
Marvel: Concept of God, Starting from God rewards those who work hard

Aaron traveled to the Marvel world and became an ordinary member of the Aesir protoss. In a magic practice, the Awakening ability is rewarded by nature, and the ability can be infinitely improved by continuous exercise. Even the most common magic can eventually be promoted to a concept. "You can get a lot of rewards if you practice meditation seriously... upgrade to Energy Absorption..."

adam_caracut · 映画
30 Chs

Chapter 11 Meditation Upgrade, Energy Absorption

When the duplication dissipated, Aaron, who was entering a state of meditation, opened his eyes for the first time, and a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"Has it been discovered so quickly? The level of illusion magic is still a lot worse!"

"If a real entity can be produced, others will not be able to tell the truth from the fake. Even if they doubt it, it is just doubt."

"Well, then hurry up and upgrade the illusion magic, just as the meditation technique is about to be upgraded."

Aaron continued into meditation.

I don't know how long it took, and finally ushered in a crucial moment.

[You have performed a meditation technique seriously, and you have gained a lot, your magical energy reserves have increased, your meditation technique proficiency +4, your meditation technique has been upgraded, and the upgrade is Energy Absorption! ]

Um? Meditation becomes Energy Absorption?

When the prompt appeared, Aaron immediately looked over to check the changes.

Soon, he looked overjoyed.

Meditation is a technique developed by Asgard magicians to perceive and absorb magical energy in the air.

Not only is the absorption efficiency low, but it also has great limitations. It can only be accumulated over a long period of time to accumulate magic reserves little by little.

And Energy Absorption is an upgraded version of Meditation, which can actively absorb unowned energy.

Not only is the efficiency of absorbing magic much higher than traditional meditation and LV4 meditation, but it can also actively absorb other energy and convert it into its own reserves, no longer limited to Asgard's unique magical energy.

On the basis of meditation, efficiency and versatility are increased, and the speed of magic energy accumulation will be greatly improved.

In addition, the upgrade of meditation also solved another problem for Aaron.

That is how to absorb external energy sources.

As long as you can get the Casket of Ancient Winters and the Eternal Fire, you can use Energy Absorption to continuously transform them into your own strength.

At that time, it is the real beginning of strength improvement.

The most important thing is that Meditation has undergone a qualitative leap at LV5, so how exaggerated will it become if it continues to strengthen?

Aaron was envious of Scarlet Witch's Energy Absorption.

The later Scarlet Witch, using Origin Magic Power, can even absorb all the Energy Absorption of Captain Marvel in a parallel universe in a few breaths!

That level of Energy Absorption is not comparable to my own Energy Absorption at the moment.

One can absorb owned energy, and the other can only absorb unowned energy. The gap is completely different.

However, Aaron is confident he can do the same, if not better.

You know, he has only been learning meditation for less than a day, and he can reach this point. What will happen next? How strong will it become?

Unlimited improvement, infinite possibilities!

Aaron collected his mind and glanced at the template at the moment.

[Name]: Aaron

[Life]: 1000/5000

[ability]: God rewards those who work hard

[Skills]: Energy Absorption (Asgard Meditation) LV5 (0/100000), Fighting technique LV4 (2/10000), Swordsmanship LV4 (2/10000), Illusion Magic LV3 (99/1000), Space Storage LV2 (10/100 )

[Attributes]: Intelligence 3, Strength 4, Speed ​​3, Endurance 4, Energy Strength 3, Fighting Skill 5

[strength evaluation]: surface level (second-rate superhero)

Although the skills have basically improved a wave, the strength evaluation has not changed much.

Except for the strengthening of fighting skills, all other attributes including energy strength have not changed.

For this phenomenon, Aaron is not sad.

Before gaining the God's Reward ability, his energy strength and fighting skill were only 1 and 2 respectively.

Although it is still at the surface level and second-rate superhero, the gap between before and after is quite obvious.

It can be said unceremoniously that Aaron at this moment can completely abuse himself before learning magic.

This is the improvement of comprehensive attributes, coupled with magic coordination, there is no suspense at all.

Unless it is required by intelligence reduction or plot.

Moreover, even though they are all at the surface level, the gap between the upper and lower levels of the surface level is too large.

Explosive buildings are the surface, explosive streets are the surface, and explosive cities are also the surface.

But can it be said that it is of the same grade?

If all the women's federations are brought in, they are all of the same level, no more than the difference between first-rate, second-rate or third-rate.

Aaron is ready for a long-term surface-level evaluation.

He also believes that this is only temporary.

"If you want to upgrade Energy Absorption, you need to meditate for more than a day without eating or drinking..."


"The magical energy pervading Asgard has begun to be unable to satisfy such efficient magic absorption."

"Meditation efficiency can be greatly affected."

"It is imminent to find a new energy source!"

During the meditation process, Aaron has discovered that the magical energy permeating the air in Asgard can barely supply the absorption speed of LV4.

If you continue to improve, just absorbing external energy is already unsustainable.

If you want to improve without being affected, you have to find a way and find a more effective way.

"It's better to improve the illusion magic and space storage first. As for finding a solution, I have to go to the Magic Academy tomorrow."

After reading, Aaron started to study again.


the next day.

Aaron, who rolled into the early morning, got up early in the morning and rushed to the Magic Academy.

At this time, the other students hadn't arrived yet.

Because of the long lifespan of the Aesir Protoss, the work and rest of the Protoss is quite different from that of Earthlings.

If on Earth, students come to the classroom early and start reading early.

And in Asgard, it's a good time to sleep.

In fact, very little time is actually spent on studying in a day.

What they need to do, besides the necessary exercise, is to enjoy life more.

This is the protoss.

Almost entered the era of utopia.

In addition, Odin sits in charge, maintaining the relative peace of the Nine Realms, and deterring other civilizations in the galaxy, so that Asgard does not need to worry about external invasion for a long time.

If he didn't know the development of the subsequent plot, Aaron might have started to enjoy this harmonious and comfortable life of the Protoss.

However, these can only be thought about.

He is now racing against death!

Seeing no one, Aaron still did not stop rolling.

Opening the thick enchanting magic book, my mind sank into it instantly.

time flies.

A strange voice wakes Aaron from the magical world.

"Aaron, Teacher Erin asked you to find her."