
Mark the One

Yumi received a love letter signed by Mark, her crush. However, Mark denies writing it, leaving her curious about the true sender among those Mark. Determined to win Mark's heart, Yumi teams up with her classmate Dominic, crafting a clever scheme to make Mark fall deeply in love with her. Together, they hatch a clever plan to make Mark fall head over heels for Yumi. As their scheme unfolds, Yumi and Dominic find themselves growing closer, blurring the lines between friendship and something more.

Mi_Ju_Xiao · 若者
3 Chs



As I walked through the gates of my campus on Valentine's Day, I could feel the excitement and love in the air. The entire place was transformed into a vibrant celebration of romance and affection. The sight that greeted me was nothing short of enchanting.

Colorful food stalls lined the pathways, enticing me with their mouthwatering aromas. The air was filled with the scent of freshly baked pastries, sizzling grilled meats, and fragrant flowers. It was a feast for both the eyes and the senses, and I couldn't help but be drawn towards the lively hustle and bustle.

I made my way to the photobooths, where couples and friends were posing happily, capturing memories to cherish forever. The backdrop was adorned with heart-shaped balloons and glittering decorations, adding a touch of whimsy to each snapshot. I couldn't resist joining in on the fun, grabbing props and striking silly poses with my friends.

Nearby, the love letter booths stood proudly, offering a chance to express one's deepest emotions on paper. I watched as people penned their heartfelt messages, pouring their love onto the pages. It was a beautiful sight, witnessing the raw emotions and the power of written words to convey affection and appreciation. I couldn't resist the urge to write a letter myself, a declaration of gratitude and love to someone special in my life.

Dear Mark,

You might already know who I am and how much I had interest towards you. But the first time I heard you play the violin in front of the class, my heart raced, and I couldn't help but fall for you.

Your smile and laughter have a way of brightening my day, and it got me thinking—why don't we combine our musical talents? I envision a beautiful duet, with you on the violin and me on the piano.

I understand this idea may seem unusual or even cheesy, but I want you to know that I would be a devoted and loyal partner to you. I'm curious about your future plans and which organization you might join. If the opportunity arises, I would love to be a part of it alongside you.

With love, Yumi

I stood there, heart pounding, clutching the carefully folded letter in my trembling hands. This was it—the moment I had been waiting for. After pouring my feelings onto the paper, I had finally mustered the courage to share my emotions with Mark.

Approaching the booth, I handed the letter to the friendly staff member. Their smile reassured me as they assured that it would reach its intended recipient. My heart felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness as I watched the letter disappear into the depths of the booth.

A wave of relief washed over me, knowing that I had taken the first step in revealing my true feelings. It was a vulnerable act, but I believed it was worth the risk. Mark deserved to know the impact he had on my life.

Leaving the booth, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held. Would Mark feel the same way? Would he be moved by my words, as I had been moved by his violin performance? The uncertainty was both exhilarating and terrifying.

As I walked away, I carried a glimmer of hope in my heart. Regardless of the outcome, I knew I had been true to myself and had bravely expressed my affection. Only time would reveal the answers to the questions that lingered in my mind.

For now, all I could do was wait, hoping that my heartfelt words would touch Mark's soul and perhaps lead us down a harmonious path together.

As I continued my exploration, I stumbled upon the confession studio—a cozy space filled with soft lights and comfortable seating. Shy individuals and courageous souls alike gathered there, ready to pour their hearts out. It was a sanctuary for those wanting to confess their feelings, free from judgment and surrounded by support. The room was filled with a mix of anticipation, nervousness, and hope—a symphony of emotions that echoed through every conversation.

Throughout the day, I soaked in the atmosphere of love and connection, witnessing the beauty of human emotions in their rawest form. The campus had transformed into a haven for lovebirds, friends, and individuals searching for a chance to express themselves. It was a day filled with laughter, joy, and maybe even a few tears of happiness.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden glow across the campus, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the experience. Valentine's Day at the campus had been a magical celebration, reminding me of the power of love and the beauty of human connections. It was a day I would treasure, a memory etched in my heart forever.

Upon returning home, a sight awaited me at the doorstep—an intriguing letter. Eagerly, I reached for it and discovered that it was from none other than Mark himself. Excitement coursed through me as I anticipated the contents of his message.

My Dearest Yumi,

In the realm of beauty, you reign supreme,

A symphony of grace, a vivid dream.

Your presence, like a melody, sets my heart ablaze,

As I navigate life's winding maze.

Your long wavy hair, a cascade divine,

Frames a face with features so refined.

Beige skin, a canvas kissed by the sun,

Radiant and glowing, a vision undone.

But it's your eyes, oh, how they enchant,

Windows to a soul I long to grant,

With every gaze, a story unfolds,

A tapestry of emotions, untold.

Yet, your allure transcends mere appearance,

For within you resides remarkable brilliance.

A pianist, your fingers dance on ivory keys,

Creating melodies that put souls at ease.

A track and field athlete, swift and strong,

You conquer hurdles, proving you belong,

In the realm of determination and might,

A testament to your spirit's endless flight.

And when you sing, your voice unfurls,

Like a nightingale, enchanting the world.

Each note, a brushstroke of purest art,

Captivating all, touching every heart.

Yumi, you are a masterpiece complete,

A combination of talents rare and sweet.

In your presence, I find inspiration anew,

For my heart beats solely for you.

With love that knows no bounds, Mark

My heart leaped with joy as I devoured every word. A love letter, penned by Mark, had found its way into my hands. In this moment, I couldn't help but to freak out! I swear, I must be the luckiest person alive today. Can you believe it, dude?

I carefully placed the letter inside a frame, right next to the portrait I had sketched of Mark's face. It felt bittersweet, a memento of a moment that once held so much hope and excitement.


The next day, as I entered the classroom, I couldn't help but greet Mark with a big smile as I passed by him. To my surprise, my classmates erupted in cheers, knowing all too well about my long-standing crush on him since the start of our classes. The mixture of excitement and embarrassment had me blushing from ear to ear.

"So, what do you say? Wanna team up for a duet?" I mustered up the courage to ask, hoping for a glimmer of enthusiasm from him.

"Well, um...about that..." He hesitated, stealing a quick glance at our classmates, clearly unsure of how to respond.

"Well, imagine my shock when I thought you had a thing for me too," I continued, my heart racing with anticipation.

"What? Who said that?" He looked genuinely perplexed, his brows furrowing.

Hold on a second. Is he pretending he didn't have anything to do with that letter?

"You penned me a heartfelt poem," I revealed, feeling a wave of embarrassment washing over me.

"What? I never even replied to your letter," he exclaimed, causing a mixed reaction among my classmates, with a few suppressed chuckles here and there.