
Marrying For Twisted Love In a Fantasy Novel

Paisley the heroine, looked at me with her eyes filled of tears. "Why did you marry him, when you don't even love him?" After betraying me she still has the mind to question me. I had made it clear to her that I no longer regarded her as my sister. "I love his body. I love his wealth. I love his influence. I love his power. So what in the hell, are you talking about?" "Such wicked things...you're so evil!" I smiled and came closer to her, staring dangerously into her eyes. "Being evil is the whole point of being the villainess" ____ This is the story of a villainess who has been betrayed by the heroine. The story of her revenge, and how she stole the male lead!

Queen_Adivonna · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 16

The Southern part of the Empire was known for it's mysteries back when the nation had just been founded. There had once been rumours that the most powerful families here in the South, were all associated with a witch, who blessed them with wealth and supernatural powers.

I'm not so sure about the witch and wealth part, but after my years of extensive research, I had come to understand a few mysteries and powers that existed in this world. I myself, wielded a magic of some sorts. This power of mine, is among my trump cards.

The power of hypnosis. This power enables you to control a person to do any series of actions you wished. All you need to do is stare into the eyes of the person you wanted to control and say your command.

This power was only possessed by those who inherited the special blood of the Deor family, and their rare dark purple eyes.

In the novel, this special power wasn't mentioned, so I was rather lucky to have discovered it the time I was ten years old.

You may think, I'm overly powerful right? Being able to control people to obey my every command just with a mere stare. But this power had some conditions you had to meet, before being able to hypnotize a person.

First of all, hypnosis could only work at night time. Secondly, hypnosis could not work on those who were strong minded or inherited even a small amount of the Deor special blood.

Thirdly, to use hypnosis, you had to have a very strong mind. If not, you could end up going crazy yourself. Fourthly, you had to be in a room with a lit candle.

The fifth condition, and being the biggest drawback was the fact that hypnosis could only be used three times, in every ten years. Even if the attempt to hypnotize a person was unsuccessful, it would still count as an act of using your power.

Therefore the power had become a rare opportunity. After discovering it when I was ten, I exhausted the three times limit for a decade and found some books that talked about the mysterious power.

I was currently twenty two years old. Ten years had passed and I had my three attempts for this decade.

Now I had used one attempt in trying to hypnotize father into signing to make me the heir of the Deor family.

I had suspected that it would be unsuccessful but I still wanted to make an attempt.

'Two more times remaining'

"Why not make me the heir of the Deor family? All you need to do is sign some papers" I asked sweetly.

Father clucked his tongue in contempt. "Then you'd kill me off once I've done so"

"Me? Kill my own father? Whatever makes you say so?"

"Please spare me your act"

My finger tapped father's desk impatiently. I stood up from the chair then went to the front of the desk, standing before father.

Due to me being shorter in height, he looked down at me, while I glared at him, not feeling intimidated even in the slightest.

We both glared at each other with hatred.

If not for the fact that he had to sign and affirm my inheritance, just as he had said, I would have ordered Harper to slice his throat a long time ago.

And the same went for him. He would have killed me a long time ago, if not for the fact he wanted to study my power of hypnosis.

"Is that why you don't want to affirm my inheritance because you're jealous of me? Jealous that your daughter possesses the powered of hypnosis which was sadly, not passed unto you"

He clenched his fist, as if he was going to punch me. But he didn't. He wouldn't. His eyes screamed to kill me. But he didn't. Not because he cared for me. But because if he was to harm me, or kill me, he'd be unable to study the power of hypnosis which he so much desired.

"You little b*tch!" Father cursed at me, earning my amusement.

"It's the truth. Despite possessing the Deor's purple eyes, you can't harness the power of hypnosis. It's a bit too sad"

Father got tired of our little 'glaring competition'. He sighed then ran his fingers through his light brown hair.

"If I had known you'd turn out to be a monster, I would have killed you the moment you were born"

"And if I had known that you'd be my father, I would have poisoned you to death while I was a child. Meaning that the family's name and wealth would automatically have gone to me"

'Honestly. At the time I was younger, I did not know that the Marquis was such a tough nut to crack!'

I stepped away from his front, allowing him to walk to his chair and sit on it.

Here we are. A pair of father and daughter, who absolutely hate each other, but need something from the other.

"Do you really want to hand over the family title to Cardin? Your nephew? Not even your own child....I thought you were the type to get obsessed with who exactly takes over from you. Cardin will ruin the Deor family. He doesn't have it in him to take over a family as great as Deor"

What I said was the truth. Cardin was not qualified in the least to be the head of the Deor family.

Father only stared silently at me. Not uttering a word. I continued in my speech.

"I guess you don't have a choice. Since you have a prejudice against female heirs. And the fact being that one of your daughters is a monster, while the other is plain stupid"

The stupid daughter was of course Paisley. While I, as labeled in his head, was the 'monster daughter'

He remained silent. I went on.

"I used to wonder, why not give birth to another heir? After all you don't have respect for your wife, mistress or household. That was why when I found out your 'condition' it all made sense to me"

Father could not remain silent and listen to me. He hit his hand on the table making a loud noise.

"Watch your mouth"

"You've been away in the capital for so long. I almost forgot that you don't like it when I talk about your 'condition"

With those words, I opened the door and left father who was in a rage, but could do absolutely nothing about it.

You may wonder what exactly is this 'condition' that father is going through. Well, to put it simply father is unable to have children ever since seventeen years ago. Meaning that Marquis Deor, my father, is impotent.


Then, I was a five year old child, walking through the hallway of the Deor mansion. I was passing by father's office. After making sure no one was around, I placed my ear on the door in order to enable me to hear the conversation in the room.

After being reborn as a child, I had a habit of eavesdropping on the conversation of adults, in order to be informed and aware of what was happening.

The novel didn't have much details about certain things. The main focus was on the romance between the male and female lead. I couldn't rely on some basic information, so I constantly sought out news about affairs in the mansion.

"There's no other way to cure you, sir" The conversation in the room caught my attention. I listened intently after making sure no one was around.

There was the sound of a loud bang, probably father hitting his fist on the table in anger; a sign that he was really annoyed. His tone seemed seething with complete irritation.

"There must be a way! I must have an heir...what about the relic of health?"

Everywhere became dead silent after that. I wondered what had happened. Suddenly I heard some footsteps coming towards the door, so I stealthily backed away. Acting as if I was just passing by, I glanced up at the door that opened. Father came out, I expected someone to follow, but to my surprise it was only him. And his office seemed empty....

For a moment we stared at each other. I then smiled sweetly at him, without breaking his gaze.

'Since you don't want to pass the family title unto me, I'll take it by force'

Maybe father had noticed the emotions that swirled in my eyes. The confidence which I used to look back up at him, as a five year old child. From the moment he refused to fall for my charms, to become one of my puppets, and tried to use me in an engagement for his own benefit, he became marked as my enemy.

I monitored his every move, and eventually found out his secret of being impotent.

"Pfft" I couldn't help but laugh upon finding out.


Marquis Samuel Deor, my father in this life. To me, he was the ultimate enemy. And he too displayed his animosity as I grew older.

Ever since I discovered the magical powers which had traces of existence in this world, I researched upon them and tried to covet them.

However, I had only been successful in using the power of hypnosis. According to myths, a few other families possessed their own supernatural powers.

'The Relic of Health' which I had heard father talk about, seemed to be an ancient artifact, according to history books. The search for magical artifacts was futile as none seemed to exist. But sometimes I wondered, what if someone else had gotten a hold of these? It wouldn't be good to make an enemy out of them. So all my magic related research had been done secretly.

Most of my activities, were done secretly. For example, up until recently did mother know of my business 'Wine'. Harper and Henry had begun to help me with operations a few years ago too. In the beginning, I had handled everything I did alone.

Anyways, back to my situation with father. I always had the feeling father had a secret backup plan. He didn't seem to have much care for Cardin. He rarely called in the young man for lessons on how to be the Marquis. That was why ever since I gained influence, I tailed all of fathers movements to find out whether he had an heir outside of home.

However none of my skilled watchmen had brought back any vital information. So I thought, maybe there was nothing?

Still, I couldn't be at ease. I knew the mind of my father, almost as if we shared the same psychology. I hate the bastard to death, he's the only one who keeps on standing in the way of all my plans. But, I can't deny the fact that we're too similar people.

I couldn't say I was any better than him. We were both ambitious people who would stop at nothing to get what we wanted. All our lives, was full of manipulating people to become one of our own.

'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?'

Although he seemed agitated by my threats, I could see a spark of confidence, even if it was only a glimmer, each time I spoke to him. His confidence had to stem from somewhere. He must have a backup plan. Maybe he had gotten the power of hypnosis?

I quickly shook of the thought.

'If he did, he would have killed me the moment he got back to the mansion'

The Marquis was rather impulsive. He wasn't a man of patience in any form. If he had gotten the power, he wouldn't hesitate to end me. Or has he given up on all his ambitions? Does he want to settle with his family here in the South?

"I have to find a solution. We can't stop now, when our plans are already in motion"

I recalled his words from when I was five years old. The father that I knew wasn't one to settle for less. He had plans which he had to accomplish. What were these plans? All my life, I have struggled in finding out the specifics but from the little things I have gathered, the Marquis, no, he doesn't deserve my respect for his title, father, he...seems to be part of the Empire's rebels.

The Deor name didn't seem to satisfy him enough. But still, he didn't want to throw the family away completely in case he needs support in the case of either failure or success. And he would take pride in having a son. A son, who was capable and would do all his bidding.

'Or is he now willing to settle for Cardin?'

If Cardin were to help, he'd surely make their plans fall apart. He was, well, what word, hmm, stupid. Yes. The young man was too stupid to involve himself in politics.

'And especially not a rebellion'

I truly wondered how father would act if I were to become Empress, before he can even stage a rebellion act.

'It would be nice to see him go crazy with anger. Or rather, jealousy'

Father's hate for me had stemmed from a deep jealousy. He was jealous that I possessed the Deor family power. Things like this always upset him. Imagine if I were to rule the Empire? He'd hate me even more. The fact that I would hold a seat higher than him. That I would be referred to, as a ruler of the nation. He might run mad with anger. Haha. I'm suddenly excited for my wedding with Nathan!

'Be calm Adrianna. You have some little things to finish up, before you'll become Empress'

What things? Someone like me always has a bit of some 'errands' to run before they can have their happy moment. You know, evidence to fabricate, names to destroy, deaths to cause. The usual.

I suddenly felt a light tap on my shoulder, making me, snap out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I looked up at Henry, who's expression seemed a bit disturbed.

"Well, lady. I noticed something strange"

I turned to face him properly to watch as he spoke. "What is it?"

"It's about Paisley's mother, Lady Ashley"