
Mark of the Jackal

Nothing is as it always seems.... Betrayal disguised as "Protection".... A ragtag band of mercenaries are the closest thing to a family.... Creatures forever feared are sometimes misunderstood.... Old wounds... heal.... Nothing is as it seems... This is a lesson I learned the hard way, and one that keeps me alive.... The world of Aquera has always been drowned in the tides of war even during times of utter peace. Bloodshed is woven into the fabrics of this magical world filled with a number of denizens both human and monster. Cities fall while kingdoms rise just to crumble in a number of years. Alas, our story doesn't follow these confines. Our story follows the beginnings of a future king destined to bring an end to this cycle...or the world itself......

JWhite_9988 · ファンタジー
49 Chs


I walked through the gates of the small prospering town known as Siegfried after several long months away.

Though abandoned collapsed buildings outnumbered its residences, Siegfried still felt like a small city compared to the nearby villages of Clearbell and Quickwharf.

The plethora of fields laced in golden grain have been my home going on five years now.

Siegfried was one of the few places where a bustling world was overlapped by the calm breeze that danced through the trees of the outlining forest.

Even now, the breeze brings the pleasant air of life within Siegfried's heart.

I smiled as two children were kicking a ball to one another while their parents tended to their wares or simple mundane labors that needed to be done for the day.

Past memories tickled my mind but were quickly buried once more before taking a complete hold.

Sighing, I saw an old seamstress bow her head when our eyes met before going back to the final trimming only to be followed by several others when I passed.

Such a greeting was misplaced on a person like me but they continued to give it for whatever their reason.

Bringing me from self loathing, I felt the ball nudge my foot and bent down to retrieve it before handing it to a blonde haired girl smiling a toothy grin.

Nearing one of the outer Inns, I saw a woman dressed in a finely made crimson gown and velvet shawl that only those of wealth could afford barking orders at three servants clad in tattered dust ridden clothes.

She stood all marvelous as they struggled to unload everything from a carriage decorated in fine rubies and lined with thin traces of gilded patterns engraved across the white marble.

Seeing nobility such as the woman reminded me of the pampered asses that gambled their wealth on the lives of those they deemed beneath them out of mere enjoyment or boredom.

I smiled when the urge to startle the white mares hitched to the carriage came to mind alongside the image of the distraught noble running to catch them.

Though it was very tempting, I refrained myself and reconsidered the innkeeper's livelihood which had suffered from my childish attempts to get even. 

Kicking a pebble to the side, I continued down the dirt road which ran through the center of town for about five or so minutes before stopping in front of a well loved tavern known as Raven's Claw.

The owner was one of the several beastmen that called Siegfried home who went by the name of Joan O'Shea or Momma Joan by most.

Momma Joan was a Vulpes which have varying characteristics of foxes.

It was important to understand that beastmen tend to come in two categories that have completely different mindsets and appearances.

Momma Joan for instance belonged to the most common category known as Daonna which have a more human appearance.

Along with being the owner, Momma Joan was also one of the founders that first settled in Siegfried after the tides of war burned out.

She was a pillar in making the town well respected to all races that roam Aquera along with the aid of the other three elders that watch vigilantly over their people.

Most would be afraid of beastmen from the stories told about them during the war but here they were simply tall tales though some stories were true.

The war was fought between all the races that called Aquera home from the adaptable humans to the egotistical elves though some stories often depict a däemon or two in the mix.

Nonetheless, it was a war that ended with a treaty of peace being forged.

I was about to enter Raven's Claw when a small voice yelled my name, "Jackal!!!"

Turning, I found a small boy in his fifth winter bounding toward me with a wide smile on his face.

The folds of his white cloth shirt blew with the breeze as he ran toward me while his short brown wavy hair danced from the rush.

The boy's blue eyes seemed to glimmer in the setting sun when his freckled face began to come clear underneath the hood I wore.

A little wolf pup ran beside him.

The pair were inseparable ever since I had brought the pup to the boy's family to be tended to after finding it barely able to defend itself. 

Kneeling down, the little pup placed its two front paws on my chest and continued to lick my chin. I chuckled between foul smelling licks, "It's good to see you as well Dutch." 

I turned to the lad and ruffled his hair, "The same goes to you as well Aron. Tell me, how have things been since my departure? How are your studies coming along?"

Aron Rowan Williamson was the lad's name and his family were among the first ones, besides Momma Joan, to accept me as a member of Siegfried despite my extreme tendencies.

The Williamson's were one of the first families to settle here after its establishment starting with Aron's grandparents.

That being the case, Aron's father was a man by the name of Luther Bjorn Williamson who ran the bakery which sat diagonally across from Raven's Claw.

His mother on the other hand was a woman named Marie Theodora Williamson who helped Momma Joan as a waitress in the tavern and second in command while she's away.

Together all three of them were family.

Aron pushed my hand off his head, "There are people here looking for you, knights from Ironclad! Father told me to warn you." 

Looking to the side, I found Luther standing near the entrance of his shop staring at me with arms crossed over his chest.

His pepper grey hair gleamed like the jewels adorned on the noble woman's carriage from before.

A collared red shirt hung loosely around his broad chest hiding a body used to labor while a dusted black apron hung tightly around his neck.

His black pants were tucked into his brown shoes so that they wouldn't get caught on things as he worked.

Just by observing his hands, I knew he was rubbing the silver wedding ring he wore whenever his mind was troubled.

I found a worried expression smeared on Aron's face after nodding my thanks to Luther. Placing a hand on his shoulder, "Everything will be fine Aron. I promise you that much." 

Tears formed in his eyes, "Are they gonna take you away?" 

I couldn't say anything that would suffice Aron's worryful inquisitive eyes.

Ironclad was once my home when I was younger but my parting of it wasn't on the best of terms thanks to the so-called family that still lives there.

For years, I tried to stay on the move hoping none would realize that I had made a home in Siegfried.

I stayed away from here for months upon months just to keep those I called family safe and old grudges from resurfacing.

After going to extreme lengths to keep out of sight, it was a bit amusing to realize that all that time amounted to nothing in the end.

"Marie and I are worried as well," a low voice boomed behind us.

Sighing, I found Luther casting his six foot shadow over me with a worried expression. "There is nothing to be worried about. Now, did they say anything about why they are looking for me?" 

Luther looked back towards the doors of Raven's Claw then around us making sure our conversation remained private.

He spoke in a soft whisper, "The Beastdom may have something to do with their sudden arrival. I saw about four Beastmen wearing Breura's insignia and colors when they entered Raven's Claw an hour ago. I will say that Marie told me to warn you that one was a Lamia though she didn't know which tribe." 

He chuckled, "There were some other tidbits of information that you'll probably find out later." 

A smile pursed his lips, "Drunk lips are loose lips after all." 

From what I know, Breura is a thriving kingdom nestled in the heart of a large northern continent known as Vusta.

A foreign noble traveling so far from the confines of safety of Ironclad brought two immediate problems to mind.

My main concern was that a Lamia was here in Siegfried especially if it belonged to Her tribe.

Lamias are an amalgam monster that possess the upper body of a woman and the lower half of a serpent.

Most of their kind harbor innate magical capabilities that they willingly use alongside sharp claws and durable scales in battle. 

Putting that to the side, I focused on the second issue which was a combination of a theoretical problem bathing in the waters of a more personal matter.

The theoretical portion was the possible assassination attempt on the noble's life especially since we are a week's trek away from Ironclad.

I've heard stories about such a thing happening that resulted with the visiting noble's body being found stripped of everything.

To be honest, I really doubt anyone would try to do such a task here if they knew the rumors about Siegfried.

My concern came from the person sent to act as an escort upon the orders of Ironclad's king.

Luther's voice brought me out of my thoughts, "Jackal!?" 

With a small grin hoping to assure him, "I was just in my thoughts for a moment. I guess I'll go see Momma Joan." 

Luther nodded, taking hold of my extended forearm. "Without shadows there can be no light," he spoke the words with authority.

These words were used by my shadows to announce themselves to me or one another. Finishing the phrase, "and without light there can be no shadows."

I stood in the doorway of Raven's Claw which was a three story building: the basement where large barrels of mead and ale were kept cold, the main floor where all the magic happened, then the top floor where the bedrooms were located.

From the doorway, patrons would be greeted by the front desk where Momma Joan usually worked as she kept an eye on things.

She was the type to ask questions after throwing the more rambunctious patrons out without them realizing what happened.

Most patrons would instantly straighten up when they noticed Momma Joan had her eyes on them while others needed a firmer hand to guide them.

I was the one that tended to deal with most of these occasions though some would say my methods were a bit unorthodox.

Looking into the heart of Raven's Claw, I saw that most of the tables were filled with numerous people from different outcomes of life though my eye did fall on a table where a rowdy group dressed like sell swords sat.

I couldn't help but smile as all the hard work helping reorganize the walkways and spacing paid off.

I closed my eyes and took in the smells of freshly cooked meat tickling my nose each time the door to the full kitchen opened with a small creak of the hinges.

I felt hungry just from the aroma, but food could wait.

Right now all I wanted to do was get out of these clothes and have a bath to wipe away the months traveled.

I began the short climb up the stairs with that notion in mind when a familiar voice spoke, "Jackal?" 

Following the voice, I found a stout woman with peppered silver hair that was braided along the top like a crown before cascading to the middle of her back.

Her tanned beige skin glistened in the dim lighting making her blue eyes all the more noticeable.

She wore a blue dress underneath the customary black half apron.

A silver charm shaped like that of a heart dangled around her aged neck while a ring with a small crimson gem sat nicely on her right ring finger.

The woman was Marie Theodora Williamson and the second woman I considered like a mother on equal footing as Momma Joan.

She placed the small round tray she held on Momma Joan's desk before hurrying to meet me at the bottom step.

She wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug, "It's good to see you finally home." 

I chuckled as she proceeded to check for new scars and broken bones while bombarding me with questions, "Have you been taking good care of yourself? What have you been doing? Does it hurt anywhere? How was this trip?"

She placed her hands on my cheeks and asked the one question I didn't know the answer for, "Why are knights from Ironclad here looking for you?" 

I shrugged, "Truthfully, I just found out they were here from Aron and Luther before coming inside. They could possibly be looking for someone to do a job that they don't want to do themselves. Then again, that might be a stretch."

Marie placed her hands on her hips and gazed with a cocked stern gaze. Sighing, "I really don't know why they are her Marie." 

Marie stared at me for a few moments before taking in a deep breath, "I'll have to believe your word, for now. Anyway, Momma is at your table waiting to see you like usual. There is a mug of ale waiting for you and an order of your favorite is being prepared. Either Celeste or I will bring it when it's done." 

She gave me one more hug before retrieving the tray and disappearing back into the mob of people waiting to be served.

I casted an incantation with a flick of my wrist before making my way to the table without fear of being noticed.

As I traversed past several patrons and drunken hands, I spotted the knights from Ironclad sitting at one of the larger tables against the far wall while a few others stood guard.

I counted about eight knights fully dressed in the steel armor dyed in the colors of Ironclad drinking freshly poured mead.

Most looked to be fresh from the academy while the latter two that kept an ever cold gaze on the crowd were much older. 

I found two cloaked figures sitting among the group with their cowls fully over their heads allowing only the bottom of their mouths to be seen.

The first one was sitting between the Lamia and a Beastman with characteristics of a hare known as a Lepus like a protected child.

I watched one fool make his way over to the table but immediately turned away from one glance of the Lamia.

Aside from that, I found the second cloaked figure that sat at the table's edge with hidden eyes gazing toward the doorway more intriguing.

Though hidden, I saw the all too familiar mismatched eyes passing over me as I passed by without a second glance, or so I thought.

I discovered a Vulpes woman sitting at my table with her back towards me as she rummaged through a pile of papers.

She had long crimson gray hair that flowed elegantly down her back and tied together by three large beads near its apex.

Part of her right fox ear was missing while the remainder was a patchwork of scares gained during the terrible war forty or so years ago though that didn't affect her keen hearing, believe me.

It was just one of a few setbacks tucked away underneath the black billowy dress lined with strands of white she wore without fear of the past.

I envied that confidence to wear past trials like a badge of honor for everyone to gaze upon.

I softened my footsteps so that she wouldn't notice my approach. She spoke in a soft rough voice when I was directly behind her, "Sit down son, don't give me any lip." 

I gave Momma Joan a hug and a kiss on the cheek before taking the seat opposite her, "I'm home Momma." 

She retorted without looking from the pile of paperwork, "I can see that clearly just like I heard your footfalls despite your constant testing. I may be old but my senses are as sharp as ever. Bye the way, you really could use a bath." 

The two of us laughed together like we usually did upon my return home. She squeezed my hand, "I'm glad you're home but we must talk." 

Nodding, I took up the flagon of ale as Momma began to speak what was on her mind. "As you might have already been told," she gave a quick glance around us, "knights from Ironclad are searching for you." 

Taking a gulp of ale, "Luther mentioned something about it when I arrived."

I took a small sidelong glance toward the table, "I'm guessing the cloaked figure between the Lamia and the Lepus is our honored guest."

She nodded without looking back, "I believe you are correct; however, my foxes have identified several figures observing them from a distance when they first exited from Willow Walk."

"Probably someone new," I muttered absent mindedly, "I'm pretty sure the rouges around here know not to mess with us especially after what happened last time."

Momma Joan drank some water as she combed through what looked like inventory ledgers of next week's delivery. She agreed, "That very well could be the case judging by the noisy brutes acting like children but I don't know."

I took note of the flowing patrons hoping to change the subject to something more calming, "It seems business is as busy as usual. Are you and the others pacing yourselves?" 

She laughed, "Shouldn't I be the one asking that? After all, you're the one going from place to place doing gods know what." 

Momma had a valid point since what I did during my travels was very far away from the word safe.

I mostly took odd jobs that the Guild Master of the Adventurers Guild didn't deem relevant to keep on the job board.

In the time spent making my way to the applicant that contracted the jobs, I often found myself keeping an eye on the monster population that plagued the surrounding areas for bonus gold.

I sometimes even acted like a mediator between both monsters, those that are sentient, and humans which has proved to be useful.

This trip took seven months because of close ties formed with several monster settlements.

Momma Joan looked up from her papers with a worried expression, "With the news of several towns being razed to the ground and its people killed, I can't help but think Siegfried might be next."

She shook her head, "Some say it's the beginning of another war while others suggest a new band of scoundrels are trying to make a name for themselves."

I nodded in agreement when a thought hit me, "What if it was both? I mean you, father, and mother had told stories about how your commanders would sometimes hire local bandits to terrorize your enemy. So, it isn't unheard of."

Momma Joan chuckled as she put the papers to the side in a large leather-bound bag, "Anyway, let's change the subject. Where did you go this time? What wonders did you see?" 

I rolled my eyes, "I mainly stayed in the Shawcroft Forest along the Rothewich Mountain Valleys. Gru-Gru had invited me to festivities congratulating a finalized peace with one the other settlements. Plus, the monsters there are a little more of a challenge especially since their activity has grown much bolder than before." 

"Is there need to worry?" Momma Joan's voice was filled with alarm.

I was about to say something when Celeste came with a plate of Momma's famous meat pies served on a bed of white rice with a helping of roasted potatoes and garlic.

Celeste was a member of the Beastman race known as Nekojin which have the varying features of felines.

She worked hard like everyone in Raven's Claw for the age of seventeen and often rivaled Marie's experience.

Her light complexion amplified her gleaming yellow eyes overshadowed by obsidian slits.

Long flowing black hair was held by a bright blue band tied just behind her fluffy ears while her slender streamline tail fluttered about her frilly dark blue dress.

She was very sheepish when we first met and often ran away when I tried to properly introduce myself like I did to all the new staff Mama hired.

Such actions had often made me wonder if I had unintentionally done something to offend her.

It was several weeks after she started when Momma Joan told me about Celeste's past.

When she was very young, Celeste watched her tribe be slaughtered by a raiding group of Vaniel soldiers before being captured along with a few other survivors.

Her attitude toward me has improved after I put two drunken Vaniel nobles in their respective places for being too handsy though she is still untrusting of strangers.

She smiled showing the four dagger-like fangs, "Just how you like it Lord Jackal; not too bloody but not too well-done either." 

Shaking my head, "Celeste, we have been over this several times before. I am not a Lord and you are no longer a slave. So please, feel free to call me Jackal like everyone else does.

Celeste placed her hands on her hips and tilted her head, "I know that but it just feels right to call you Lord. After all, you saved m--"

I interrupted, "You forget, one time or another I have saved or helped everyone in Siegfried. None of them call me Lord Jackal so why should you?"

She rolled her eyes and swatted my cheek with her tail as she went back to work like she always did.

I understood why she felt so strongly about calling me that unwanted title but it was simply unneeded.

She feels obligated to name me as a lord as a sort of payment for simply putting rambunctious drunkards down.

Whatever the reason, I didn't feel nor need that damnable title to conjoin my name.

That part of my life had been swept underneath a metaphorical rug along with the memories of my time in Ironclad.

I shook my head as Momma Joan smiled, "I don't want to hear it." 

Momma Joan shrugged, "Still having trouble with women I see. I mean clearly she admires you." 

Looking at the roof, "Momma, I don't want to discuss this again." 

Momma Joan tilted her head with narrowed blue eyes and a grinned, "I'm just saying it is normal for someone of your birth to have more than one bride though I do wonder if you would say the same thing about Nyxis." 

The woman Momma Joan mentioned was a Ljósálfar, elf in layman terms, by the name of Nyxis Zumna Aquarius.

She ran Siegfried's only apothecary shop and had decent prices for the ingredients to make an assortment of remedies.

Most visitors made the trip to Siegfried just for a chance at purchasing one of her brews while others tried to employ her as a personal healer.

Her knowledge in apothecary was rivaled by her reservoir of knowledge when it came to magic.

The sole reason why Momma Joan brought Nyxis up was because there have been many nights where the two of us shared the same bed. 

I chuckled, "I hate you sometimes, you do know that."

I ate while listening to Momma Joan tell me of the things that happened this time around.

It was relieving to hear that most things that happened were mundane like drunkards trying to cop a field to visiting nobility barking orders.

She snickered when describing the times those noble's left with food plastered on their fine silks and followed by grinning servants.

She then mentioned a weird traveler dressed in a purple suit and feathered hat strumming his lute to melodious songs.

He was the life of Raven's Claw for a night or two before leaving a huge pile of gold behind on his way out.

When it was my turn to share, I told her the amazing sights seen from the tops of trees and the fishing hobbles filled with aquatic life.

I told her of Gru-Gru's tribe and what went on during my stay with them such as acting as an advisor for a peace treaty.

She always enjoyed my stories every time I came back home, especially when it included new recipes to try.

I was soon reminded that a familiar face wasn't at the gates waiting for me like usual.

Sounds of beating wings coming from above captured my attention in time to see a large raven dive toward me.

Black haze erupted from sleek feathers making the bird seem to be engulfed in blackish flames as it continued downward.

A black cat with amber eyes erupted from the haze and landed between us like nothing had occurred.

A smile grew as the cat stalked toward me and began to rub its head against my chest begging for long awaited attention.

As one could suspect, the creature was a monster in its own right called a Eodra and was possibly the last of its kind.

Though monsters are dangerous and its unclear why they exist, this Eodra was my familiar and closest friend for the longest time.

Petting Orion, I was about to continue our conversation when the sound of utensils and plates clattered to the floor sending the whole room into uneasy silence.

Celeste stood shaking with whitened knuckles clinging tight to the metal tray.

Food was caked all over her body to the amusement of the rambunctious group before her.

I watched as a man with a clean shaven head and chestnut complexion tower over her with a mug in hand.

He chuckled with his friends as he stared down at Celeste who remained silent as to not start a brawl.

"Here, let me help you," the man pour his tankard on her head to the enjoyment of his friends.

I shifted my gaze over to where the knights of Ironclad sat with dumbfounded faces watching the confrontation.

One of the younger knights got up from his seat and proceeded to walk toward the vagabonds to hopefully settle things peacefully only to be stopped by the nearest older knight who shook his head.

Knights swore to their king to defend his people in the long read stories of my youth; in reality, they were nothing but honored bandits.

My heart burned watching them do nothing even when all eyes were on them.

Even as laughter erupted on the wings of the clattering tray, none moved from that table.

"You bitch!" the man's yell instantly drew my attention. 

I watched as Celeste ran her claws down the length of his forearm before dodging backward from his other hand.

She lunged forward hoping to tear the man's throat out with no regard to her own safety.

One massive hand coiled around her small neck before lifting her off the ground like some doll.

With ego bursting with his comrades' laughter, he proceeded to grab a good chunk of cloth before pulling downward exposing her chest.

It was at this moment that I had seen enough from the immovable knights and the pieces of shits.

Momma Joan with fires blazing in her eyes nodded her head giving me permission to do what I did best, bringing fear.

Darkness consumed my vision for a brief second before returning to normal with the smooth handle of a misericorde rising from my cloak.

Flesh, bone, and muscle seemed non existent as the blade easily sliced through like a warmed blade against a slab of butter.

The motion was like a constantly flowing river churning against itself as it continued forward without anyone noticing.

Blood appeared from where I had cut as the weight of the blade returned to its hidden sheathe held close to the heart.

Celeste fell to the ground with the severed limb clutching tightly around her throat trying to take her with it.

Marie rushed to her side and pulled free the hand before tossing it to the side like yesterday's waste.

She breathed in the air like a starved pup finally finding a kind soul to feed it before continuing forward unaware of when its next decadent meal would be given.

A confused scream came from the man as he took a few steps back with a shocked face at the sudden realization of what happened.

I stood tall watching him tear a tablecloth from an occupied table and made an impromptu bandage.

The man doubled over to use his own body as a pressure point to try stopping the blood, "You'll pay for th—" 

I wrapped my hand around his throat just as he did Celeste cutting short his horrible attempt to intimidate.

He clawed at my arm trying to force my grasp open only to find that he was like a sword clutched tightly by a fallen warrior.

His nails continued to dig into my flesh even when his feet left the wood floor and drove through an unoccupied table.

He laid motionless in the splintered wreckage of wood and cloth gulping in large amounts of air to ease burning lungs.

I gazed at the man sprawled before me as thoughts roved in my mind as to what to do with him.

With one motion, a misericorde flew from its sheath and was buried deep into his right calf pinning him to the floor.

The blade he pulled from an unseen sheath skidded across the ground as he roared in pain only to be cut short by a boot to the gut.

The groveling mongrel continued to weep as I turned my attention to Momma Joan who quickly covered Celeste with a spare tablecloth procured from one of the nearby cabinets.

I could see tiny fires blazing fiercely in her eyes watching the man trying to pry himself free.

I then turned my gaze to Celeste who nodded her head answering the unspoken question asked by my concerned eyes.

I breathed a thankful sigh of relief that she was relatively unharmed unlike the bastard willowing in pain at my feet.

The sounds of chairs scraping across the floor filled my ears when their occupants finally broke free of their dazed euphoria.

Unfazed, I pulled another misericorde from my cloak and sent it hurtling through the air like an arrow freshly plucked from its quiver.

The blade cut through the air avoiding the many hindrances before ending with a loud thud.

Involuntary gasps of air escaped the twelve mongrels as they realized just how close one of them almost lost an important limb.

"Anyone makes another move," looking to the silver haired Vulpes whose manhood was nearly taken away, "and I'll aim higher."

No one uttered a word as fear began to take hold of their hearts until one was brave enough to ask, "M-may we sit?"  

I gave a slight nod and watched as those standing slunked back into their seats without much force. The mongrel at my feet roared in an angered voice, "Get off your asses and help me!! Jesper, kill this man!"

The mongrel who asked if they could sit retorted with a bowed head, "I won't cause harm to any of our men, Roland." 

I stood silently watching Roland strain to free himself by working the blade that bound him a little at a time until it was loose enough to pull out.

The image of an animal trapped in a snare waiting to be found and dispatched popped in my head as he continued his futile attempts to get free.

One thing was for certain, the mangy mongrel did have a stronger will than most of the cutthroats that found their way to Siegfried hoping for an easy target to ransack.

Such a strong will was needed to survive in harsh conditions that would make even the strongest weep after a week's torment.

I shared this strong will to survive that was forged in the fires of bloodshed at a very early age.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to apologize to the lady," I muttered, staring into Roland's eyes.

He growled with a toothy grin, "The hell I will. When I get free, two things are going to happen. First, I'll kill you and burn this place to the ground. Afterward, I'm taking her as my prize. She'll ke–" 

He screamed when another blade was driven deep into his left calf, "Tsk, tsk, tsk…good dogs should learn to listen!"

Placing my foot on the right hilt, I felt the blade slide even further into his leg from the increased mass added to the center point.

Roland squirmed like the worm he was grabbing hold of my leg in an attempt to move the extra weight off for some reprieve to the burning pain erupting throughout his mind.

His pained moans grew annoying making it even easier to bring my heel across the side of his head.

I mounted him and began raining blows down with ferocious strength to the point his friends grew white.

From the corner of my eye, Momma Joan held a hand up signaling that I had done enough for the time being.

I dusted myself off as Roland groggily sat up once more and proceeded to work the blades free with new found anger in bruised eyes.

Many viewed my methods extreme and made me out to be just like the cutthroats that fell victim but it was worth those justifiable opinions if it meant Siegfried was safe.

Many lawless scoundrels like Ronald and his men roam the boonies where they know Ironclad had no reach nor priority.

I have seen the after effects of such cases; buried those who died trying to flee, and slaughtered all who were responsible depending on the gold offered.

I'd gladly wear such a title on my back for as long as needed to protect what I cared about.

[(Siegfried will never be like that as long as I draw breath!)]

My eyes met the battle starved whelps being held back by their superiors begging to join the frey without realizing the danger.

The sound of chairs being pushed backwards danced on the strings of clattering armor and the sweet sounds of swords being drawn.

Tilting my head, the cloaked figure standing at the table's edge stood with an outstretched arm telling the ravenous young to control themselves.

I smiled as the figure urged the young knights with the aid of the two elders back to their seats without an explanation at their inquisitive shocked eyes knowing what would befall them.

Neither knight nor bandit was safe from my blade if it meant keeping Siegfried safe from harm.

"Please let me go," the dog gained my attention once more as his will had finally crumbled, " I'll do as you asked of me."

"Guess you can teach a mongrel like yourself new tricks," I chuckled,"you know what I want you to do."

Crouching so our eyes were level, "Go ahead and apologize to the lady."

Anger burned deep within Roland's amber eyes as he whispered "I'm sorry." 

His face contorted into a mask of pain when I began twisting the right blade until, "I'm sorry! So…so sorry!"

"That wasn't so hard now, was it?" I backed away allowing Momma Joan to take my place. 

Crossing my arms, I watched her walk over to Roland with a calming smile that could soothe the most terrified of children.

Such a smile hid her true intentions like the masks many wear to fool one another.

Roland gave a small pleading smile hoping to greet the warm comfort Momma Joan was giving.

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle when Momma Joan's fist shot out like a bolt of lightning and struck Roland hard in his right cheek.

Teeth, blood, and spittle flew from the poor man's mouth as he once again crumbled to the ground.

"I warned you," she wiped the blood from her knuckles, "I warned all of you what would happen if you caused trouble."

She glared at the other rogues who straightened at her eyes, "Everyone in Siegfried warned you, but you didn't listen." 

Roland howled through the holes in his teeth, "You bitch!!"

"Good dogs listen," I started to make my way back over to Roland but was stopped by Momma's raised hand. 

I watched as she brought her foot down on the hilt deep in his left calf with enough force that the blade dug even further into the wood, "This bitch warned you this would happen."

Roland finally fell unconscious after a fist to the nose as she continued, "For what you did to her, I have a mind to allow Jackal to continue where he left off, but I think killing you won't do Siegfried any good. " 

She turned toward a nearby table where Siegfried's resident blacksmith and carpenter sat drinking, "Sven! Stalo! Take him to Nyxis for healing then drag his sorry ass far from Siegfried."

Without being asked twice, the blonde haired dwarf Stalo and the monstrous ambactus Sven took a position on either side of Roland.

I snapped my fingers and watched the embedded blades turn into shifting streams of black haze before returning to the hidden sheaths.

Sven placed his winged arms under Roland's while Stalo hefted the legs giving them a funny appearance as they slowly carried him.

While they carried Roland away, Momma cursed under her breath grabbing the severed hand and tossing it to the side.

She gave one last glance toward the remaining cutthroats before returning to her seat.

"Now then," I turned to Jesper and the other mongrels, "I want the rest of you to pay for what you owe and extra as compensation for the damages, then leave Siegfried and never return."

I tilted my head, "Got it?"

As a response, Jesper and the others quickly placed several bags of gold coins on the table before scrambling to their feet.

They were practically falling over one another trying to rush through the single door.

For a moment I was afraid that the door would break from the continued force that smashed against it without remorse.

I crossed my arms glaring at those that looked back as if second thoughts popped into their minds but were soon replaced.

They fell through the door like stacked blocks and scattered into the street.

Once the last one was gone, I was relieved that Celeste was relatively alright.

The red mark around her neck did worry me a little but it would eventually heal over time unlike a missing limb.

I waved my right hand in a circular motion like that of the clock in the far corner after my heart finally calmed enough to cast the spell.

With the movement of my hand, a black void tore through the open space until a doorway formed showing the inviting double doors of the nearby Hot Spring.

A slight haze crept into the corners of my vision that soon disappeared after a few seconds.

"Take her and get some new clothes," I turned to Marie, "I'll finish up here while you're away."

Without questioning me, Marie helped Celeste to her feet and walked through the doorway where their figures disappeared.

I willed the doorway to close in on itself after ensuring that both of them were safely on the other side.

I adjusted my cloak so its disheveled shape wouldn't cause much worry and headed toward the door.

I noticed Orion playing with Roland's hand like some ball of yarn when going by the little monster.

His little eyes dared me to try and take his new toy from him like I did most.

[(Yarn is a play thing. A ball is a play thing. A human limb or wild boars are not playthings.)]

Once outside, I found a lone figure leaning against the doorway of Nyxis' shop as Sven and Stalo staggered forward.

Her waist length silver hair was tied in a braided ponytail while two strands cascaded freely around her shoulders.

Her bright emerald eyes sat elegantly in their light almond sockets enchanting everyone who looked into them.

The woman wore a simple tailor made olive green dress while a pendant resembling that of a triangle residing within a circle hung peacefully around her neck.

She was the most beautiful woman that I had ever laid eyes on since settling in Siegfried.

The woman stood with her hands on her hips when she noticed me staring at her as Sven and Stalo trudged through the open door of her shop. Her face was a relieved yet irritated mask that mouthed, "You owe me!"

I sat at my table and tended to my blades while watching the cloaked figure that pretended not to be staring back.

The knights were useless when the time came for them to help, especially out here in the boonies where they couldn't care less what happened.

Some could say that the same could be said about the people of Siegfried who did nothing to help one of their own.

The key difference was that the people of Siegfried knew I wouldn't tolerate such antics and would be the first to do something.

These people looked after their own no matter who they were and I'd be damned if such actions would go unpunished.

Marie was once again waiting on tables along with Momma Joan and the goblin Tyke.

Goblins were considered one of the lowest kinds of monsters, but Tyke's tribe was with Momma Joan when Siegfried was first founded.

In all, there were about twenty goblins that called Siegfried home though most found comfort making makeshift towns tucked in the surrounding trees.

Tyke was one of the few that freely worked among the humans that usually killed his kind on sight and was by far a well-liked person.

Monsters are dangerous however there are those that just wish to live a quiet life without fear of being needlessly slaughtered.

Raven's Claw went back to the noisy rambunctious tavern like the incident never took place as drinks flowed and meals were cooked nonstop in a span of moments.

Orion sat on the table beside me as I continued to examine the misericordes for any missed blood splotches.

I was very grateful that only a little of my replenishing mana was used this time around.

Mana is the invisible power that's embodied by everything in the world.

The hazed vision was the result of running on small amounts of mana when casting a spell like the gateway I created for Celeste and Marie.

Another spell I used was the one that allowed me to sever Roland's hand without him realizing what happened.

It was a spell known as Shadow Movement which allowed those of my craft to travel between shadows instantly.

It was among the first spells that I learned during my eleventh winter when my magic began to fully manifest.

With prolonged use, I'm able to use it as many times as needed without the drawback of fainting due to mana shortage.

Shadow Movement is among my favorites to use in unison with blades or close quarter combat depending on the situation. 

I took note that Celeste stood beside me with her head down and the bangs of her recently wet hair covering her eyes, "Thank you for saving me again."

Without looking from the blade's edge, "You know there is no need to thank me." 

Resheathing the final misericorde, I turned to Celeste who continued to stand with her head bowed like a child waiting for punishment.

Her face began to turn a bright shade of crimson as her unseen eyes pierced through the veil of her black hair.

I began to worry that one of Roland's men or Roland himself had paid a visit to the hot springs but that was pushed out of my mind the more I thought about it.

I was about to ask what was wrong when her soft lips pressed against mine.

Shock went through my mind as she quickly tore away from me and left without answering my questions.

Orion stretched his long slender body as he gazed up at me.

Touching my lips, "Your guess is as good as mine."

Orion sat with his tail around him.

I chuckled getting up and headed for the stairs with him close behind, "I think it's better to wait. When she feels like it, I'm sure she'll come find me."

As you can see, my some of my chapters are somewhat long and will be if I feel the need for them to be.

Sorry in Advance

JWhite_9988creators' thoughts