
Preparations (II)

The next day Nat woke up late when Maria came in her room to call her. Nat woke up and told Maria that she would be joining her soon. Nat took out her phone and called Luci.

Luci: I was just thinking about you.

Nat: Awww…. Aren't you to sweet.

Luci: Of course I am sweet, who do you think I am?

Nat: Ok, now enough of that. I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry that I didn't inform you yesterday about…

Nat didn't get to finish the sentence when Luci cut her off.

Luci: You don't have to explain that, I know Clint is your important friend so it is ok. Take your time but just stay safe.

Nat: Thanks Luci.

Luci: I love you and care for you, you don't need to thank me. I will support you however I can.

Nat: Love you too, now I gotta go.

After that Nat cuts the call and jumps out of her bed and gets freshened up. She wears her clothes and leaves to meet with Maria. Maria was on the bridge along with Captain America and Bruce. Nat went forward and shook her hands with Steve. At first when Steve knew that Nat's involvement with Luci and Bella, he was not happy but later he came to the conclusion that it wasn't his place to judge her.

Nat: Long time no see Steve. How have you been??

Steve: Yes it has been long, I have been fine.

Maria: So Bruce how long are you going to need?

Bruce: A few minutes more.

Nat: What's he doing??

Bruce was currently feeding some data into a computer.

Bruce: I have found the spectrum of the radiation which the cube radiates. I am sending the data and procedure to all the labs through out the globe.

Nat: How many labs are there who can search for the spectrum??

Bruce: More than enough.

Then Nat turns towards Maria.

Nat: Where is Tony?

Maria: I don't know, he still didn't contact me.

Nat: Oh… great.

Bruce: All set now.

Maria: Ok start the search.


Steve: So how has your life have been?

Currently Nat and Steve were trying to catch up with each other.

Nat: It has been great if I have to be honest. All the things I have ever wanted I have now. I wanted a family and someone to love I have them now. I wanted to be a ballerina, I am currently training. So yes life have been great.

Steve: Then good for you Nat. At least you got everything you wanted.

Nat: You don't seem that much happy.

Steve: I am happy for you but whenever I think about Lucifer and Isabella my blood starts to boil. What he did and what he has been doing I can never accept. The dock where Isabella killed all those Hand members, I knew they deserved to die but not like that.

Nat: Steve honestly I can understand what you are trying to say, it maybe be wrong or it maybe right but Luci and Bella cares for only our family, nothing more than that. Bella killed those Hand members at dock because they shot me, Luci killed the rest of Hand members because they attacked our café.

Steve: But I still think that the soldiers killed by him was unfair. They were just following orders they never harmed him or his family seriously.

Nat: I also agree with you on that, it was not fair of Luci to kill them like that but now I understand what makes him tick. He will never bother with you as long as you don't bother him or disturb his normal life. But if you disturb his quite and peaceful life he will go stop at nothing to cause you pain.

Steve: Even though I still believe that he was not right.

Nat: Ok you know what let's agree to disagree and leave this topic.

Steve: I guess you are right.

They were about to talk more when suddenly a make came running towards them. He stopped in front of them and started to breathe heavily and after a few moments he was able to catch his breath.

Agent: Sir, ma'am we have located Loki.

Steve and Nat followed the agent and he led them to the command centre. After a few moments Maria and Bruce also joined them.

Maria: What's the status??

Agent: We have located him. It is 93% match, it is too much to be a coincidence.

Nat: Ok, so where is he?

Agent: Stuttgart, Germany.

Maria: F*ck, he have to be in the only place where we don't have good contact with the government.

Steve: But we can still visit there right?

Maria: We can, but we have to grab him and leave quickly.

Nat: So I guess no Hulk.

Maria: Unfortunately, no Hulk.

Bruce: I think that is good.

Nat: But honestly I wanted to see the action between Hulk and Loki. Though I doubt Hulk will survive if he takes Bella's prey.

Maria: That is the 2nd reason I am not sending him.

Steve: Wait How is Isabella involved in this??

Maria: Well few months ago Loki decided to pick up a fight with Bella and Bella ended up overpowering him so like a pussy cat he stuck his tail between his legs and ran back to Asgard. Bella wasn't happy and she decided to invade Asgard to kill him. It ended up in all out war but Bella single-handedly crushed all of them. Bella thought that Loki was dead when he dropped into the abyss but I guess that was wrong so Bella will definitely be back for blood.

Steve: Wow… I seriously doubt that they are not psychopaths.

Nat: Hey don't insult her or I will have to kill you.

Maria: I don't mind putting you back on ice if you want.

Steve: See this is what I am talking about.

Bruce: Ok… ok… please stop why don't we stop killing each other and focus on Loki?

Nat: I think you are right Bruce.

Maria: Ok, Nat you take a quinjet along with Steve and don't kill him.

Nat: Don't worry I won't kill him or Clint will hate me more.

After that Steve went to wear his armor and he was carrying a new kind was shield since his last shield has broken by Bella.

(A/N: His new Shield is like the one he used in Infinity War.)

-------------------------------------------------------------------A/N: Apparently it was decided that my cllg won't hold any semester exams this year and they will give marks according to our scores in class test. My class tests start from Monday so I have to study. I was busy the whole day and I will be busy until Friday coming week so I will write only one chapters per day. I lost two chapters yesterday that was shit but nothing to do. I was able to only recreate one chapter today.