
Marrying For Twisted Love In a Fantasy Novel

Paisley the heroine, looked at me with her eyes filled of tears. "Why did you marry him, when you don't even love him?" After betraying me she still has the mind to question me. I had made it clear to her that I no longer regarded her as my sister. "I love his body. I love his wealth. I love his influence. I love his power. So what in the hell, are you talking about?" "Such wicked things...you're so evil!" I smiled and came closer to her, staring dangerously into her eyes. "Being evil is the whole point of being the villainess" ____ This is the story of a villainess who has been betrayed by the heroine. The story of her revenge, and how she stole the male lead!

Queen_Adivonna · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 17

"What happened with Paisley's mother?" I inclined my back to the chair, resting my elbow on the armrest.

"I noticed something strange" For Henry to draw something to my attention like this, it meant it was important.

"Go on"

"Ever since the Marquis left, the Madam changed all the maids serving her. It was foolish of me not to bring this to your attention earlier, as I know the lady looks into even the smallest details" He bowed in an apology and I forgave his mistake, more interested in what information he had.

Henry cleared his throat before continuing. "Last week, I discovered she had been sending her maids to town to deliver letters"

Just like always, he took a pause, letting me digest his words.


"The letters are addressed to a relative, however I thought, if the Madam desires to send letters, why not use the postman?" Henry took a pause as he reached for something in his pocket and brought it out. It was a paper.  "The matter had piqued my interest. So, I sent someone to tail the maid"

He slid the piece of paper on the table in front of me. Immediately, I reached for the paper and raised it to my face, reading the content in it.

'Guild of Magic. We'll solve all your problems with our powers'

It was a flier for a guild. A magic guild at that. Upon being reborn to this world, I had taken an interest to these magic guilds, just to be disappointed that they were all shams. Magic did not exist in this world. That is, if you set aside the powers surrounding the main characters and high ranking nobles. But these powers were not made known to the public. Only a few, which I am a part of, are aware about the rare mystical powers.

'Magic guilds' were just a means of swindling the foolish who believed in supernatural forces such as magic. They performed some staged trick and owe the mysterious action to some high power.

"The Madam frequently sends letters to this guild and not some relative. Also, I discovered she'd sold lots of her jewelery and given the profits to the guild"

"That's rather odd" I had no other way to put it. Most people knew that magic guilds were scams. They weren't even popular like they were in the past. Giving to one, seemed ridiculous.

Had she discovered something related to magic? It wasn't totally impossible that she hadn't. The South had so much traces of magic. Besides, I never ruled out a probability.

'If she has gained some knowledge concerning magic, then I must get my hands on it!'

Pulling me out of my thoughts, Henry spoke up. "Currently my aim is to get my hands on one of the Madam's letters. Normally, this would be easy, but the maids under her care seem to be efficient"

"I believe you're more efficient, Henry. If not, I wouldn't entrust you with so much"

Whenever I put emphasis on some words, and flashed a sweet a smile, while assigning a task, it would mean that I was counting on you. And if you were to mess up....well, let's say, Henry wasn't one to make mistakes, so he'd probably not find out the outcome.

Henry has always threaded cautiously when carrying out assignments. He was smart and careful in all his actions. Traits like these, I valued in my subordinates.

"Investigate this magic guild and bring a detailed report to me" I said, setting the flier aside.

"Yes my lady. I've already began looking into it"

"Great. Good job"

With a wave of my hand, I dismissed him and he exited the room.

I made a mental note to personally investigate Ashley Deor's behavior, her sudden interest in magic and absence by myself. She hadn't even come out to greet father yesterday, which was rather discourteous seeing that the rest of the family did.

At the moment, I was busy studying something about magic in a book. The sun had barely risen, but I decided to start today early. Everyday I learnt something new and was able to separate myths from reality, with a little help from Nathan.

Speaking of Nathan, I haven't heard from him for the past week. He was probably busy with the ending of the war, with our neighboring Empire. It had been a bit of a surprise to me that he had been able to sneak out almost everyday, and come laze around with me in the mansion despite the war which he was participating in.

Although, those around him would think otherwise, I knew Nathan was not the patriotic Crown Prince that he was deemed to be. Don't get me wrong, he was hardworking. He even overworked himself many times. However, loyalty and love for the Empire? Ha!

The first time I had met him, he had hate towards the Empire and everyone in it. To talk about unending loyalty, which the Emperor is supposed to have for his people, well....

'The world extremely him messed up. Who am I kidding? I further corrupted him'

Some days were like this. I would think about the past, that had led me up to this point, and with a self-loathing smirk, I'd wave off the feeling.

I had played and manipulated people my whole life as Adrianna. So many lives had been ruined for my own desires. I wasn't a total monster to not think back some days. Would I one day come to regret it all? If such were to happen, I doubt my pride could let me admit to it.

But me not being a total monster, doesn't make me any saint. Whenever I imagined the power I currently possessed, and thinking about me becoming more powerful in the nearest future; It took me barely a second to identify the rush of thrill inside me, the drumbeat of my heart. I'd stop at nothing to get to the top.

My past had made me a power hungry monster. However, blaming my past would be such an excuse. Well at least to me. Sure, the past had moulded my behavior, but all the decisions I make are by my current self.

I closed the book I had been reading. The words suddenly appeared all jumbled and sprawled down. Like the writings, or rather, scribbling of a one year old. These complicated thoughts made me loose focus. It was pointless to go on reading if I could no longer comprehend the content.

Drawing a deep breath in, I stood up from where I sat and decided to leave my room. To take a little walk around the mansion.

Servants bowed in greetings as I passed by. I acknowledged them, and told them there was no need to. I just wanted to quietly observe a few things.

My feet carried me to the kitchen. The smell of cooking food wafted in the air and filled my nostrils.

One thing workers of the Deor mansion did not joke around with, was the meals served. Whenever guests observed their meals in the mansion, they would always leave words of praise towards the chefs good skills. 

They were especially professional in today's breakfast since the Marquis was back. If things weren't done to his satisfaction, a lot of servants would end up being punished.

And I have to say, father is very extreme in punishing his servants. Despite these extremities, so many commoners in the South were eager to work at the mansion. Everyone knew about the high pay workers received here. Money really did buy the loyalty of people — to a certain extent, at least.

The people in the kitchen halted their activities, as they saw me coming in.

The head maid, came forward with a polite smile. "Greetings lady. What brings you here?"

Before replying her, I observed the area, and the faces of everyone. "I just felt like coming here. I'd also like some biscuits with coffee"

I noticed the way her eyebrows furrowed at my words. But her polite smile was still plastered on her face. Almost as if, it was stuck there. "The lady doesn't need to come to such a place if she wanted that. It seems like I'll have to punish your personal maid, Harper, for always slacking off"

Although no one said anything, I could see the looks of approval others in the kitchen gave to head maid, at the mention of punishing Harper.

"There will be no need for that. Harper is my personal maid and I assign her to some tasks"

"But, she is slacking off. It's my-

"Head maid, I do not have the time for such a banter. We've had a similar discussion like this in the past. Harper is slacking off, only when I say she is slacking off"

It has always been obvious all the other maids envied Harper. Probably because she got superb treatment working under me, and was barely assigned to labouring tasks. Unknown to them, Harper had quite the workload. She acted as my sword; Cutting down any of my enemies in the shadows.

"This should be the last time I hear of this topic"

Dismissing the Head maid with my words, I strode deeper into the kitchen and towards the oven. I heard her mutter something. I gave her one look and decided to ignore her. For now, at least.

The servants by the oven bowed low to me in greetings.

"What's this?" I asked, pointing at the table top, which had already cooked food placed in a tray.

The servants looked up at what I inquired about. Seeing how they looked at each other, as if trying to pass across some message, they were obviously hesitating to answer my question, before one of them said.

"It's the meal for the Madam"

'The Madam' was Paisleys mother, father's mistress, Ashley, who resided in the mistress' quarters. Recalling Henry's words from a few minutes ago, I pried further.

"Why is her meal being made separately? A special meal?" I played dumb and asked acting like I was offended, when in truth I figured that she wasn't going to attend today's breakfast.

"No-no" The servant stuttered as they searched behind me.

The Head maid stepped forward and said. "The Madam is not feeling well, so she won't be attending the breakfast" The polite smile had returned to her face. It would be hard to believe she was talking about Harper with such a venomous gaze a few seconds ago.

"How unfortunate" I shook my head, as if saddened about the news. "I hope she recovers soon. Staying locked up in her quarters isn't good. I've barely seen her these past months. I'd love to have her over for tea, sometime soon....."

I took a long pause, acting as though I was thinking about something before I finally said. "Head maid, please relay my concerns to the Madam"

"Yes, my lady" She said, with a slight bow.

The servants expected me to leave, thinking that I was done, but I still stood in the kitchen, my arms folded. They carried on with their work for a few minutes. Their discomfit was evident, but no one could chase me away as that would be rude.

It took a while of watching me standing in the kitchen, before the Head maid finally opened her mouth. "My lady? Is there an issue?" Her tone was so polite that I could not point out any fault in her questioning tone.

"Obviously. I had come here for a plate of biscuits and a cup of coffee. Yet, no one has attended to me"

The Head maid seemed to remember I had said this before. She ordered a servant to place my request in a tray as her face turned a bit red with embarrassment.

The servant offered to carry it back for me, but I firmly refused. So, with a tray which held coffee and a plate of biscuits, I exited the kitchen and went back to my room.

I noticed Cardin trudging through the hallways. He'd been rather quiet during the past few weeks. It seems like he's been keeping to himself and barely comes out of his room.

Sometimes, it felt strange to me how he didn't even show any interest in being the Marquis' successor. Did he know of father's true plans? I doubted. Father and Cardin rarely ever made any exchanges. I also monitored Cardin's movements with the aid of my spies. That was why his daily schedule always left me flabbergasted.

No socializing amongst nobles. Only a few friends who he visited rarely or sometimes went out with. No attempts to invest in business. My spies informed me that he blew it all off at private parties. No classes on intellectual topics. Not even basic Economics and Philosophy! All high ranking nobles had to be involved in such an education. Even Olivia and Paisley took classes every week.

Cardin, the supposed future Marquis Deor of the South, had no qualifications whatsoever. Didn't everyone have a redeeming quality? I could point out one in everyone, even in father and Paisley.

However, even as I stare at Cardin right now, nothing comes to mind.

'Could it be that he doesn't want to be Marquis? But, who wouldn't want power?'

It was rather hard for me to believe he was satisfied with his current condition. Who would want to be in the precarious condition of living as a "scarecrow heir"? I'm sure he had heard of the title nobles in the South had given him.

I watched as he walked, dragging his feet on the floor, as if his shoes were too heavy. He probably didn't notice me because he took a sharp turn and moved into a room. Probably the music room.

I went on my way with the plate of cookies and cup of coffee, in hand. Upon getting into my room I locked the door behind me.

"I brought biscuits and coffee. Figured you'd want it"

There was a moment of silence. Only the sound of the key turning in the lock hole. I turned around after making sure the door was perfectly secured.

"That sounds nice" The husky, masculine voice reverberated in the room. The morning sun from outside, shone on his figure – outlining his figure which looked leaner within just a week of not seeing him.

Setting down the tray unto the table in front of him, memories flashed in the back of my mind. Memories from when he used to eat meals in my room all the time, just like this.

"How did you know I'd come?" Nathan asked, before picking up a biscuit and munching on it.

"I just knew" It was the truth. Something told me he'd come today. Although I didn't expect him to be here this early. As I looked at him, I could see my reflection in his silver eyes. It made me turn away slightly. "You seemed to have been quite busy"

He sipped on the coffee then wiped his mouth. "Nothing I can't handle. The war will be over by tomorrow"

"What makes you so sure?"

"I threw in a little bait. The illegitimate prince will turn on his father and brothers. I promised to help him become Emperor, in return he'll promise allegiance to our Empire. Dragging out the war any longer might make me go mad!"

As he told me all about the war, I sat on the chair that faced his. He went on about details about the war. Things that wouldn't be put in the daily newspapers.

The tiredness and stress was evident as the dark circles under his eyes seemed to move with each of his facial expressions. The gauntness of his cheeks were outlined as he chewed on the biscuits. Still, despite his paleness, he still looked rather handsome.

As expected of the male lead. Only main characters can look this good while looking sleep deprived. Pardon me, but I still can't help but admire Nathan's visuals from time to time.

"Anyways. Enough of boring talk. I have a gift for you" Crossing his legs, a smile played on Nathan's lips.

"What is it?" This had made me really interested. A gift from Nathan would be worthwhile.

"It's a surprise" He said, with a wide grin.

Controlling the feeling to demand an answer to satiate my curiosity, I urged him. "Tell me! You know I hate surprises"

The edges of his mouth were stretched in a sly manner as he looked at me with a dangerous glint in his eye.

"I didn't want to spoil it, but if you insist...." Since he was done, he pushed the empty biscuit plate aside. He then dug his hand into his pouch, which was slung on his shoulder. His hand roamed around the bag, seeming to search for something.

"Aha" He had gotten his hands on the object he looked for. Wrapping his fingers around it, he pulled out a silver dagger which was drenched in now dried up blood.

The dagger was dropped unto the table with a heavy thud. I could guess the dagger had been used to end the life of some person. He had probably stabbed them in the stomach. Or maybe the heart. Nathan did like ending fights quickly.

"Is this the gift?" A bloody dagger didn't interest me much. I could ask Harper to get one, smeared with the blood of any one of my enemies, if I truly desired to behold the sight. I knew this couldn't be it, as I saw the way how his eyes were alight with excitement. He seemed like a child excited to go play outside.

"Of course not! Who gives someone a bloody dagger as a gift?" Leaning forward, his head in a hand, his smile was beautiful. "Your gift is a bloody corpse"