
Marvel: Concept of God, Starting from God rewards those who work hard

Aaron traveled to the Marvel world and became an ordinary member of the Aesir protoss. In a magic practice, the Awakening ability is rewarded by nature, and the ability can be infinitely improved by continuous exercise. Even the most common magic can eventually be promoted to a concept. "You can get a lot of rewards if you practice meditation seriously... upgrade to Energy Absorption..."

adam_caracut · 映画
30 Chs

Chapter 28 Gambling, The Army Sets Out

"Hey, Aaron, you're missing, come up soon."

After Aaron appeared, Thor on the white horse waved to him, pointing to the empty war horse beside him and said.

"We have been waiting for you for so long, almost thinking that you are too timid to raise your spear to the enemy."

Aaron turned over and rode on the horse, ignoring Loki's staring gaze, glanced at the time, and said angrily, "Before you speak next time, you'd better check the time first. There's still a while before the departure time. Who told you to arrive so early."

"Hahaha, isn't it because of excitement? I believe that every fighter is preparing for this day."

Thor laughed and directed the horses to move forward, and the army started to move behind them.

Asgard advocates primitive hand-to-hand combat, and even though it possesses magical technology far surpassing that of Earth, it rarely uses it in warfare.

Most of the time, it is still like the ancient times on the earth, soldiers wearing battle armor and holding spears, charging the enemy.

Even riding a horse is the privilege of the commander.

In fact, Aaron wasn't even a soldier.

Even with his strength, it would be easy to become a soldier, but before he took part in the assessment, he could only be a low-level civilian.

In Asgard, almost every minor will participate in warrior training, and after completing the training, he will also participate in the warrior assessment.

Those who pass can become a glorious warrior.

Those who are extremely outstanding can join the Golden Hall guards, that is, Odin's personal guards. They have an indestructible full body armor and are responsible for guarding the palace.

If you don't participate in the assessment, you won't even have the chance to go to the battlefield, let alone ride a horse and walk in front of the troops.

But who is to say that Aaron is a member of Thor's small group, the privileged class exists everywhere.

The moment Aaron rode on the horse, it can be said that he completely integrated into this circle, and to some extent he also got Odin's acquiescence.

After all, Heimdall, who guards Bifrost, has no opinion.

He is Odin's most loyal follower

"Aaron, I heard that you have been "retreating" for seven days this time. It seems that you have gained a lot!"

Loki asked meaningfully: "Can you tell us more about it?"

He sees Aaron as his strongest competitor.

This time when he heard that Aaron had been training hard at home for seven days, he was in a hurry.

It was rare for me to study seriously for a period of time with Frigga.

When we meet now, I want to inquire about some information.

"It's a surprise, and you'll find out soon enough."

Aaron played it off and didn't really say what he had gained.

This kind of thing, regardless of whether it can be said or not, even if it is said, no one will believe it.

In seven days, several Abilities have been raised to a level that ordinary people cannot achieve in a lifetime, and anyone who hears it will be fooled.

Loki shifted his gaze resentfully upon hearing this.

My fear of Aaron deepened.

Although Aaron didn't say anything, he said everything.

I believe the so-called surprise will be quite shocking...

"Damn it, am I really not as good as him? How much has it changed in a week!"

Loki thought about what he had gained in the past few days, and felt even more uncomfortable. Magic is not something that can be improved rapidly overnight...


Except this guy!

Falk, is he really a magical monster?

No one knew the idea of ​​Loki At the moment, but the conversation between the two attracted the attention of others.

Thor even joked: "Guys, how about we play a game."

"Since Aaron is so confident, let's have a competition and see who can beat the most and fastest!"

"The loser will be responsible for all the expenses of this celebration banquet!"

"Okay, I agree with this idea!" Fandral was the first to agree, and at the same time raised his eyebrows at Aaron.

"Aaron, although I lost the sword fight last time, but this time, I will definitely not lose to you!"

Fandral thought very simply.

Even though Aaron's sword skills are very high, he is still a novice who has not participated in any battles.

No matter how powerful the swordsmanship is, it is impossible for him to have rich combat experience.

The battlefield is not a game, and the enemy cannot give you a one-on-one chance.

Even if Aaron has the ability, what can he do in seven days?

Is it possible to win the victory by transforming a few phantom duplications?

That would be naive.

He's seen Duplication of Loki's phantasm, and besides being indistinguishable, he can easily hit a hundred of them!

"Okay, if you lose, please help me drink the wine I owed last time."

How could Aaron reject Fandral's door-to-door help?

The conditions he promised to play with a few people last time have not been fulfilled.

This time, I just took this opportunity to push it to Fandral.

"No problem! If you lose, it will be two meals!"

Fanders readily agreed.

Will he lose?

Certainly not!

Loki rolled his eyes at Fandral who was complacent, and laughed silently in his heart.

Bet with Aaron? Even he didn't dare to answer easily, Fandral really had the courage.

Are you a magician... Let me see how much stronger you have become.

A group of people came to the Bifrost center while talking and joking, without paying attention to the enemies they were about to face.

Everyone is full of confidence in this battle.

"Heimdall, please!" Thor greeted Heimdall.

Heimdall nodded, and opened Bifrost with the guardian sword.

Soon, a golden portal leading to Vanaheim appeared in front of them.

"For Asgard!"

Thor raised his hammer and shouted, stepping through the portal first.

Thousands of Asgard warriors waved their spears one after another in agreement.

The army marched through the portal, spanning countless light years, and came to another kingdom of gods, Vanaheim!

And at the moment, the soldiers of the rebel base camp in Vanaheim were dumbfounded.

They had just finished gathering when Asgard called.

Is Asgard still alive?


Unbeknownst to Thor and the others, when all the troops entered the portal, Odin also teleported to the Bifrost center.

And use magic to see everyone's actions in their eyes.

He cared more about Thor than anyone else!