
Marvel’S Ability Integrate

Traveling through the Marvel universe, unexpectedly Awakening’s strongest super Ability absorbs and integrates the power of various Ability to stand on top of the world. Absorb Xingjue’s energy and control the power of the gods. Absorb the energy of Dark Phoenix and possess powerful Psychokinesis. Absorb the energy of the Hulk and possess the explosive power of infinite anger. … This is the story of a traverser who blasted Marvel and became a god!

oni_Wolf · 映画
5 Chs


Huang Feihua felt that it was necessary to experiment with his new Ability, spread his thoughts, and quickly connected to a tiny flying insect.

After Huang Feihua connected to this flying insect, his powerful spirit made him seem to be a worm. The wings flapped under the insect's instinct and slowly flew up. The high-speed vibration of the fan accelerated Huang Feihua up into the sky, feeling like he could fly. In the same way, the insect's eyes could not see clearly, but Huang Fei's spirit replaced his eyes.

Huang Feihua had a lot of fun, flying in the air and being at ease. This is the feeling of flying!

Wingsuit Flight can experience Flight, but most people are afraid to try it, and now Huang Feihua is really feeling Flight!

Consuming a lot of heat energy accumulated by the flying insects, this insect may have a hard time passing the winter.

Huang Feihua didn't care much. He was flying happily. Suddenly, Huang Feihua's spirit came out. It was a bat, Roar whistled by. Huang Feihua was in a daze. He was actually eaten?

After having fun, Huang Feihua put away his mood.

Calm down, Huang Feihua secretly warned himself not to be too light, not to be arrogant.

After Huang Feihua got the three abilities of mind-reading, mind-shifting, and laser, his mental power was constantly increasing. When his will grows to a certain level, the number of people who can pose a threat to him will gradually decrease.


Although Huang Feihua is now strong in spirit, he still lacks a lot in physical and energy emission.

Physically Huang Feihua is not the same as other Mutants. Physically, he is strengthened. His Ability is beyond ordinary people. Physically, he is still an ordinary person.

Huang Feihua now urgently needs to strengthen his physical Ability. He can use his will to make his body pure and healthy, strengthen bone density, weight and strength, but he can do nothing about his muscles and organs.

If you simply strengthen the weight and quality of the bones, it will cause imbalance in the bearing of the muscles and the bearing of the fascia, and people will feel wrong when they act!

I have to say that the mystery of the human body cannot be simply imagined for success. There are indeed many factors that need to be considered.

Huang Feihua counted the following abilities and Ability: energy pickup, integrate, will move, laser

Wing Steel Wolf is now indulging in the warmth of Silverfox, and Huang Feihua does not foresee long before he will be implanted in Adamantium.

In the early 1940s, Dr. MacLain was invited by the US government to develop Adamantium alloy. He accidentally discovered an extraterrestrial metal, which was harder than previous metals. Later, he fused iron with Vibranium of Wakandan (the hometown of Black Panther), which became the hardest alloy material known. This alloy material was immediately used on Captain America's shield, but people didn't know how hard it was. Dr. MacLain didn't know how to copy this material or how to copy Captain America's shield.

In the decades that followed, Dr. MacLain tried to replicate this metal, but failed. In the end he found that it was impossible for him to copy. In the end, he worked out the steps to make a real Adamantium alloy.

Only the United States and other allies have Adamantium alloy synthesis methods. But this secret recipe still fell into the hands of some criminals.

In order to deal with ** Germany, the US government has specially developed a serum called "Super Soldier". This serum can improve soldiers' physical strength, speed, endurance and willpower. Although the protagonist Steve Rogers aspired to join the army, but unfortunately he was rejected because of his skinny body. The military lobbied Steve to participate in the "Super Soldier" experimental program. Although knowing that this experiment is very dangerous, it is the only opportunity to work for the country, so Steve is determined to accept the experiment as this project.


The experiment was very successful, and Steve turned from a scrawny young man into a super soldier with a strong back. However, shortly after the experiment was successful, all the people and materials related to the experiment were destroyed by a spy from Germany. Only Steve escaped, so the "Super Soldier" project was also shelved. The US government officially named the only super soldier CaptainAmerica (Captain America). Steve began the journey of promoting good and punishing evil.

If Huang Feihua can steal those metals and make a shield made of Adamantium, this can block more than 90% of the attacks in Marvel movies!

Reminiscent of Captain America's Vibranium shield, Huang Feihua wanted to get the shield up, as well as the batch of Vibranium smuggled by Black Panther and his uncle, the Vibranium mecha used by the Hornets, the Vibranium body that Ultron beat for himself... Huang Feihua thought These eyes are all green.

Huang Feihua read the book leisurely, slowly collecting Mystique's energy, and integrating out Mystique Ability at any time. At the same time, he began to arrange mercenaries to monitor Wolverine, ready to steal Adamantium at any time.

The ability of mercenaries is naturally no match for Wolverine and Stryker, but the movie world is not lacking in geniuses and geeks like the second-generation Ant-Man. In addition, Huang Feihua has made a lot of money. These mercenaries are well equipped, Wolverine And Stryker can't find it either.

Huang Feihua is stealing something from Streishi this time, which is very difficult and risky.

Huang Feihua is still very confident in those mercenaries.

Huang Feihua's leisure was quickly interrupted. Mystique's Ability was not half absorbed, and Mystique left. It is said that he was out looking for more Mutant students. Huang Feihua expressed helplessness.

Fortunately, after not charging energy, it will slowly dissipate, and Huang Feihua can also collect other abilities.

Huang Feihua wandered around the academy like a liar, looking for a more valuable Mutant Ability by the way.

Huang Feihua once taught them to fight the landlords in order to get close to Cyclops. Kurt was very reserved. He didn't confess to Qin, and Qin felt that he was not satisfied with his friends above Youda.


In order to prevent embarrassment, they found Huang Feihua together, played chess, played cards, and chatted. Waves of dog food were sprinkled. Huang Feihua was about to run away beside him. For Cyclops' Ability, they had to pretend to be happy...

"Hi! Brother, Jin invites us to have coffee." Kurt stood at the door with a look of excitement, and said to Huang Feihua who was lying on the bed in the room.

"Skurt, I won't go anymore, there is still something to deal with." Seeing Huang Feihua's unlovable look, Si Kurt shrugged and turned away.

Huang Feihua obtained and integrated Cyclops' Ability, but he never wanted to make Cyclops and Qin bulbs anymore.

Huang Feihua looked at Kurt and didn't seem very happy, but decided to help him as a reward for providing supernatural powers.

Lying down and said to Kurt: "S Kurt is not what I said about you. Obviously you are also interesting to Qin and you are also interesting to her. Everyone can see why neither of them confessed to me, and it hurts me to be caught in the middle. You have fully learned the subtleties of our Orientals. If you like it, just say it boldly. You can."

"Then... I also plan to confess to her tonight, isn't this taking you to be courageous." Si Kurt was so excited by Huang Feihua that he finally made a decision.

"I need your help, brother!"

In order to get it right forever, Huang Feihua readily agreed, put down integrate Ability first, and stayed by his side anyway, not afraid that there would be no Energy Absorption, and Huang Feihua would not be in a hurry for a while.

After figuring out the pros and cons, Huang Feihua turned around and took him to the extremely prosperous commercial street, helping Kurt choose a suit and tie, and help him buy flowers and so on.