

when a guy dies and reincarnated from r.o.b comes to the marvel universe also travel across omniverses DISCALIMER: I do not own marvel or anything

david_vazcano · アニメ·コミックス
44 Chs

Chpater 44

OAA is still busy trying to create the weapon in the beyonderverse. He is using the knowledge of the beyonders and creating a sword. This sword is sentient and bound to his soul, body and mind.

This sword is versatile because not only this is a sword but this sword can change into spear, shield, gun, axe, halbeard and more. The sword can cut reality, space and time.

The sword is not completed... yet. The sword is attached to his soul and only him can use the sword, If there is someone touch his sword or using his sword their body, soul, and mind will be destroyed. Their powers and knowledge are absorb to the sword transfering them into me, whether I hold the sword or not.

The sword can come back and materialize into him or his hand whether in another dimension, another universe, another multiverse, another omniverse and outside the omniverses.

The sword can detect danger If the host is at threatening life, the sword become an armor to shield you from any attack whether it is magic, superpower, technology and more. The sword can also attack soul and spiritual beings, If I am going to die or dead the sword will dissapeared from existance.

The sword can defend Itself by transforming into a 5000ft tall advance robot with heavy advance weapons that can wipe out multiversal beings. The robot has also imprenetable shield to shield him from universal attacks.

OAA began to come out from his mind and wake up to see him come back at the control room sitting on his chair.

"Alice I want to sign in." OAA said.







OAA began to feels all the power and knowledge enter his body and mind. OAA open his inventory to see the devil fruit seed and click on it.

[ITEM : Devil Fruit Seed.

Description : This seed can be planted and grow into a massive tree. After fully grown, the tree can produce Devil fruits from paramecia, zoan and logia. The branch and the woods of the tree are strong, that it is unknown how durable it is.]


The girls who heard OAA is surprised because he suddenly shout jackpot.

[Esdeath : Hey, what was that? Why OAA suddenly shouts?]

[Karen : I don't know. He probably got something that makes him happy and shout 'Jackpot'.]

OAA thinks with the devil fruit tree he can now collect and eat many devil fruits, he didn't care about getting his body exploded because he has immortality and other means so he can still alive.

[I might as well give them to the other but first, I need to grow it to become a tree and I will eat the devil fruit first then the others!]

The girls heard what OAA said and intrigued by the word devil fruits.

[Irene : Devil fruit? Wait, isn't that a fruit that can grant you powers whitebeard's world come from?]

[Qianye : Yes, that' right.]

[Karen : It seems like OAA was going to give the chat group members devil fruits.]

[Medusa : But how can he do that? Aren't the devil fruits are only on the whitebeard's world?]

[Lightning : Wait! He said something about a tree... could it be...?]

[Cereza : A tree that can produce devil fruits?]

[Lightning : Yes, exactly. The question is, how did OAA got such a thing?]

The girls began to discuss of how OAA got the devil fruit and the devil fruit they wanted to eat but they heard OAA will eat first so they didn't mind because OAA was the one planted and grow the tree so It's reasonable he will to get the devil fruit first.

OAA thought of him getting to eat his first devil fruit then give it to the others.

He got the bloodline and knowledge of all kryptonians and their biology. The knowledge and the powers of the dragon slayers is useful for him If he wants to slay dragons. The absoute all physical capabilities and bodily aspects are making him way more stronger, basicly those two aspects are making him Infinitely powerful and perfect.

[Skill : All Absolute physical capabilities

Description : All of your strength, speed, durability, agility, inttelegince, reflexess, presicion, combat, defense, survivability, accuracy and all physical attirbutes, now have limitless physical attributes/capabilities and Infinitely powerful.]

[Skill : All Absolute Bodily aspects

Description : all your body aspects from beauty, health, recovery, regeneration, senses, Immortality are now limitless and Infinitely powerful. You don't need to eat, drink, and sleep, also you don't need to worry about your bod, health and beauty.]

He is satisfied with his stats and skills. He begin to open his omniversal shop and buy the three egyptian gods from Yu-gi-oh!

He begin to buy obelisk the tormentor, slifer the sky dragon and the winged dragon of Ra. After he bought the three of them three golden lights appeared in front of him, the white light dissapeared revealing the three egyptian gods.

Obelisk, slifer and Ra open their eyes, they see their sorrounding then look at each other. They look in front of them is a gigantic robot golden armor, memories began to enter their head, they begin to see OAA and bow before him. "Greetings, master!"

OAA look at the three egyptian gods before him, he can sense stong power each inside of them, he began to ask eve. "EVE, what tier are these three egyptian gods?"

"They are at tier 4A." EVE said, informing OAA of their tiers.

[So these three egyptian gods are at least galaxy level, I will upgrade them to universal level.]

OAA begin to stretch his hand out using his power to upgrade them to universal tier, the three egyptian gods are shining golden color. The girls who heard OAA talk about the three egyptian gods began to chat on their personal group.

[Esdeath : the three egyptian gods? Who are they?]

[Karen : well... as you heard they are gods from The Egyptian Pantheon or Ennead were the collective Gods worshiped by the people of Egypt on the Southeast shore of the Mediterranean.]

[Irene : wait, how did you know all about that?]

[Karen : of course, I read from books, search on the internet and watch movies. You may need those knowledge especially when you live in a world where the end of the world is common.]

They understand karen because her world there are danger everywhere you go or dangerous events all around the world and events that will destroy the entire universe.

[Lightning : If that is the case, who are the three egyptian gods that OAA spoke?]

[Karen : That is the problem, I don't know which egyptian gods OAA talk about.]

[Medusa : How come you didn't know? Didn't you said you know about egyptian mythology?]

[ karen : Yes, I know but I'm not completly knowledgable about all egypt. Sorry!]

Karen feels bad informing the girls she didn't know everything about egypt.

[Cereza : Don't worry, karen. It's okay not everyone can know everything even mythology.]

[Qianye : she is right, karen. Don't worry and don't blame yourself.]

The girls also joining to make karen at ease and not blaming herself, karen who see this smile at the girls and warmed her heart.

[Karen : thank you everyone.]

A minute later the shining golden color sorround the three egyptian gods began to change revealing their new look, they nlook exactly the same except their body change into a universe just like garou god form.

"Wh-What is this power?" Osiris said, feeling huge tremendous power inside of him.

"I feel more powerful than before." Obelisk clench his fist, he feel with this power nobody can challenge him.

"What the fuck? How can our body suddenly change?" Ra look at his body now become a universe not golden, the same can be seen as obelisk and osiris look at their own body.

"All of your body have been change into your true form." The three of them look up see master.

"Greetings, matser!" The three gods of egypt greeted their master. "Master, what do you mean by our true form?" Obelisk ask.

"I gave all three of you new powers and your body began to change because you have very tiny of my power inside the three of you!" OAA explain the change of their body.

"... and this new powers?" Osiris ask.

"Also my gift to three of you, so you three can defend yourself better against stronger enemies." OAA said, explaining their new found power.

The three of them look at each other then their master. "Thank you, master!" They are grateful for their master of giving them these new powers and stringer body.

"EVE, what tier are they now?" OAA ask.

"Tier 3A!" EVE said, checking their power scale.

OAA will command to the three of the gods to go to his own omniverse. "I want the three of you to go to this omniverse and guard each universe, use your true form when there are universal threat or threats you can't handle alone, train your new found powers." OAA want the three guards to guard each universe in the omniverse.

The three gods understand their master's order begin to return to their normal form, they begin to open portals in front of them to the eternal infinity omniverse. Once they get in, the portal closed and they begin to roam the entire universe and protect them, they also going to train their new powers.

OAA enter his own mind and work on his omniverse again.

The omniverse work just like the combination of marvel and dc cosmology, there are infinite realities and infinite posibilities. Each universe in eternal infinite omniverse is infinite with innumerable dimensions, contains infinite dimensions, infinite hells, infinite dark dimensions, outside, crossroads infinity, the world tree, infinite timelines, overvoid, infinite realms within worlds, and more infinites.

There are many dangerous places and cosmic places in dc and marvel comics, One Above all plan to make them all in his omniverse. He goes out of the bridge to begin making an empty room with big enough space and tall as the skyscraper for the devil fruit tree to grow.

He make the environment full with grass and flowers also make the sky change from morning to night for 24/7. The room also has water system below the room and If they arrive on a planet with a sun the rooftop installed with glass window can be opened so the sunlight can make the devil fruit tree grow.

Now the devil fruit tree can grow and produce devil fruits. He didn't when the devil fruits will produce but he had plenty of time to wait.

He goes out of the room and make the name at the front door is The Devil tree, the words are made from hologram. They door is big enough for a celestial size to get in and as for the human size there is a panel on the left side of the door to open the door.

He walk his way to the training room and sit down on the floor, he open the system and click the app with the picture of earth. The app show all the entertainments from his previous world, he begin to read and watch comics, cartoons, movies, anime, manhwa, manhua, and more fictions and fanfictions from his previous world.

He see there are many new entertainment and updates from comics, cartoons, movies, anime, manhwa, manhua, and more fictions and fanfictions from his previous world. He see many new titles and updates of manhwa and manhua from Leveling with the gods, Eleceed, soul land 2, Omniscient reader's viewpoint, tower of god, tales of demons and gods, against the gods and more.

He know about manhwa omniscient reader's viewpoint and leveling with the gods because he already read them about 60 chapters. While the rest he didn't knkw anything, he pick a manhwa with interesting title.

This title is the combination of Electricity and speed, the name of the manhwa he pick is Eleceed.