
Marvel: Concept of God, Starting from God rewards those who work hard

Aaron traveled to the Marvel world and became an ordinary member of the Aesir protoss. In a magic practice, the Awakening ability is rewarded by nature, and the ability can be infinitely improved by continuous exercise. Even the most common magic can eventually be promoted to a concept. "You can get a lot of rewards if you practice meditation seriously... upgrade to Energy Absorption..."

adam_caracut · 映画
30 Chs

Chapter 21 Asgard Is Really A Monster!

Do you think I'm beautiful, Aaron."

"Look at me..."

But as soon as Amora opened her mouth, the charming power of invisible began to act on Aaron's senses.

The same words kept echoing in my ears.

In sight, Amora's appearance became more and more gorgeous, as if she was more moving and beautiful than before.

The power of charm tries to seize control of the body by modifying the five senses and entering the brain.

However, after this charming force entered the brain, it was firmly blocked by a barrier, unable to further affect Aaron's spirit.

Seeing Aaron's gradually blurred eyes, Amora smiled brighter and brighter.

It worked!

In her presence, no man is immune to her charms.

Magic and evildoers cannot be avoided!

At this time, Amora is thinking about how to deal with Aaron.

According to the original idea, after taking down Aaron, she will help Aaron master more magic besides mind magic and become a powerful magician.

Then use the strength of the other party to make yourself go one step further.

By the way, it can also save her stupid sister.

This time, on a whim, I taught Aaron two spells, just to prove whether the evil rumors spread by Irene and the group of apprentices were true.

After the test, she became more determined about her previous thoughts.

Aaron has a powerful ability in magic that has never been seen before or since.

Once it grows up, it will be possible to break the shackles of blood, from an ordinary Asgard to a powerful god that can only be reached by royal blood.

Maybe, there is still the possibility of challenging Odin's rule.

Even if you can't beat Odin, you can kill the opponent.

Amora has long discovered that Odin is getting old, and the god-king has gradually lost his absolute dominance over the Nine Realms.

When Lorelai launched the coup, she also discovered this matter.

However, Odin is more tenacious than imagined.

Lived for hundreds of years.

But no problem, she's still young, and Aaron is still young.

With Aaron's magical ability, after killing Odin, she can seek a higher status with him.

As for Thor's megalomaniac?

A little trickery can solve it.

Compared to his father, he is much younger.

The second prince, Loki, has good intelligence but weaker strength.

When Aaron grows up, he will definitely be able to suppress the opponent with ease.

Amora has already begun to imagine a better life in the future.

what's on your mind? "

"I was wondering...huh? Are you okay?"

Amora suddenly realized that she didn't give an order for Aaron to speak.

So, Aaron wasn't charmed?

Yo, yes, quite tenacious.

Being able to do this step has surpassed ninety-nine percent of men.

Seeing Aaron's clear gaze, Amora raised her eyebrows, put her hand on Aaron's shoulder, and launched a stronger spiritual charm.

This time, she had a clear perception that there was a barrier in Aaron's mind, blocking all her spiritual power out.

"Soul barrier?"

"When did you learn it?"

"Just before you came." Aaron replied directly.

"Damn it, it's Irene! Even if you're not here, you still want to fight me? No wonder you took Aaron away and set up an illusion to block me."

Amora already understood why Irene suddenly appeared and took Aaron away before herself.

It turned out that it was to teach the other party the mind barrier magic to resist the charm magic.


How can you stop me after learning the mind barrier for such a short time?

I'm a master of mind magic!

Amora exerted her psychic power with all her strength, trying to break through the barrier and completely control the opponent.

She doesn't believe that a small spiritual barrier can do anything to win her.

Mind barrier, she will too.

As a master of psychic magic, she has absolute authority over psychic magic.

After many experiments, the upper limit of the resistance of the mind barrier has long been known.

This time, it's done!

However, after all, she overestimated her own spiritual power.

The spiritual barrier is the nemesis of the power of the mind, and the LV3 barrier is already enough to resist Amora's control.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break through the barrier.

The most hopeful moment is just a little short.

Amora silently withdrew her hands, her whole body froze.

My mind went blank.

"Tian Hou, what's going on inside?" Irene couldn't wait any longer.

Aaron and Amora have been inside for a long time.

Just the two of them!

She didn't want such an excellent magic seedling to be ruined by Amora.

Facing Irene's anxious questioning, Frigga's face was very strange, and there was still some shock left.

She didn't say much, just replied, "You will know soon."

Irene was still about to say something when she saw Amora walking out.

It looks so bleak and sad.


Loki muttered silently.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, the states of Amora and Fandral could not be said to be completely similar, but they could only be said to be exactly the same.

Another bad luck...

"Amora, what have you done!"

Erin stepped forward to question.

Facing the old enemy's questioning, Amora turned her head stiffly and glanced at her lightly, without any reaction.

Only when he saw Frigg, his dead fish-like eyes moved.

But when she thought of the power of spiritual charm she was proud of, she was directly blocked by Aaron who had learned the spiritual barrier for an hour, and she returned to the previous state.

"Thanks to you, I can't do anything."

After leaving a word coldly, Amora left without looking back.

Frigga didn't stop it, because Amora really couldn't do anything.

If Tianhou doesn't move, Loki won't do anything.

"Irene, just now I heard you said that before you came to me, you gave Aaron a magic book about spiritual resistance?"

"Are you sure he hasn't been exposed to any magic before?"

Irene froze for a moment, combined with Frigga and Amora's performance, an absurd idea took root in her mind uncontrollably.

Could it be that Amora's mind magic was blocked by Aaron?

"No, I can assure you, he only got the first perception of the magic power when he took my first class!"

"In addition, he does not have the right to enter the library to look up magic!"

"So, he really only spent an hour learning the mind barrier?"

Frigga's expression changed slightly, and she turned around and walked towards the Golden Hall regardless of Irene and Loki.

Asgard really has magic monsters!