
Marvel's Super scientist

Tony: My power in the suit is too backward, Lin, teach me how to improve it. Thor: My sledgehammer has too few functions, it can only be smashed, Lin, teach me how to seal the energy of a planet on the sledgehammer. Hulk: Lin, help me with some awesome genetic potions. In addition to infinite power, I also want to have other abilities. Wolverine: Yesterday I met a monster. He wanted to soak my girlfriend’s piano. One of my paws was broken. Lin, tell me, is that guy you? Magneto: There was a steel armor man molesting my daughter the day before yesterday. I wanted to beat him up. As a result, that guy has an antimagnetic system. My magnetism is completely useless. The egg was kicked by that guy. I still have the pain. . Lin, tell me if you did it. Odin: Damn, my sharp gun was broken, Lin, help me make a better one. Thanos: Grass, my infinite gloves, all six infinite gems have been replaced by glass

Best_Movies · SF
60 Chs

1 (Tony was caught )

"Hey! Who are you? What is this?"

In a gloomy cave, a handsome man with a moustache woke up on a hospital bed, found two wires on his chest and a battery connected to him, and got up from the bed in a panic.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Don't move around. This thing saved your life. There is a shrapnel near your heart. The distance is only 0.01 cm. Without the electric current, the shrapnel will enter your heart at any time."

Lin Feng did not expect that he traveled into the Marvel world, the moment Iron Man was captured in the cave in Afghanistan.

And when he traversed, he also carried a "tech system" on his body. There was a technology tree in his mind. As long as he helped Iron Man create the Iron Man armor, Lin Feng would get a lot of technology ability points and upgrade the technology tree. Various scientific knowledge.

In the movie, the person who saved Tony is called Ethan. He performed surgery on Iron Man and used electric current to prevent shrapnel from entering Iron Man's heart. Now, Ethan's identity has been replaced by Lin Feng.

"Did you save me?" Tony looked at Bi Lin Feng and woke up from the panic.

Lin Feng said calmly: "Yes, we were all caught by terrorists."

Tony asked in surprise, "Are you Japanese?"

"No, I am from Huaxia, my name is Lin Feng."

Tony shook hands with Lin Feng thankfully: "Lin, thank you for saving me. My name is Tony."

Lin Feng smiled: "You're welcome, I've heard of your name."

The two were talking, outside the cave, there was the sound of terrorist footsteps.

"Lin, Tony, raise your hand."

A group of terrorists with guns rushed into the hole. A group of people aimed their guns at the two, and a guy with a big beard yelled in Arabic.

Lin Feng helped Tony translate the words of the terrorists: "Tony, they said you are the biggest murderer in the history of the United States. They are very interested in your Jeliko missiles and ordered you to help them make Jeliko missiles. Otherwise, he will kill us."

A group of terrorists yelled fiercely for a while, threatened the two after turning over, and then walked out, locked the iron door at the entrance of the cave, and shut the two in the cave.

"Damn terrorist."

Tony just refused to help the terrorists build missiles, and was submerged in the water by them for a while. After being abused, Tony hated the terrorists to the bone.

Lin Feng is very familiar with the plot. Iron Man is a genius. His Stark Group is mainly engaged in the manufacture of missile weapons. It is the largest arms dealer with hundreds of billions of dollars in assets. However, the Stark Group has an invisible gold mine that has not been People found out.

The Stark Group has developed a large-scale 'Ark reactor', but due to its instability, it cannot be miniaturized. This Ark reactor can only be used as an ornamental item for the time being.

Tony has long studied the miniaturization technology of 'Ark reactor', but unfortunately this guy is a playboy, he just wants to play with women, but he didn't plan to use this technology to make money.

Lin Feng looked at the angry Tony and said, "Tony, as far as I know, Stark Group has developed the'Ark reactor'. If this reactor can be miniaturized and a weapon can be made, the power must be terrible, maybe Can take us out of this cave."

Lin Feng's words gave Tony a flash of inspiration: "Lin, thank you for your reminder, I will take you out of here."

After speaking, Tony sat at the table and started to draw the drawing with a pen.

In Lin Feng's mind, the technology system sounded a reminder because Lin Feng reminded Iron Man to use the 'Ark reactor' to make weapons. Iron Man's time for making steel armor was 10 days earlier, so he was awarded 10 points of technological ability.

Closing his eyes, Lin Feng looked at the technological system in his head.

This technology system is like a tree of light. Now there is only one trunk. After Lin Feng gains 10 points of ability, the technology tree grows a branch, and a line above the branch of the branch is displayed: "Mechanical Technology '

After using 10 ability points to upgrade the technology tree, there are several skills in the mechanical technology ability column:

Skill 1: Perfect design Ability: Any drawing can be understood and remembered just by looking at it. It has a super design machine Ability.

Skill 2: Perfect Manufacturing Ability: Ability to use current materials to manufacture machinery in the most perfect way.

Lin Feng just reminded Tony that he got 10 ability points and possessed two skills. Lin Feng was very satisfied.

Lin Feng stood by the table, staring at Tony who was drawing the drawings.

Lin Feng saw the drawings of the 'Ark reactor', the power of the steel armor and the weapons that Tony was designing, and he immediately remembered it. Lin Feng is now the second genius to miniaturize the 'Ark reactor' besides Iron Man. In the cave, Tony spent a whole day designing the drawings.

In the movie, Tony was imprisoned in the cave for three months. He started designing the drawings on the 15th day. Lin Feng advanced the plan 15 days, and now there is plenty of time for them.

Since the terrorists knew that Tony was willing to help them build the 'Jelico' missile, they were extremely excited. They moved in various types of missiles and asked them to dismantle the high-tech parts on them to make new missiles.

The two began to secretly create an 'Ark reactor' in the cave on the grounds of building missiles.

Tony first used loess to make molds, and then used the 'palladium element' to make the reactor's reactor. Lin Feng also followed Tony to build the reactor.

Tony is manufactured to what extent, Lin Feng is perfected to what extent.

Tony was shocked by Lin Feng's hands-on Ability: "Lin, you are really a super genius. This'Ark reactor', miniaturized technology, is very complicated. I thought that no one in the world could use this kind of technology except me. Technical Society, you are totally out of my expectations. If we can escape, are you interested in working in my company? I will give you an annual salary of 1 billion U.S. dollars and invite you to become our company's technical consultant."

Lin Feng smiled: "Get out and talk about it."

"Okay! Let's go on, after secretly creating two new weapons, we killed those terrorists."

Tony admired Lin Feng very much and continued to work hard to build the reactor.

In my mind, the system prompts: "Assist Tony to complete the task of manufacturing the reactor, and reward 50 ability points."

Lin Feng was extremely excited. After spending all 50 ability points on upgrading'Mechanical Technology', Lin Feng gained 6 skills again.

Skill 1: Perfectly refine metal and make super materials.

Skill 2: Perfectly design and manufacture electric circuit, chip.

Skill 3: Perfectly design and manufacture power systems such as engines.

Skill 4: Perfect design and manufacture of engine system.

Skill 5: Perfectly extract radioactive materials like 'palladium' to create a small nuclear reactor.

After gaining 5 more skills, now even without Tony, Lin Feng can create an Iron Man armor by himself.

Just help Tony make a good armor, after the task is completed, Lin Feng will get more ability points.

It is no exaggeration to say that when Iron Man creates a first-generation armor, Lin Feng can create a second-generation armor, and Lin Feng's technological ability will surpass Iron Man.