
Marked by the Heartless Alpha

“Don't tell me you weren't fantasizing about what it would feel to be with a beast like me?" He asked as he stepped forward towards her. With every step he took, she took a step back. Her throat dried up and her lips felt patched as she didn't miss his dark gaze. The way he growled as he moved towards her. And with every step, the small hope that he would leave her alone died. As he corned to the wall, Her human form held no chance against his magnificent beastly feature. His muscles frayed and his eyes slowly changed color as if he was trying so hard to keep his wolf contained. His hands slowly approached her hips, brushing gently, yet seductively making her gasp. His gaze darkened and he slowly leaned over as his teeth grazed her neck. A moan escaped her lips and she leaned her head away to give him more access to her neck. “Answer me!” His voice vibrated around her neck. Her chest heaved up and down and she tried to calm herself as he whispered, "You are mine, Hazel." “No, I am not. Because I am in love with your brother and I belong to him!" She tried to protest but he growled and pinned her to the wall. “You are my Mate. You belongs to only Me. You are Mine." He growled with his gaze on her. ~~~ Dylan is a beastly man who holds power in his pack. He is cold-blooded, and a Cruel, Heartless Alpha of the Diamond pack. He is so frightening that no girl dares to approach him, and anyone that dares, all die terrifyingly. But suddenly, the same cold and Heartless Beast gets attracted to a Human Girl who was sold to him by her mother and stepfather, that turned out to be his mate! Her strong-willed attitude attracts him so much that he cannot wait to pounce on her. Hazel who hated Dylan to the depths of her heart, didn't want to get close to him at all, and she was in love with his step-brother, Austin who is a Beta in Diamond Pack. Austin would do anything to make her, his again even after finding out that she is Dylan's mate. The fates of the three people are scripted so differently, How will she handle their love, and who would she accept? ... Warning: Highly Mature Content.

PayalSinghRajput · ファンタジー
244 Chs


The sudden knock on the door disturbed the three people in the room. 

Ryan looked up at Emmett making him get up and walk towards the door.

Emmett opened the door and saw the maid.

"Yes?" Emmett asked.

"Alpha is home." The maid said and Emmett took a deep breath.

"Alright." Emmett replied and the maid nodded, turning around, she walked away from there.

"Dylan is home." Emmett said as he closed the door.

"Hazel too?" Ryan asked.

"Of course, she will be too!" Emmett answered.

Emmett and Ryan looked down at Cathy and saw her lost in her own world. 

"Cathy." Emmett called making her look up at him 

"Umm... Yeah?" Cathy asked as she looked at them both.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked and Cathy nodded her head in yes.

"Yes... Umm... Yes. I am." Cathy answered.

"Dylan and Hazel are home." Emmett replied making her blink her eyes at him.

"Ohh?" Cathy asked.