
Marvel: Concept of God, Starting from God rewards those who work hard

Aaron traveled to the Marvel world and became an ordinary member of the Aesir protoss. In a magic practice, the Awakening ability is rewarded by nature, and the ability can be infinitely improved by continuous exercise. Even the most common magic can eventually be promoted to a concept. "You can get a lot of rewards if you practice meditation seriously... upgrade to Energy Absorption..."

adam_caracut · 映画
30 Chs

Chapter 26 Phantom Magic Upgrade, Materialized Magic!

[You have performed phantom magic seriously once, and you have gained a lot, phantom magic proficiency +4, your phantom magic has been upgraded, and the upgrade is materialized magic! ]

Illusion magic has finally been upgraded to LV5.

materialized magic

Aaron rubbed his head lightly, his tired spirit was relieved a bit, and then he looked at the phantom magic after the upgrade.

Materialization magic is not about transforming reality into reality, nor is it about creating objects out of thin air.

It is an entity that is almost exactly the same as the reality produced by the materialization of energy.

It is very different from the illusion of the previous level.

The phantom magic of LV1 can only create rough illusions, at most it can deceive some big-hearted ordinary people.

The phantom magic law of LV2 can create illusions that can blind most people's vision.

The phantom magic of LV3 can create energy entity duplication, and the pure appearance observation basically loses the ability to distinguish.

The phantom entity of LV4, while possessing part of the physical power of the real body, even possesses part of the magic power. It can cast magic, and its combat power is quite impressive.

That's about the level of illusion old Loki had when he feigned death to escape Thanos.

But the phantom of LV5 is a huge leap forward.

The phantom entity created at this time even breaks away from the category of phantom, inherits the fighting consciousness and skills of the real body, and can also use almost all the magic of the real body. The level of magic displayed will be lower, but it is still shocking.

Except for using some extremely special abilities, outsiders can't tell the truth from the fake at all, just like the name of magic, materialization magic.

From phantom to entity!

If you imagine a spaceship, a car, to some extent, they are all real, and they are all operable.

However, the premise is to understand the principle.

Otherwise, even if the phantom comes out, it will be just a shell, with no appearance.

At most, it can only have the same material as its external structure.

"So, I still need to be a physicist, a mathematician, a chemist, a biologist?"

"Forcing me to read a lot of books, right?"

Thinking of learning so much knowledge, Aaron just felt that time was more and more insufficient.

He can't take care of magic alone, and how can he spend time on other knowledge.

"Illusion magic should not be limited to this level. Illusions and illusions are false illusions. It is the imagination that limits it, not the so-called various principles."

"When this happens, there can only be one situation, and that is that the level is not enough."

"The magic level of LV5 cannot completely materialize one's own imagination."

"If you want to create "entity" as you like, you need to continue to improve."

"When I can disregard the so-called rules and materialize all kinds of unreasonable illusions, that is the real magic of materialization! No, maybe it should not be described as magic..."

This is no wild guess.

The materialization process is similar to the process in which Green Lantern materializes the energy of the green light with will.

When Green Lantern realized the imagination, how many people considered its principle?

Today's materialized magic is similar to the ability of the green light ring.

The objects made by the two have the functions of real objects, but their essence is still energy.

Not really a creation.

At present, it seems that the ability of the green light ring surpasses the materialized magic after the phantom magic is upgraded, and there is also an ion shark as an energy source, providing endless energy.

But in terms of potential, illusion magic is unlimited!

Aaron is confident that he will surpass the green light, and the time needed will not be long.

"The illusion magic of LV5 is enough. It only needs to deal with one Amora. It doesn't need too advanced magic."

"In the next time, continue to improve the mind barrier and Energy Absorption."

"The point is to accumulate enough magic power, and if you have enough time, you can upgrade other magic. These magic levels may not be very high, but sometimes they can give people small surprises."

Thinking of this, Aaron restrained his mind, entered the state of meditation, concentrated on running Energy Absorption, and constantly absorbed the magic Energy Absorption in the air.

The proficiency of Energy Absorption continues to increase.

training ground.

Since Fandral lost to Aaron in the sword fighting duel, he only experienced a short period of confusion, but soon regained his confidence and spent more time on sword training.

He is a master of swordsmanship, a genius of swordsmanship, and has never lost to others in the field of swordsmanship.

This failure was attributed to slack by him.

Because he couldn't find an opponent for a long time and was addicted to the gentleness of the beauty, he was surpassed by Aaron who has been studying hard.

Fandral doesn't think anyone can surpass himself in the ability of swordsmanship.

And Aaron has now given up his warrior training and devoted himself to the ocean of magic.

As long as I work hard enough, I believe that I will soon get rid of my shame.

With this mentality, Fandral even turned down the invitation of Thor and others to the reception these days, and started a long training session.

Seeing this, Thor and the others couldn't leave Aaron and Fandral to drink alone, so they could only start training with Fandral in the end.

It wasn't until the arrival of Heimdall that the status quo changed.

"Father asked me to lead the army to quell the turmoil in Vanaheim?"

As soon as Thor finished listening, he shouted excitedly, "Guys, assemble quickly, we have something to do!"

Without waiting for other people to gather, he said again: "Heimdall, please go and inform Aaron, it's just the time to show off your talents, how can he be missing."

"Thor, the God-King said a week later, don't forget."

Heimdall nodded after giving instructions, then turned and left expressionlessly.

During the whole process, there was no other expression because of Thor's identity.

Because he is only loyal to the king of Asgard, or in other words, only to Odin.

Neither Thor nor Loki can command him.

Even when Thor asked him to help, he used the word trouble, and what he asked for did not affect his performance of duties.

The reason for this phenomenon lies in his duty, which is to protect Asgard from enemies outside the kingdom.

Once a mistake occurs, the consequences are unimaginable.

Therefore, he is only responsible to Odin and his will.