
Marvel: Concept of God, Starting from God rewards those who work hard

Aaron traveled to the Marvel world and became an ordinary member of the Aesir protoss. In a magic practice, the Awakening ability is rewarded by nature, and the ability can be infinitely improved by continuous exercise. Even the most common magic can eventually be promoted to a concept. "You can get a lot of rewards if you practice meditation seriously... upgrade to Energy Absorption..."

adam_caracut · 映画
30 Chs

Chapter 13 Amora, The Master Of Psychic Magic

Looking at Irene's expectant eyes, Aaron nodded emphatically.

"I see, teacher!"

Although the time the two really knew each other was at most two days.

But Aaron can be sure that Irene is really thinking about herself.

After seeing his magical ability, he reported to Frigg the same day, seeking more resources for himself, and even wanted to convince Frigg to teach him himself.

I have to say that Irene is very anxious, eager to train Aaron to be an excellent magician, and even worried that she is not qualified for the duties of a teacher.

If it were another person, there would be a monstrous student under his staff, and if his jealousy was a little bit stronger, there might be a result of suppression.

Even if this is not the case, it is possible to hold the other party and yourself tightly.

Think about it, if Aaron becomes a powerful and excellent magician in the future, then that person will logically become Aaron's only mentor in name.

Prominent status, shared honor.

At this time, Irene, who received a satisfactory answer, continued: "You can temporarily put aside the learning of enchanting magic. The most urgent thing is to strengthen the learning of other magic."

"After you have mastered the main magic, it is not too late to specialize in enchanting magic."

"In fact, only magicians who feel that magic is difficult to continue to improve will specialize in enchanting magic. I don't want you to invest too much time in it."

"Definitely, I also know that with your ability, you spend more time not on practicing magic, but on reading, but no matter what, it will always waste a lot of time."

"Now that you have the opportunity to learn from other teachers, you should seize the opportunity."

"If you can get the queen's approval, you will get better magic teaching."

In this regard, Aaron just nodded and did not speak bluntly.

Although in his plan, enchanting magic came last.

But it doesn't mean that enchantment magic is not taken seriously.

Aaron also thought about how powerful the enchanted artifact would become if the enchantment magic was raised to a very high level?

Mass build Mjolnir?

Build storm battle axes in batches?

Seems...not impossible!

Moreover, it is also a good idea to have a piece of equipment with strong defense before it reaches a certain level.

At this moment, he is not strong in physical attack resistance.

Probably barely able to block the less powerful bullets.

After all, his physique is just that of an ordinary Asgardian.

It is considered that he has just grown up, and his body has not yet grown to its peak.

While Thor is of royal blood, at the peak of his prime, Loki is also of frost titan royal blood.

Aaron is impossible to compare with the two.

Therefore, it is very important to have a set of armored stomach with strong defense at this time.

At that time, add your own enchantment, maybe you can still resist the weapon damage of ordinary Asgard soldiers.

You know, even the equipment of these soldiers is made of Ulu metal.

That is an artifact capable of breaking defenses against Thor, Loki, Hela, and even Odin!

If it can withstand this level of equipment, even Thor and others, it is impossible not to covet it.

Then, the two talked for a while.

In order to continue scrolling, Aaron left the room.

Not long after he left, a seductive woman in a long green dress walked into the room.

"Amora, what are you doing here!"

Seeing the person coming, Irene's face suddenly sank.

"Irene, don't forget one thing, I'm also a teacher at the Academy of Magic."

Amora was not angry at Irene's unwelcoming expression and tone, but said with interest: "That person just now is the magic genius that the queen told us to pay special attention to?"

"I remember it was called... Aaron? A magic apprentice who just learned magic for less than two days."

"I heard that on the first day of school, you can create duplication of energy entities?"

"Does he really have such a powerful magical ability?"

Amora made no secret of her curiosity about Aaron.

"Amora, I warn you, you'd better not get his attention! He is my student! He is also the object of the Empress's attention. If you dare to make some small moves, don't blame me for being rude!"

Erin has a particularly violent temper, and she is no longer as kind and friendly as she was when she got along with Aaron.

"Irene, why do you still have such a big prejudice against me? I didn't do anything to you." Amora said with a light smile, completely ignoring the warning in Irene's tone.

"And didn't the queen say that? He can ask any magician for advice. Strictly speaking, he doesn't belong to you alone, but our common student."

Having said that, Amora licked the corner of her mouth alluringly.

"Hmph, don't think I don't know, that incident definitely has something to do with you!"

Irene looked at the other party with disgust, and said in a cold tone: "Don't think that you will be safe and sound if you escaped the sanction last time, I will keep an eye on you, and I will never let you do something that insults the reputation of magician again. thing!"

Amora, known as the Enchanting Witch, is best at enchanting magic, and is an absolute leader in magic related to the soul.

She is also a teacher of psychic magic at the Academy of Magic.

She also has a younger sister, Lorelai, known as the Charm, who is also a master of spiritual magic.

Lorelai once tried to stage a coup, but was imprisoned in the Dungeon after a failed attempt.

Amora avoided the coup, and later became a teacher of the academy by virtue of her excellent spiritual magic.

That incident had a bad effect on the reputation of magicians.

Irene hated this kind of magician very much. If it weren't for them, why would magician's position in Asgard be so embarrassing now?

She has always suspected that Amora was also involved in that incident.

In addition, the instigator was Amora's younger sister, and she even had a high degree of disgust towards her.

After seeing that the other party obviously had a strong interest in Aaron, he couldn't hide his anger.

"Then you have wronged me. I am different from Lorelei. The great King of God thinks I am innocent." Amora blinked, looking very innocent.

Irene clenched her fists and didn't refute again. After all, she was refuting. Didn't it mean that Odin's investigation was unclear?


Amora chuckled and left the room before Erin erupted, having received an exact answer...