was overwhelmed by the thought.

He just wanted to survive in this dangerous world, but he never thought that he might become the strongest through hard work.

Endless improvement, endless possibilities!

At this moment, a certain concept of Aaron's invisible was shattered, replaced by an ambition.

He wants to become stronger and become invincible!

One's own destiny must be controlled by oneself.

Instead of hoping to escape death by luck as before.


Aaron fell into meditation.

Constantly run meditation.

[You performed a meditation technique seriously, and gained a little...]


[You have performed a meditation technique seriously, and you have gained a little, your magical energy reserves have increased, your meditation technique proficiency +1, your meditation technique has been upgraded! ]

Not long after, Meditation was promoted to LV2.

At this moment, 100 proficiency is required to advance again, and each proficiency increase becomes +2.

In other words, you need to perform meditation 50 times before you can continue to improve.

Aaron glanced at the data column, except for the level of Meditation, the other values ​​have not changed.

Then enter the meditative state again.

[You performed a meditation technique seriously...]

When Aaron was meditating, the other apprentices did not neglect, and they were all trying to feel the existence of magic.

Although the people here are all Asgardians, and all have the ability to practice magic.

But it is not easy to get started in magic.

They keep running meditation, but they can't find a way.

One by one, their expressions became impatient.

"Did you feel the magical energy?"

"No, I only feel darkness, how about you?"

"Me too. Magical energy doesn't exist at all. If I had known earlier, I should have participated in warrior training. Maybe I would have the opportunity to fight the Nine Realms with Prince Thor."

"Is it because our meditation method is wrong? Why is there no movement at all?"


After a period of trying with no results, everyone temporarily gave up on perception magic energy, discussing and exchanging ideas in low voices with their heads down.

As more and more people gave up, almost everyone dropped out of the meditative state and joined the conversation.

At this time, Aaron, who was still meditating with his eyes closed, stood out from the crowd.

Someone has found Aaron fully absorbed in meditation,

"Hey, look at him, he seems to have succeeded?"

"Who? Aaron? Impossible, none of us have any perception of magical energy, how could he succeed."

"Maybe, look at how serious he is."

"Maybe he thinks he still has a chance and is not ready to give up. Before long, he will give up like us."

Seeing that all the apprentices failed except Aaron.

Irene, who had been on the sidelines, was about to speak out to comfort everyone.

For beginners, perception magic has never been an easy task, otherwise the magician of Asgard would not be so withered.

But seeing everyone turning their attention to Aaron, Irene froze when she wanted to speak.

The brows are also slightly clustered.

Er, she stared beautifully.

"Is this... magic wave?"

"Aaron perception to magic energy!"